Flower Master in the City

Chapter 37. Ye Shao Xiong plot

Chapter 37. Ye Shao Xiong plot

“Have you not heard off High Total name?” Liu Yun Man is really vexed, this person how he seems to not care about anything?

“Yes seem to just hear about him from you.” Summer Of course not heard of him after all he came to Jianghai City only a few days.

“I tell you High total is not an average person he ……” Liu Yun Man watching Summer have that indifferent look she has a kind of hit him impulses.

Summer interrupted Liu Yun Man’s words: “Cloud Man sister I am not the average person.”

Liu Yun Man slightly hesitated and then they calm down.

As a doctor coupled with her extraordinary experience Liu Yun Man has a stronger than most people’s psychological if not all of a sudden so many things happen today and the concerned that her whole family survival things that she will not be so confused but now hear Summer these words she finally realized that things may not be as she thought so bad.

All her fears are built on a basis that Summer was just an ordinary flowers work but Summer has reminded her and showed her time and time again that he was in fact not an ordinary flowers work he is a generation doctor that can even make her grandmother such level personally visit he is Guards eight-pin successor.

(T.L Notes: “Guards eight-pin successor” well that’s technically wrong but you guys will understand what I mean in the future)

Noon what happened at the restaurant proves Summer is not ordinary his body seems there are a lot she did not know the mysterious this time Liu Yun Man suddenly vaguely aware that Summer doesn’t care for high Total Maybe not because of his ignorance but he himself has a strong capacity.

“Summer!” a lovely voice it is Sun Xinxin came out of the flower shop she looked to Liu Yun Man: “ You are Liu doctor? Outside the sun is hot let’s go into the Flower Shop and sit.”

“Hello I’m Liu Yun Man you are ……” Liu Yun Man recovered.

“Liu doctor I was Sun Xinxin, Xinxin Flower Shop boss also Summer friend.” Sun Xinxin tone increased on the friend word seemed unconscious she has felt threat from Liu Yun Man.

Liu Yun Man no longer speak Sun Xinxin looked at Summer tone with a hint of reproach taste: “Summer how you can make a guests stay outside in the hot sun? Why not let Liu doctors come in?”

“Yes Cloud Man sister lets go inside!” Summer is not afraid of heat so he can not feel the heat so standing outside there is no big deal but with Sun Xinxin such a reminder he just remember.

Liu Yun Man followed Summer and went in while quite profound looked at Sun Xinxin one she is acutely aware Sun Xinxin is deliberately showing some intimate relationship between her and Summer.

“Liu doctors sit down!” Sun Xinxin very warm greeting Liu Yun Man even personally poured hr a glass of water.

“Miss Sun Thank you.” Liu Yun Man faint smile very casual sweep the Flower Shop this Flower Shop was not much but give her the feeling is pretty good.

“Liu doctor is Summer attitude when sending flower not good enough?” Sun Xinxin open asked “If so then I am on his behalf to apologize to you.”

Attitude when sending flowers what?

Liu Yun Man sometimes a little did not react of course she soon realized that in fact Summer job is flowers work and he had been her understanding but also because flowers. But how it sounds so weird.

“Miss Sun you are mistaken I am looking for Summer because of something else.” Liu Yun Man shook her head but my mind was thinking Summer to send flowers attitude is really not very good go in and grabbed her hand if others fear is directly called indecent assault. But that’s not the current matter

“Xin sister what this have to do with flower thing?” Summer could not justify.

“Well you do not talk!” Sun Xinxin slightly rebuke Summer then say “When we go home at night you can slowly explain!”

Go home at night slowly explain?

Liu Yun Man a little surprised to read Sun Xinxin one even a fool can listen to understand that these words there are another layer of meaning that is Sun Xinxin and Summer are living together in other words they have already develop to that stage.

“So Miss Sun is not only Summer boss but also Summer’s girlfriend.” Liu Yun Man was passing a ray of discomfort but soon returned to normal “In this case one thing I’m afraid I have to remind Miss Sun.”

“Liu doctors I do not know what thing you wish to say?” Sun Xinxin did not deny but lay it out as a default fact that she was his girlfriend originally she did not want to so quickly admit such a thing since she felt her and Summer time is to short. But when she directly saw Liu Yun Man she felt a powerful threat forcing her to admit in advance in her view to Liu Yun Man’s condition once she knows the relationship between her and Summer she certainly will not continue dealings.

In fact Sun Xinxin still do not understand her feelings for Summer. It’s just that he give her a very safe feeling, since encountering Summer she felt she finally found someone she can strongly rely on. She was not sure if she truly love Summer or not but she still feels she must seize him, to seize this man that give her security.

“You heard of High Total?” Liu Yun Man watching Sun Xinxin ask.

