First Move, Checkmate: How Will You Respond?

Chapter 4: How Could You Make a Move on an Underage Girl!

Chapter 4: How Could You Make a Move on an Underage Girl!

Gwen walked in surrounded by servants. Victor very gentlemanly extended his hand to invite her into the conference room.

He and Gwen walked side by side. Along the way, Gwen sized up Victor and caught a glimpse of the pitch-black one-eyed crow perched on his shoulder.

After entering the conference room, Victor gestured to the servants around him, who tactfully left.

Once the conference room door was closed, Gwen and Victor took their seats.

Gwen asked coldly: Did you receive the academys invitation?

Victor tapped his fingers on the table and said: I did.

After his reply, the air in the room suddenly turned cold.

At this moment, Victor had no idea what this womans attitude towards himself really was.

Although they were engaged, she was also the one who ultimately killed Victor. Victor felt like Gwen didnt have any feelings for him at all.

Yet Gwen had helped him.

The professor invitation from the academy naturally also had the Delin familys help in backing his nomination.

Helping him was also helping themselves.

Victor waved his hand, and five bottles of bright red life potions appeared on the table, lined up in front of Gwen.

Please accept these as thanks.

Gwen merely glanced at them, showing no intention of accepting them at all.

Seeing her arrogant attitude, Victor sighed and continued:

This is a token of thanks for your help. I heard from Lia that I dont want to owe you.

He looked at Gwen with his jet-black eyes.

Gwen turned her head away, biting her lip, struggling for a moment before asking:

Did you confess to the dukes daughter yesterday or not?

Victor remained silent. Whether or not he had done that yesterdayeven he didnt know.

That was something Victor from yesterday did. Todays Victor was already worlds apart.

Seeing that he remained silent, Gwen truly believed that he had done such a thing. Her cheeks flushed red with anger as she scolded:

Victor! How could you do something like that? The dukes daughter is only seventeen! You made a move on an underage girl!


It was clear now that everyone knew about his failed attempt at seducing an underage girl.

Gwen was an extremely righteous knight at heart, so of course she couldnt stand seeing something like seducing an underage girl.

If he didnt resolve this properly, it could very possibly become the fuse that led to Victor and Gwen completely falling out in the future. So he had to handle this carefully.

Victor felt gloomy in his heart and said to her: I hope you can understand that I dont actually like the dukes young daughter.

Gwen glared at him and continued: This matter has already become known by everyone.

Victor looked at her eyes, which revealed anger and helplessness, and heavily replied: I will resolve this properly and not let the gossip continue entangling us.

Victor was very clear that with this matter being sensationalized, it would bring shame not just to his Clayvin family, but also to the Delin family that was engaged to him.

The Delin family helping him was also helping themselves.

Gwen opened her mouth, but couldnt get a word out. Looking at Victor, she always felt like he had changed somehow, but couldnt say exactly what had changed.

Gwen stood up and took the potion bottles before turning to leave. At the moment she opened the door, she said to Victor: If you encounter any difficulties, come find me. I will help you.

Having said that, she pushed open the door and left.

Victor breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing his appearance, Veega couldnt help but squawk in his ear: Who is she?

My fiance.

Victor spread his hands helplessly.

The one-eyed crow looked at him sympathetically and stroked its own feathers with its beak: Shes very sensitive and her gaze is frightening, as if trying to see through me. Fortunately I only look like an ordinary crow.

Victor was truly at a loss for words.

Theres nothing ordinary about a one-eyed crow.

The next day, Victor went to the academy as promised.

The Royal Magic Academy was true to its name only the children of the rich and noble could study here.

There was also a special group of people who could be exempt from tuition by virtue of their exceptional magic talents, and study magic here.

The tuition exemption wasnt free in exchange, these talented people would naturally have to work for the royals in the future.

Looking at the magnificent magic academy, Victor recalled the scenes from the game:

He remembered there was a huge library here for mage players to learn magic of all ranks.

Victor planned to go there and learn.

He urgently needed some very powerful skills to support his magic level. Although Victors own magic was sufficient, having more magic as a player would provide him with more sense of security.

The contract had already been delivered to Victor yesterday. He was now an elite professor at the Royal Magic Academy.

