First Immortal of the Sword

Chapter 1599 - The Plight of an Illegitimate Son

Chapter 1599 - The Plight of an Illegitimate Son

Su Yi asked in confusion, “What’s the deal with that heretical cultivator you were fighting earlier?”

Ying Xiu’s starry eyes were icy. “That old-timer called himself the Purple River Immortal Lord. He was an elder of Mount Buzhou’s Church of All Spirits.

“Not long after I arrived in the White Reed Province, I sensed someone tailing me in secret. Tonight, I deliberately lured him into the wilderness so I could kill him and prevent future problems.”

“Ah, so he’s from the Church of All Spirits,” said Su Yi. He was a bit surprised.

Back in the Black Dragon Market’s Auspicious Cloud Palace, he slew one of the church’s holy sons, Zhong Qi. The other attending experts of the Church of All Spirits lost their lives at the hands of the Red Dragon Dao Monarch.

One of their libationers, Yun Qiong, took out a divine decree. It had taboo, terrifying power.

That was when Su Yi first learned that a deity called Divine Venerate Tian Wu stood behind the Church of All Spirits.

“Is there a grudge between the Church of All Spirits and the Jadelight Pure Lands?” Su Yi asked, feeling rather curious.

To the best of his knowledge, the Church of All Spirits was a faction of yao cultivators that had risen to prominence after the Age of Fallen Immortals.

Ying Xiu nodded. “Over the years, the Church of All Spirits has been wantonly ambitious and intent on expanding its territories. They’ve claimed a third of Mount Buzhou, and they claim to have eighty thousand yao immortals at their command!

“As you know, Senior, our ancestral court is on Mount Buzhou. Historically, the Church of All Spirits never dared provoke us.

“But over the past few years, they’ve repeatedly done just that, and they’re eating away at our lands. We’ve come into conflict over this on numerous occasions.

“But these clashes have been small-scale, and none were exactly fierce. We’ve never gone to war.

“But then, not long ago, the Church of All Spirits said that next year, on the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month, they’ll host an Immortal King Night Banquet!

“When the time comes, they’ll invite the Immortal Kings of the Three Pure Lands of Mount Buzhou to participate.

“Although they haven’t revealed their intentions for hosting an Immortal King Night Banquet, it’s obvious to everyone that they want to ‘redistribute’ the territories of Mount Buzhou!

“It’s even... entirely possible that they’ll use the night banquet as an opportunity to force the other factions of Mount Buzhou into submission!"

Here, concern appeared on Ying Xiu’s face, and she sighed. “In the past, we wouldn’t have feared any such threats, but the Age of Fallen Immortals took a massive toll on our vitality.

“We only have three Immortal Kings in residence now. One left the sect to explore the outside world a long time ago and has yet to return. My master, Immortal King Kong Ye, and the other Immortal King met with a strange divine tribulations a long time ago. Calamitous power has eroded their life force, and their predicaments worsen with each passing day. They had no choice but to enter seclusion to cling to life.”

When Su Yi heard that, he couldn’t help but recall Qing Wei’s master, Immortal Queen Liu Wang. She too had encountered a strange divine tribulation that left her with no choice but to go into seclusion and focus all her attention on averting catastrophe.

Back in the Black Dragon Market’s Auspicious Cloud Palace, Holy Son Zhong Qi of the Church of All Spirits used this to threaten Qing Wei into becoming his Dao Partner. He said that if she did, the church could resolve Immortal Queen Liu Yun’s divine tribulation!

Is this all connected to the Church of All Spirits? After all, they’ve got a god standing behind them, thought Su Yi. He dared say with certainty that this was no mere coincidence.

It seemed that both Immortal Queen Liu Yun and Immortal King Kong Ye... had been targeted by the Church of All Spirits!

Su Yi suddenly asked, “Did your master send you to find me in hopes that I’d help him resolve his tribulation?”

Ying Xiu was instantly sheepish. She averted her gaze and said, “Master said that in the present-day Immortal Realm, those almighty experts at the pinnacle of the Immortal Dao have their hands full avoiding their own divine catastrophes. They cannot possibly divert their attention to help us. But Master was convinced that if I found you, all of our problems would simply melt away.”

Su Yi couldn’t help but laugh. “He thinks quite highly of me.”

Ying Xiu’s beautiful face was utterly solemn. “I’m convinced too. If you lend us your aid, you can resolve Master’s divine tribulation with ease.”

Su Yi was stunned. A moment later, his gaze softened. “What’s your relationship with Ying Shanxue?”

Ying Xiu dared not hide it. “She’s one of our clan’s ancestors. She’s my great grandfather’s younger aunt.”

“....” The disparity in seniority was unreasonably enormous.

But when he thought about it, it made sense. Wang Ye and Xing Shanxue met prior to the Age of Fallen Immortals. That was a long, long time ago.

“And how is the Ying Family?” asked Su Yi.

“During the Age of Fallen Immortals, a group of our seniors led our clansmen on a risky journey across the River of Epochs to seek refuge in the Era of Confucianism. There’s been no word of them since.

“Only my father and his lineage remained here in the Immortal Realm, and we suffered massive casualties during the Age of Fallen Immortals. By now, few of us remain.”

“They sought refuge in the Epoch of Confucianism...?” Su Yi sounded thoughtful. “It seems Ying Shanxue created an escape route for your clan while she was exploring the River of Epochs.”

