Football singularity

Chapter 117 117 Away Game

Chapter  117  117 Away Game 

{This Story will be ready to read on my p-a-t-r-e-o-n. If you wish to interact with the story more or simply support me the link is Be sure to remove the dashes. I hope to see plenty of you there enjoying this novel.

I demand your power stones as I was deemed worthy by the singularity to present you with its hero's tale, so motivate me to write more and upload chapters faster.}


"Alright, kids settle down," Mrs Parker loudly exclaimed grabbing our attention towards the front of the classroom. We had just come back from our morning break and her English class was next on the agenda.

She is actually one of my favourite teachers at the school and not just because she is a massive football fan. No in fact she tries her best to make her lessons as enjoyable as possible. She goes above and beyond to keep our attention for the forty-five minutes we get with her daily.

"With today being Friday, we will be discussing this week's reading," she said with a smile pulling out her copy of the book. Reading the book is not mandatory but when she asks you questions about it, and you can't answer you will get extra homework.

Basically, instead of giving us loads of homework throughout the week she picks out a book and gives us a set number of pages we have to read. Easy enough right yes but she also requires us to take notes in our notebook on what we found interesting and what we maybe struggled to understand. Although this is still a form of homework but it's a lot more fun than just writing easy every week.

Well, we do have to write a two-hundred-word essay on what the book was about and what we have learned from it after finishing reading the book. It's not as bad as it sounds since you can just combine the rest of your notes to complete your essay and just have to add your own thoughts to it. The book we are reading at the moment is called Case of Mistaken Identity.

According to Eva, it's about seventy per cent similar to a book called 'The Case of the Case of Mistaken Identity' in my past life. Although the naming sense may need a lot of innovation the book is quite enjoyable to read. The funny thing is that even in this world the author remains the same Mr. Mac Barnett. Which just goes to show you that if it's meant to be it will find a way to make it happen.

"Rakim what happened in this week's reading," Mrs Parker suddenly called out to me bringing me out of my daze. Realising that she probably called out to me because I'd been spacing off, I quickly stood up to answer her.

"I feel like Stephan is quite the troublemaker, reminds me a little bit of my friend Liam," I started off calmly talking some nonsense as I tried thinking of the best way to word my answer. My sentence earned me some snickers from the kids in the class and even Mrs. Parker chuckled slightly. Liam was the only one unhappy with my words complaining about how Stephan couldn't hold a candle to him when it came to causing trouble.

Ignoring him I decided to continue answering the teacher after deciding on what I wanted to say. "Especially when he uses his wits to outwit the police, but somehow still manages to attract trouble," I answered her with expectant eyes wanting to hear what she thought of my answer.

"Haha good to know you paid attention to your reading please extend that to my lessons as well," She answered me with a sly smile letting me know that she was well aware that I wasn't fully paying attention. Looks like what Dad says about women having supernatural perceptions is true.

"Yes, Mrs I'm sorry," Is all I said to her quickly sitting down on my seat not wanting to gain more of her ire. She didn't let her displeasure of me not paying attention stop her from praising my answer and expanding on it.


"Are you leaving after lunch?" Emma shot a question in my direction as soon as I took my seat at our lunch table.

"Yeah, we get to skip the last two periods since the journey to Pasco Middle School, is like 90 minutes plus traffic," I told her whilst also digging into my lunch which was surprisingly from the canteen. Usually, Mom makes our lunch, but she has been busy throughout the week after getting a celebrity client's.

Something about them being way too demanding of her attention and the fact they had a weird workout schedule. Apparently, the group read something on the internet and now are forcing mom to help them in their training. Forcing is a strong word since they are paying her but I'm fairly sure she would rather be in bed at four in the morning.

"It's your first away game, isn't it?" May asked from my right where she had at some point teleported without my notice. Then again, the chicken curry with rice in front of me deserves all the attention right now.

Unlike what the movies have led me to believe our school canteen food is surprisingly good. Then again it is a private school, and they make the food fresh each day and the selection is also quite large. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if they were hiring a group of chefs just for lunchtime.

"Are you going to be alright?" Emma asked me again sounding worried about the fact that it was going to be the first time I travel without anyone from my family. Touched by her concerns I stopped eating for a second to face her so I could reassure her worries.

"Don't worry I will be okay and If I do get scared, I'll phone you or Mom to the rescue," I told her trying my best to ease her worries which worked as her mood visibly brightened up.

You might be wondering why I didn't say that I would call Dad for help. Well, the answer to that is simple calling him would be overkill. His calm demeanour is what you need when you're in a real crisis not when you feel homesick. Mom's over-protectiveness and bite-first ask-questions-later mentality are what you really need in that situation. Why Emma you ask? The answer is quite simple Every good rescue mission needs a cute mascot.

"You will be fine bro, just don't score an own goal that would be embarrassing," Liam chimed in from my other side as he tried to encourage me in his own way I think. Not minding his words, I refocused on my food before another person could have the chance to interrupt me.

"What are we wearing for the Halloween dance?" Liv asked the girls turning the attention away from me. Listening to them discuss what they are going to dress up reminded me that I probably need a costume as well.

Although I'm not a huge fan of cosplaying it might be fun to dress up as an anime character. I just have to pick carefully otherwise I will be getting some weird looks from the kids at school afterwards.

"Do you all want to pick costumes as a group, like something for the six of us?" Jenna asked the girls bringing me out of my thoughts since I might end up wearing something goofy depending on the girl's choice.

"Yeah, we could dress up like the Power Rangers or the Winx club," May spoke up sounding way too happy about the idea as she started listening of different group's characters. Some of them were all-girls groups as well so I was starting to sweat thinking about that prospect.

"Rakim, I think Lexi is calling us," Liam suddenly exclaimed jumping up from his seat and directly dragging me away from the table before I could even react. Looking at him scared that he looked like he just escaped a calamity I just followed him.


"Alright boys I know that it's our first time on the road this season and you're all excited but do keep it calm and don't get too rowdy." Coach Bauer instructed from the front of the bus just as we pulled away from the parking lot.

The bus was pretty spacious since no other team was travelling with us to the school. We each have a row to ourselves to enjoy our personal space except for the few who can't go a minute without sitting next to their friend. I chose to sit by myself on the third last row right in front of Max.

I wanted to sit further upfront but according to Max and Tom, all the action is back here. Which turned out to be true as most of my teammates seemed to want to squeeze into the last two rows. Ryan tried to sit next to me, but I was quick to send him over to Finn as I got ready to sleep. Oh, how wrong I was this trip had no plan of letting me sleep in peace.





To Be Continued...


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