As she expected Sun Xinxin shook her head she did not know this person in fact this is also normal they are from different circle for such level characters if Sun Xinxin had not met Summer in this life she might not have any interaction.

“Ah he will not be that legendary Jianghai first Master right?” Fang Xiaoru exclaim.

Liu Yun Man a little surprised looked up at Fang Xiaoru: “Have you heard of him?”

“That is used to listen to our class female student say that he was Jianghai most unmarried women welcome diamond bachelor.” Fang Xiaoru little bit embarrassed “the specific situation I do not know.”

“What? well it should be said before I came he is the first.” Summer a little unconvinced received a sentence.

“Come on you do not go all narcissistic except Xin sister I do not believe there will be someone to crush on you!” Fang Xiaoru said snappily.

(T.L Notes: Well you better prepare for your worldview to be flip)

“Yes High total is indeed call Jianghai first master, in the so-called Jianghai four small High total is in the first row.” Liu Yun Man look a bit complicated.

“Really there are Jianghai four small ah?” Wang Jie was surprised “I seem to have heard that but I thought it was people fabricated it!”

“Uh they all seem to be in wealthy circles the so-called high society we naturally have no relationship with them.” Fang Xiaoru exclaimed “You can live life and think of them as just stories to listen to.”

“I am afraid that in the future you can not take it as a story.” Liu Yun Man looked Summer look “Because from now on you have been drag into.”

“Liu doctors What do you mean? “Sun Xinxin a look a bit confused she was just an ordinary man in her view with these so-called high society circles is completely detached from and even that Liu Yun Man she also not link in her world.

“Because Summer offended High Total but to my understanding of High Total, to deal with Summer it would start with the people around him and you are Summer people around especially you Miss Sun as you are Summer girlfriend it’s likely to be High total most focus goal. “Liu Yun Man finish Her words in addition to Summer. Sun Xinxin and others are stunned.

After a while Wang Jie first cried: “Brother you will not be another hit a beauty right?”

“Summer you how can cause so much trouble?” Fang Xiaoru very dissatisfied.

Sun Xinxin was a look of concern: “Summer in the end what happens?”

Summer face became unhappy a slight twitched: “I did not offend him but he offended me!”

Called High total kid seem to really carve deep fear into Liu Yun Man which makes Summer very unhappy he should of beat High total from the first meeting now he began to regret.

“Brother how he offended you?” Wang Jie could not help but ask.

“He frightened Cloud Man sister.” Summer discontent said.

Liu Yun Man bit speechless this guy is up to now still not put High total seriously!

(T.L Notes: Didn’t she just recognize that things may not be as serious as she thought now look at how fast she went back. But she is wrong Summer never offend him as long as Summer is by her side High total will try to remove him and she really take High total to highly and look down on Summer but I guess it’s because she Knows nothing about Summer)

“Liu doctor if High total really want to deal with us then what are we supposed to do?” Sun Xinxin little nervously asked.

Liu Yun Man long silence then shook his head: “I do not know as far as I know offend High total people no one have a good end.”

“Offend me do not have a good end!” Summer unconvinced received a sentence “What four little Jianghai that is together I could still kill them what High total count?”

“You’re say it as if it’s very easy but you seem to simply do not know Jianghai four little is what people right?” Liu Yun Man snappily said.

“I do not care about these small role.” Summer disapproval said.

Liu Yun Man unconsciously rubbed her head not a headache but it has become her habit action. Jianghai elite circle of well-known Jianghai four small in Summer mouth actually become a small role If these words reached the four men ears I’m afraid they will be angry and vomiting blood right?

(T.L Notes: It’s a fact though)

Thought Liu Yun Man decided in detail to Summer introduce the situation: “Jianghai City has three families namely Joe, Ye and the Su of which Joe is the strongest Ye home and Su follow. The four small masters 3 represent each of the 3 families Joe has Joe Dong hai, Ye has Ye shao Jie and Su has Su Xiaocan coupled with High total make up Jianghai four small.”

“Joe Dong hai, Ye shao Jie, Su Xiaocan, and High Total. Well I remember them next time I see them I’ll beat them.” Summer said to himself.

Liu Yun Man gritted her teeth she almost curse but continue: “Although High total is not apart of any of the three family but to be able to take the first sit over the three first families in Jianghai four small don’t you think there is a problem?”

“Cloud Man sister you are taking things to much.” Summer indifference then remembered things asked a sentence “Cloud Man sister, Qiao Xiao Qiao and Joe dong Yun are Joe right? There is Ye Meng Ying and Ye Shaoxiong are Ye home? Su Jun Feng and Su Beibei yes also there is that Su Zi Jiang Idiot are all Su family man right?”


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