On his first visit to the academy, he took the initiative to meet with the dean. After a simple greeting, the dean asked him to teach the academys best class to demonstrate his abilities.

After leaving the deans office, he went to the Wizards Tower based on his memories.

The Wizards Tower, also called the Trial Tower, was a place where players could take a daily trial to obtain large amounts of experience points.

The tall tower was very majestic, piercing the clouds. The walls were covered with all kinds of magic circles, and looking up further, the hazy ripples obscured ones eyes, as if containing some profound mystery.

As Victor approached the magic tower, his magical power trembled slightly when he touched the barrier.

[Identity verified, Professor Victor, welcome back to the Wizards Tower.]

A slowly dissipating black fog appeared before his eyes. When he came to his senses, he was already inside the tower.

So thats the teleportation array.

After going up the stairs, all kinds of powerful magic minerals filled the interior of the tower, and the books were neatly ordered completely different from how it looked from outside the tower.

Seeing the spotless floor, Victor immediately realized this place had been cleaned.

He heard an exclamation behind him and turned to look.

A woman with short, shoulder-length hair appeared before Victors eyes. Her glowing yellow eyes stared at Victor. Perhaps because Victor was staring back, her cheeks flushed red and she asked in a slightly trembling voice:

You are Mr. Victor?

Victor turned his head back and acknowledged it.

The girl quickly went on, but her nervousness didnt diminish one bit:

IIm Hennie, your teaching assistant. As she spoke, she handed Victor a lecture script, You just need to memorize this before your afternoon lecture, and teach according to the content in the script during class.

Victor accepted the lecture script and glanced through it lightly before nodding: Thank you.

Hennie suddenly became at a loss for what to do, and hurried out of Victors office.

Victor thought to himself: The academy really planned this meticulously.

Right now, no one at the school knew what Victors actual knowledge was. Although he was a formidable third-rank mage.

Even if the school had given him a professorship, it was only because of his magical talents.

If Victor was useless, even with two families nominations, he wouldnt have gotten this professorship.

What he needed to do now was teach according to the schools script. As long as he did it seamlessly, at least it would look flawless to outsiders.

Our Royal Academy professors are absolutely not half-baked!

Victor picked up the lecture script again and read it for a while.

Since there was a ready-made script he could use, why not just go with it?

The time before noon passed in an instant. The afternoon weather was even brighter.

People from all walks of life were waiting for the young professor from the Royal Magic Academy to give his lecture. They were also very curious whether this reclusive genius professor was just a gimmick dreamed up by the academy.

Victor arrived at the classroom. He had long since memorized the lecture content thoroughly. He only needed to pick out parts of it to lecture on and he could easily get through this.

That was what Victor originally thought.

But when he scanned the classroom and saw a blonde seductress sitting in the front row, he changed his mind.

She was 17 years old and the most talented student the Royal Magic Academy had seen in recent years.

Her family background was also quite prominent.

Second only to the dukes daughter.

Erica Duquois.

He didnt expect the girl he had provoked two days ago to become his student.

Erica naturally noticed him too, with peculiar glints flashing in her beautiful eyes, impossible to guess what she was thinking.

So this is the little beauty from yesterdays headline. Shes quite pretty, let me take a looktsk tsk, not very old but already a second-rank mage, shes got some skills.

The Veega on his shoulder whispered to Victor.

The reason Veega could accompany Victor into the classroom was because the Royal Magic Academy never prohibited keeping pets, nor did it restrict pet types.

The dean himself kept a watermelon with eyes.

Compared to that kind of thing, a one-eyed crow wasnt considered a peculiar creature at all.

Victor cleared his throat and addressed the students in the classroom:

I am Victor Clayvin, professor at the Royal Magic Academy, and now your teacher.

Todays lesson content is: The Influence of Array Composition on Advanced Magic Systems.

Victor gradually became more adept, immersing himself in it. Time passed quickly.

About forty minutes later, he looked at his watch. It was already 4pm. He waved his hand.

Class dismissed.

He couldnt help but feel relieved:

Great, there were no issues with this class session, and no one asked questions either. It went very smoothly.

Victor was about to leave when Erica in the front row suddenly raised her hand, a smile on her face.

Teacher, I have a question. Could you resolve it for me?

Hearing this, Victors expression darkened slightly.

Sure enough, here comes the troublemaker.


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