Five Frozen Centuries

Chapter 432: Main Storyline Ending (1): The Bridge of Illusion

Chapter 432: Main Storyline Ending (1): The Bridge of Illusion

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Xiao Cheng, who had the Spacetime Rule, turned his body into the Dao and merged with the Taiji symbol behind the Dao Lord. The Taiji symbol suddenly shone brightly.

Then, the Dao Integration Realm Dao Lord shouted and used Spacetime Reversal. He considered rebuilding the River of Time.

The entire world was still collapsing. No one could stop it. There was only one way. They could rebuild the River of Time according to Wei Huo’s instructions and turn it into a bridge that connected the void and reality. They could then go to reality through the bridge.


With a loud bang, countless fragments of the River of Time were sucked back into the river.

The Dao Lord shouted, “Wei Huo, what should we do next?”

Wei Huo arrived at the source of the River of Time and stepped into it. Soon, the entire River of Time started trembling.

This was the River of Time, the River of Destiny, the main storyline, and the chain of memories. It was unconscious, objective, and uncontrollable.

However, it was obvious how difficult it was for Wei Huo to control the River of Time with his willpower.

“I’m here!” Lu Qiqi turned into a stream of light and landed in the source of the long River of Time. She fused with Wei Huo, and the two of them completed their Dao Integration. Lu Qiqi’s consciousness disappeared completely, and there was another Rule on Wei Huo’s body.

The Rule of Disappearance and the Rule of Death were activated at the same time, but they were still unable to move the River of Time.

The Snake God’s gigantic body turned into a stream of light and drilled into the source of the River of Time. It then fused with Wei Huo. The Snake God’s consciousness disappeared as well, and the three Rules overlapped.

Rule of Death, Rule of Disappearance, and Devouring Rule!

The three Rules were all Rules with strong destructive power. When the three Rules attacked, the source of the River of Time finally started collapsing. However, it was still not enough. It was still a little short.

Chen Xuanyue could not stay calm. She was about to rush into the source when the Dao Lord said, “I’ll do it!”

After saying that, the Dao Lord entered the source with the Taiji symbol and Dao Integration along with Wei Huo. More than 200 Rules suddenly fused with Wei Huo’s body, and the Dao Lord’s consciousness disappeared. Wei Huo, who had obtained so much Rule Power, finally pulled the River of Time. Then, the almost unlimited River of Time suddenly changed direction. The river started spinning out of the imagination space. It only needed to turn 180 degrees to connect with the path to reality!

The River of Time started spinning with over 200 Rules. Its speed was about the same as the speed of the second hand on the clock. In other words, they only needed 30 seconds to connect the River of Time to the outside world.

Chen Xuanyue wanted to join the team that was spinning the River of Time, but Wei Huo said, “Chen Xuanyue, you’re an observer. You have to witness everything. Otherwise, no one will come back.”

“Come back?” Chen Xuanyue was confused. She asked, “Are you willing to abandon the Dao Integration Realm and return?”

The Dao Integration Realm was a powerful realm. It had gathered over 200 Rules and was strong enough to break through the void and all barriers. If there was a world outside the world, Wei Huo, who was at the Dao Integration Realm, could fight his way out. However, was Wei Huo planning to abandon this realm?

“Chen Xuanyue, you have to witness everything!” Wei Huo said. “I’m no longer a lifeform of this world, so me being a witness is useless. You have to retain your consciousness. They can only return if you remember them.”


The River of Time swept over and penetrated the fragile world barrier before rushing into the sea of memories. The River of Time swept past and shattered several icebergs.

The sea of memories was in chaos. Countless icebergs were shattered, and countless aquatic plants were smashed by other Rivers of Time. With this sweep, countless imaginary worlds were completely destroyed.

However, this was also a principle of nature. Just like the way living creatures reproduced, only the strongest gene could escape this siege with physical strength. Everything else would die.

Reality was cruel.

There was only one River of Time that could be used to build a bridge. As long as the bridge was successfully built, other imagination spaces would not have this chance, as there was only one path leading to the outside world!


30 seconds had passed. With a loud bang, the River of Time was finally stuck at the tunnel entrance.

“Let’s go!”

Wei Huo shouted and rushed out along the River of Time. Chen Xuanyue followed him closely. The Taiji symbol on Wei Huo’s back shattered. As Chen Xuanyue observed, the Taiji symbol turned back into the more than 200 Rule Bodies. Then, the Rule Bodies turned back into the Mythical creatures.

Mythical creatures had an endless lifespan. As long as they retained a tiny bit of consciousness, they could be reborn. It was this special effect that made them return after retreating from the Dao Integration Realm.

Before the 200-odd Mythical creatures could understand what was going on, the Dao Lord immediately emitted a spiritual wave and explained everything.

Wei Huo said, “The bridge has been set up. Let’s leave quickly!”

Everyone rushed out by using the bridge. Wei Huo and the Dao Lord left first, while Lu Qiqi, the Snake God, Xiao Cheng, Chen Xuanyue, and the other Mythical creatures were behind them.

They were fantasy creatures. They could only rush out through the River of Time, which came from the same source as them. As they kept charging into the outside world, their bodies gradually changed.

They rushed into the sea of memories and kept moving along the bridge. Zhang Zhiwen’s memory fragments were around them, and everyone was looking at them as they moved forward.

They saw Zhang Zhiwen’s first time wetting his bed, Zhang Zhiwen’s first time scoring 0 on a test, Zhang Zhiwen’s rejection after his first love confession, Zhang Zhiwen’s first time...

Zhang Zhiwen’s dark history was exposed before the eyes of over 200 Mythical creatures. This suddenly made all the Mythical creatures sigh.

“So this is the person who created us.”

“He’s an ordinary person.”

Even so, the Mythical creatures had seen many Zhang Zhiwens working hard in the sea of memories. No matter how many setbacks he encountered, he kept writing. He never gave up on hsi dreams no matter what happened. Otherwise, Mythical creatures like them would not have been created, let alone have transcended the world.

Strange thoughts were born in the hearts of many Mythical creatures. These thoughts could not be born in Wei Huo’s heart because he did not belong to this world. That was why he did not feel much as he left.

However, these Mythical creatures were different. They belonged to this world to begin with. When they left this place and saw their creator’s memories, they felt an indescribable emotion.

They rushed out of the sea of memories and continued climbing. This time, they saw countless icebergs. These icebergs were memories that Zhang Zhiwen remembered deeply. Below the sea were memories that Zhang Zhiwen thought he had forgotten.

These two existences formed all of Zhang Zhiwen’s memories.

However, at that moment, his memories were being damaged. A portion of them had been destroyed by the rat poison, and a portion of them had been damaged by Wei Huo’s forceful sweep of the River of Time. Wei Huo did not know which parts had been damaged.

They continued moving forward and climbing. However, gradually, the River of Time began to get narrow. This was because the Mythical creatures had absorbed the power of the River of Time. If they wanted to leave this place and head to reality, they would have to undergo some modifications. They would have to advance from imaginary creatures to real creatures.

Someone said worriedly, “Can the River of Time withstand all of us?”

Wei Huo replied, “Don’t worry, it definitely can. However, there’s still a problem!”

The Dao Lord asked, “What’s the problem?”

Wei Huo said, “The River of Time, which is the main storyline, seems to have an end, right? If the River of Time is not long enough, we might not be able to reach the real world.”

Upon hearing Wei Huo’s words, everyone recalled that the River of Time had an end. At its end were the words ‘The Story Is Over’.


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