This wasn’t at all strange. Those who’d reached the pinnacle of the Immortal Dao almost all explored the River of Epochs in search of further breakthroughs.

But the vast majority of such attempts ended in failure. Even Wang Ye faced the threat of the gods during his exploration of the River of Epochs, almost dying in the process.

“Senior, could you... perhaps help my master?” Ying Xiu asked in a soft voice.

Su Yi smiled. “Sure. I’ve got to give you face, after all.”

Ying Xiu froze, stunned, then broke into a heartfelt smile. “This junior doesn’t have that kind of influence. I’m sure you’re doing this out of consideration for Ancestor Ying Shanxue.”

When the lady sword immortal ranked first on the Void Realm True Immortal Rankings smiled, Su Yi couldn’t help but inwardly exclaim over her beauty. She’s like a hibiscus in bloom, a natural work of art.

Su Yi thought for a moment, then said, “I still don’t know where these so-called divine tribulations are coming from, but no matter what, I’ll do my utmost to lend a hand.”

“Thank you, Senior.” Ying Xiu clasped her fist in gratitude.

Su Yi waved the gesture away. “Don’t be so polite. When you go back, tell your master to wait for now. When I find a way to resolve this, I’ll send him a message.”

Not long ago, Qing Wei found her master, Immortal Queen Liu Yun. Su Yi planned to resolve her divine tribulations first. If he succeeded, it was unlikely he’d run into issues helping Immortal King Kong Ye.

Ying Xiu straightforwardly agreed. “Master has been dealing with this for years. It isn’t urgent.”

Su Yi and Ying Xiu then moved onto other topics. The atmosphere was relaxed and casual. Ying Xiu was an extraordinarily talented sword cultivator, an ethereal, extraordinary genius. Even Su Yi couldn’t help but cherish her talent.

He even brought up the Dao of the Sword and offered Ying Xiu his guidance.

Ying Xiu was beside herself with delight; she naturally understood how rare and precious this opportunity was. She took advantage of Su Yi’s uncharacteristic talkativeness to ask him about every difficult problem she’d run into in her cultivation.

Su Yi held nothing back, and Ying Xiu benefited enormously. It was as if he’d parted the clouds, letting her see the light of day once more.

Before they knew it, the night receded, and the skies lit up. The landscape was utterly resplendent.

Su Yi stretched, then took out a jade slip and passed it to Ying Xiu. He said warmly, “This records some of my experiences cultivating the Dao of the Sword. Take it. Also, if you run into difficulties you cannot resolve on your own, you can use the mark emblazoned on that jade slip to contact me.”

Ying Xiu accepted the slip with both hands. “It’d be rude to refuse. I won’t disappoint you, Senior!”

She had exquisite features and a graceful figure. Beneath the light of the heavens, she was the most dazzling part of this glorious landscape.

A feast for the eyes.

Su Yi waved and said with a laugh, “Quick, go on.”

“Senior, if the opportunity arrives, I’ll be sure to request further guidance.” Ying Xiu smiled, then turned to leave. Before long, she’d faded from view.

“Brother Su, did you and Celestial Ying Xiu spend the night together?” Xue Hongfeng walked over, his eyes full of unconcealable envy.

Su Yi grunted noncommittally.

The corners of Xue Hongfeng’s lips twitched, but he forced himself to smile. “Brother Su, rest assured. I won’t entertain any further thoughts of Celestial Ying Xiu...”

There was no hiding his despondency.

“....” Su Yi didn’t know what to say. Don’t tell me this kid really thinks there’s something between me and Ying Xiu?

But he couldn’t be bothered to explain. He just said, “Do you have other business with me?”

Xue Hongfeng said hurriedly, “Brother Su, in a month, my clan is hosting a grand banquet to celebrate my father breaking into the late-stage Saint Realm. It’ll be held on a milestone birthday. I’d like to invite you to visit our territory and join in the festivities.”

Su Yi was stunned. “Why invite me?”

He knew that to an Immortal Lord faction like the Divine Cloud Mountain Xue Family, every breakthrough an Immortal Lord had was worthy of celebration.

And Xue Hongfeng’s father was their leader, and his breakthrough just so happened to line up with an important birthday. It was only natural that they’d host a solemn celebration.

But Su Yi wasn’t at all interested in such events.

Xue Hongfeng looked a bit ill at ease. After a moment’s celebration, he gnashed his teeth and said, “I want... you to back me up! And make our higher-ups think better of me! More importantly, I want my father to see me in a new light!”

Su Yi’s expression was strange; he didn’t quite know whether to laugh or cry. “You want me to come to make you look good?”

Xue Hongfeng hurriedly explained, “Don’t misunderstand. To tell the truth, I’m an illegitimate son. My position is much like Liang Wenyu’s.”


The status of an illegitimate son was sure to be terrible!

Indeed, Xue Hongfeng let out a deep sigh. “Well, my position isn’t as bleak as his, but they’ve never attached much importance to me, and each of my brothers and sisters is more impressive than the one before. By comparison, I seem mediocre...”

He went on and on, as if he’d found someone safe to vent to.

Eventually, Su Yi realized he’d go on forever, and he ran out of patience. “Enough. I understand what you’re after. How about this? Even if I can’t make it, I’ll prepare a generous gift. I promise it won’t be any worse than what I gave Liang Wenyu. How about it?”

Xue Hongfeng was overcome with delight, and he slapped his thigh with excitement. “That simply couldn’t be any better!”


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