Football singularity

Chapter 123 123 New Skill

[This Story will be ready to read on my p-a-t-r-e-o-n. If you wish to interact with the story more or simply support me the link is Be sure to remove the dashes. I hope to see plenty of you there enjoying this novel.

I demand your power stones as I was deemed worthy by the singularity to present you with its hero's tale, so motivate me to write more and upload chapters faster.]


In the dying minutes of the match, a peculiar scene played out on the field as all the players crowded the eagle's box. Even the Pasco goalkeeper can be seen moving about the box. All the players in the penalty box were eagerly waiting for one of the Pasco players to take the corner kick.

All the players in the area could be seen moving about rowdily looking to get an advantage over their opponent. The Pasco players tried their best to find the best spot with some even trying to crowd the goalkeeper in his five-yard box. This however was swatted by the eagle's two central defenders who guarded him like knights.

That didn't settle the situation in the box though to the point the referee had to blow his whistle a couple of times to settle the situation. The situation only ended when the number three at the corner flag raised his hand and whipped in a high cross. A chain reaction ensued that caused all figures to rise into the air as bodies jumped into the air ready to meet the ball head-on.

Those at the front post were unlucky as the ball was just too high for them to reach. As for those in the middle of the pack, they were forced to battle it out for aerial supremacy. Jake fought shoulder to shoulder with the Pasco striker not giving him an inch of breathing room.

Their duel didn't amount to much though as they both dragged each other down missing the ball by mere inches. That left the Pasco number four at the back post who battled in the air with Ole. Both boys swung their heads towards the ball aiming to strike it first to help their team.

With both heading the ball at the same time it seemingly stopped in mid-air for a second. This moment didn't last long as both boys lost their balance leaving the ball to bounce into the air slightly. Mike who was on his line a moment ago reacted instantly jumping into the air and firmly grasping the ball in his hands.

Tightly protecting the ball in his arms, he fell to the ground waiting for the danger to disperse from his surroundings. Some of the opposing players complained about the fact he was wasting time, but he didn't let them rush him. Only when most of the players left his box did he finally get up.

Wasting a couple minutes instructing his teammates to move up the field he finally launched a long ball up the field after reaching the edge of his box. The referee didn't even wait for the ball to land when he blew his whistle three times to signal the end of the match. That signalled the end of the match with a score of 2:4 for the visiting Eagles team.


[Ding Post Match Review] 

>Goals scored: (2) = 200Sp 

>Assists: (0) = 0Sp 

>Cards: 0 = 10Sp 

>Final Match score: 4:2 Victory = 30Sp 

>Match Rating: C+

[Ding: Secrete Mission Super Sub Completed.]

>Reward: Bronze Level Comeback Kid (Active skill)

'Dang looks like the system is pretty generous today' I thought to myself after seeing the rows of notifications. Not like I'm complaining though after all this is the first active skill that I have received from the system. For some reason, I've only gotten passive skills so far, but I guess they give a better overall boost so it's not so bad.

[You should be happy since that is quite a good skill to have,] Eva chimed in genuinely happy at the fact I got another skill from the system.


->Singularity Skills: 

Bronze Level Comeback Kid (Passive) 

-A skill that gives the host a 10% boost in stats whenever your team is losing by more than 2 goals 

-Skill's Duration 15 minute 

-Cooldown 1 Day 


'This is a little overpowered don't you think especially if I managed to improve my base stats to an extreme.' I couldn't help but think to myself after reading through the description of the skill. This could be a major game changer whenever I need that extra boost in a crucial moment. For example, if we ever play a team that manages to lock me down and dominate my team as well this could give me a chance to breathe life back into the game.

[You should try and upgrade it as it can prove to be useful in the future especially when you have to fight for a starting spot on your future team.] Eva advised highlighting the clear pros of this skill especially When I first make my debut.

From the games I've watched so far, I've noticed a trend of young footballers being introduced during games where the team is losing or against weak teams. Whatever the case I want to make my debut to highlight the potential that I have so I'll make it count. Since a Lion uses all its strength to kill a weak gazelle, I will do the same by utilising all of my skills.

"Yo Rakim hurry up the Bus is about to leave," Ben W. called out to me bringing me out of my thoughts. Nodding at his words I slipped on my Nike sliders and put on my team hoodie. I was the last one in the changing room since I somehow ended up taking my shower last.

"Let's go, bro you gone share your snack bar with me since I scored a goal for you?" I responded with a happy smile as I got up from the bench with my duffel bag ready to leave this place. Hearing my question, he seemed to be contemplating it really hard as if I had asked him to give me money or something.

"Hmm Okay but you will have to share one of your breakfast cookies with me tomorrow," He answered with a smile handing me a strawberry snack bar which he fished out of his duffel bag.

"Alright but only one they taste too good to share," was my response to his proposition as I quickly snatched the bar from his hand. Not like I'm lying though since Mom's homemade cookies are the best.

Not long after that, we boarded the bus which was already rowdy with the boys singing and chanting songs. Max was perched up on his seat and animatedly stride up the crowd with one of his stories. From the front, I could hear him recounting his run that led to my second goal.

The only problem with his story was the fact that it just didn't seem real and sounded more like a work of fiction. Heck, the show captain Tsubasa seems more real than his version of his run. Deciding that I didn't want to deal with all the noise I took a seat somewhere in the middle of the bus.

Ben seemingly had the same Idea as me taking the sea across from mine. Before any of my friends even had the chance to try and persuade me to change seats the bus started driving. Using the extra space, I sprawled my legs along the seat and closed my eyes so I could take a nap.


The ride back to school wasn't that long, then again, I slept through most of it. The bus wasn't all that relaxing, but it still allowed me to get some shut-eye. Mom picked me up from the school's parking lot showering me with a proud smile. We spent the ride home in a present atmosphere as we discussed all types of things.

Turns out that her new clients are quite the handful but she's managing to deal with them. Apparently, she is also learning new things from them and that is motivating her to keep going. By the time we got home, we had discussed a myriad of different things.

Once home I had a light meal with Dad since the both of us haven't had anything to eat yet. Mom didn't join us for dinner saying that she had already eaten before my game. Emma was at May's house and would be home later or might end up just staying over. At this point that place is her second home just by the amount of time she spends there.

"You excited about your first official day at the academy tomorrow?" Dad suddenly asked me to cause me to look up from my plate. 

To Be Continued... 


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