Flash Marriage: The Domineering Wife

Chapter 290 Game begin

Chapter 290 Game begin


The days passed by in a blur for Yan Mei. After finding out the truth and forgiving the people who caused her the pain, she felt more peaceful and freer. Now she just wanted to focus on herself, build a family and be happy with the man she loves.

Unfortunately, fate would not leave her alone as usual. The villain in her life had been monitoring her and was just waiting for the right moment to strike at her. That moment was finally here.

Seeing the glow back in her eyes irked him. Why should she be happy while he suffered? She got to be with the one she loves while he can't even be with the woman he has fallen in love with!

His little innocent maid whom he had just killed with his bare hands. Gu Zhi looked at his blood-stained hands holding a dead heart as a single tear fell out from his eyes. He-he really killed her.

Gu Zhi couldn't hear anything above the pounding or the blood in his ears.

One word kept running through his head as he remembered the scene in front of her 'betrayal', the truth broadsiding him.

Gu Zhi gasped, but at first, it didn't register. He was barely keeping himself from throttling the vacuous creature chatting away in front of him as if the words she said didn't have any serious impact.

"Yes master, he has completely fallen in love with me. Everything is going according to plan. Very soon I will get rid of this monster for causing harm to the young mistress. So stupid thinking anyone could ever love a psycho like him."

The stinging words were delivered in a lightly conversational tone and Gu Zhi wondered if this overly coiffed woman didn't have enough sense to see the danger, she was currently in.

It took a lot of courage to insult a man's intelligent to his face or a lot of stupidity. In this case, he was inclined to believe it was a terminal case of short-sightedness, shitty personality, and a huge dose of stupidity.

Currently, his fists clenched until they bled white but the creature in front of him was so focused on talking to whoever was communicating to her through her pendant to notice him.

"you should be becareful and not act rashly. We all know that man isn't normal and he is working with people from the underworld."

That was when she heard the soft gasp, she discounted it but it was quickly followed by the crash of glass on the floor. That was when she looked up to see Gu Zhi, standing just inside the room with angry tears dripping down his face and a look she would never be able to describe.

It was anger in a maelstrom of pain, filled with regret and not a little bit of self-blame. It was a look one would wear if they ever heard of a betrayal from someone so close to them, but it held more, much more.

Subconsciously she stepped back. He looked so wounded and she was afraid of what he would do to her. In order for Gu Zhi not to suspect anything they sent someone with no fighting skills or powers.

Her feet turned in an automatic flight response, she needed to get away. Away from this psycho. Absently she heard him calling her, like a voice far away "Yu Xi! Yu Xi!" But her feet kept moving, in an absent-minded motion she threw open the door and barged into the rain.

Gu Zhi didn't know what he was feeling. He couldn't begin to fathom the emotions tearing him apart but he knew one thing, he couldn't allow her to keep running. He didn't know where she was going, he doubted she had any plan to go to any particular place, he understood her need to escape but he also knew there was no running from this.

She was going to pay dearly for her betrayal

"Yu Xi!" He called his voice almost drowned out by the pour down. She ran even faster and turned the corner away from him. Her steps were disjointed as if she was drunk, he chased after her, turning the corner in a haste before pulling to an abrupt stop.

She had crashed to her knees in the middle of the sidewalk, crouched down as she cried, not even bothering to protect herself from the cold rain.

"Please… don't kill me, please, don't…." She muttered incoherently.

Gu Zhi said nothing but he stripped off his jacket and crouched beside her. He called her name once more, but when she didn't respond he decided to just drape the jacket around her.

"Yu Xi?" He tried again

"My baby" her anguished whisper was his response.

He tensed, his body going as stuff as a board, the only time he had ever heard her say those words and sound like that was when she was having a nightmare. He doesn't even know if those nightmares were real or not.

She must have been lost in thoughts because his next words jolted her," It's okay, let's go home." He quickly lifted her up and cradled her to his chest as he walked back to their house.

They said nothing because he couldn't trust himself not to do something terrible to her.

Yu Xi whimpered and he pulled her a little closer before he jostled her to the side, opened the door, and carried her in, heading straight for the bathroom.

He turned on the hot tap, allowing it to fill up the tub while he carefully stripped off her clothes. She remained quiet, except for a few whimpers and pain-filled murmurs but he didn't know if she was still lost in her thoughts or in fear.

After stripping her completely, he submerged her into the hot water, using a loofah to dab at her head and shoulder to spread the warmth to parts of her post that remained above water.

After he was done, he had her in bed, dry warm and suitably clothed.

He sat beside her on the bed as he hugged her shivering body.

"Shss…..I'm going to make this less painful." Yu Xi widened her eyes in fear at his words.

"No-No don't. I…."

"Shsss…..sleep darling. Since you stole my heart I guess it's only normal I take yours too. My sweet angel."

Yu Xi widened her eyes in fear but before she could say anything she feel into complete darkness. She didn't even know how or when he had killed her.

"Boss! Boss!" His assistant voice snapped him out of his thoughts. He looked up at the man.

The man looked at the body with her chest opened and he shivered. His boss was really a nut case. How could he-

"Stare at her again and I will gouge your eyes out." Gu Zhi said calmly as his lips curved into a sinister smile.

"Sorry Boss! Everything has been arranged according to plans. Tomorrow we are ready to carry on."

"Alright. Let the game begin." Gu Zhi said as he let out a manic laugh.

A/N: Sorry guys for disappearing hehe. Also ofc the book hasn't ended was just pulling your legs! And I believe I owe some people. Yes i remember that one too. Will settle it soon!


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