Flash Marriage: The Domineering Wife

Chapter 297 Cutie

Chapter 297 Cutie

"Yeah, that wouldn't be very romantic, huh?" He asked her, feeling his face burn at his own comment. He hoped that he hadn't crossed a line by saying that. She was the toughest person that he knew, but he still didn't want to make her uncomfortable.

"It'd be adorable," Ying Sheng mused as she tucked her legs under her, curling up in her seat.

Adorable. Liam almost cringed at hearing that. He felt like no matter what happened, she would always see him as her cute friend and not in the good way. He wanted to be more, but he couldn't change her lack of feelings for him. Could he?

"We have to clean the apartment this weekend. We've been slacking," he reminded her, drawing himself away from the topic of romance before he said something that he would later regret.

With his work and her school, they were busy most of the time, and little things tended to slip through the cracks. He had forgotten to sweep the floor that week, and she had forgotten to dust the living room. They still had a lot of growing up to do, but he didn't mind tackling that journey with her.

Ying Sheng groaned as she tilted her head back, a sigh drifting from her.

"I know. I'm sorry. I've had so many reports due lately, and my senior capstone project is eating me alive," Ying Sheng apologized as she flashed him an apologetic look.

Liam wasn't upset with her in the slightest.

He knew how hard she worked in school and that she wanted to open up her own bakery, which he was in full support of. They both had plenty on their plate, and it wasn't either of their faults for being busy.

"It's fine,Ying Sheng. We don't have to worry about it until this weekend," he told her, not wanting her to worry about it. They still had to finish up the week, and then they had to get through the next and then the next. Life was a cycle, one that he let take him wherever.Ying Sheng fought against the current to get to where she wanted.

Ying Sheng gave him a thankful look as she set her empty sushi box down on the middle console between them, only a few grains of rice left inside.

"Thank you," she murmured, her soft edge shining through as it did every once in awhile. It only came out in certain moments, ones that were deep and honest between them.

Liam felt a blush burn at his face as he gazed at her, admiring how her dark hair perfectly framed her face and how round the curves of her lips looked. There were so many things that he wanted to tell her, but he was too afraid to say them. He was scared of a lot of things, and that had cost him plenty of experiences. He felt like he had only experienced a portion of what life could be like for him, but that was his own fault.

"What are friends for, yeah?" He replied, mentally wanting to kick himself for being so shy and weak around her. Then again, he was timid in most situations, whether she was there or not.

Ying Sheng's face brightened as she nodded, reaching out to gently squeeze his hand.

"You're the best. I must've done something right to deserve you," Ying Sheng told him warmly as she drew her hand away from his.

Liam was sure that he was the lucky one to have met her. She changed his life for the better, and it wasn't only because she saved his skin by splitting the bills with him.

"I guess we both played our cards right," Liam told her. The universe decided to bring them together, and he hoped that they wouldn't be forced apart. She was a big part of his life now.

He saw her every single day, whether it was in the morning when she dragged herself out of bed for class when he was getting ready for work or at night when they ate dinner together and caught up. He couldn't imagine her not being a part of his routine.

"Well, you're far more fun to live with than my parents," Ying Sheng muttered as she tossed her trash into the takeout bag before throwing it on the floor of the car.

Liam kept a frown from crossing his face, knowing that her family was a sensitive topic to talk about. Her rocky relationship with them had led to them being roommates in the first place. He didn't wish for her relationship to be so complicated with them, but he was glad that they were living together.

"I think you just like bossing me around," Liam chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.

Ying Sheng brightened up at that, an amused smile crossing her lips.

"Aah I think you're right. Let's take a drive,"

Ying Sheng told him with a mischievous look on her face. She turned around in her seat and put her car in drive, pulling out of the spot on the side of the street to head out of downtown and toward the outskirts of the city.

Liam already knew what she was up to. Liam lived her life wildly and quickly, always chasing down the next moment. He admired her drive, but he did worry about her going too fast at times. He didn't want her to get into too much trouble or to miss out on enjoying the moments she raced through.

"Your last speeding ticket didn't teach you a lesson?" He smirked as she sped down a dim back road, the orange-hued streetlights streaking by.

"He didn't give me a ticket. He gave me a warning," Ying Sheng reminded him as she placed her hand under her chin in a charming manner before gripping the steering wheel.

Ying Sheng chuckled, guessing that she had charmed her way out of a ticket. She could be sneaky, but he felt like she never tried to trick him. They were honest with each other, but he had a feeling that there were things that she didn't tell him. At times, there seemed to be a dark cloud looming over her, and he suspected that it had to do with the complicated relationship that she had with her family. He only knew so many details about that issue.

"Just try not to get us killed. We still have a long life ahead of us," Liam told her as he smiled at her from the passenger's seat.

Ying Sheng remained quiet for a moment, the happy creases in her face fading for a moment.

"Yeah," she replied before coaxing a smile back onto her face and then speeding up.

Liam wanted to question that lapse in happiness, but he didn't say anything. She was in the moment, and he didn't want to interrupt that for her. Sometimes, it was best to step back and let her feel. When she was ready, he was sure that she would tell him. For now, he decided to just enjoy the ride and the moments that came with it.

A/N: Hyy guys hope you're all good! okay remember I promised giveaway before I disappeared? lol so if I remember the following people were leading in the ff order

1. Rebecka- Carr

2. Arit- UbongAbasi

3. Sheila-Oaks

please message me at for your prize!

Thank you for the suppport


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