First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 21 A Tender Moment And A Dream.

Chapter 21 A Tender Moment And A Dream.

After Bekka fainted from pleasure and was tucked into bed by her husband, Lailah and Exedra simply stared at eachother momentarily before he moved to close the gap.

Seeing the bulge that was threatening to break out of Exedra's pants at any moment, she couldn't help but stare at it in awe.

While she'd never seen an actual male member before, she'd read in biology books that they weren't supposed to be that big!

'How would that feel inside me?' She wondered before Exedra gabbed her face and pulled her in for another kiss.

He was desperate to taste Bekka's juices that'd made her go mad and was pleasantly surprised to find out how delicious she was.

They lingered like that for a while, and when they finally settled into bed alongside Bekka, Exedra once again noticed his wife staring at him.

"What's the matter my wife?"

She hesitated slightly before she spoke. "The things you said today…did you mean them?"

"Every word." Exedra's answer was definitive and lacked any trace of hesitation.

As if that were the confirmation she needed, Lailah snuggled close to her husband and lay her head on his bare chest.

"Thank you.." she whispered.

Exedra chuckled upon hearing this. "There is no need to thank me. I should've been treating you girls better all along. I'm only sorry it took me so long."

Lailah smiled faintly before she closed her eyes and whispered "I'm so happy… this is worth the wait."

Exedra smiled as well before he also closed his eyes and like that, they fell asleep.

With that, his first day in a new world came to a close.


Exedra dreamed that he was back in the black space.

He was only semi-conscious, so he was positive this was nothing more than a dream again and that he'd probably wake up soon.

"What do you strive for?" A warm motherly voice asked him.

The voice was so tranquil.. so serene that, when she spoke he felt like he'd known her his whole life.

Her voice made him so comfortable.

"Power." He answered quickly in a sleepy voice.

"How will you achieve it?"

"I will be as unrelenting as a serpent.. As unforgiving as a demon and as unchanging as a god. " He continued to give quick monotone answers, as if he didn't even have to contemplate them.

"How far will you go?"

"To the ends of this world and beyond."

"When will you be done?"

"When I stand above all."

"I see… for you, the soul who is not of this world, I give you the gift of growth."

"Whether you bring this world ruin or supremacy, I shall wait to see."

"GAAAAAHHHHHH!!!" As the entity finished it's query, Exedra was assailed with the most terrible pain imaginable.

It felt as if his soul was being carved into with a hot knife.

The pain he'd felt when his body was upgraded was incomparable to this.

This went on for what felt like hours before it finally ended.

"I name your path, ... .... ." She said.

The language sounded incredibly ancient and complicated.

Exedra had no idea what she'd even said.

"If you join me in the seventh realm, we will speak again."

With that, Exedra was thrust out of the void and returned to his body.


When Exedra opened his eyes, he was back in his room with his two beautiful wives each snuggled up under his arms.

He looked out the balcony window in the corner of his room, and realized it was only dawn.

He felt like he'd had a strange dream, but he couldn't exactly recall what had happened.

< Host has been assigned an evolution path by the supreme entity known as Asherah.

< Your soul has withstood unimaginable pain without shattering.

< Skill : Soul Resistance Lvl 1, has been learned.

< The potential for evolution strengthens your body.

< All stats + 1,000

< Host can now access the evolution menu!

As Exedra read the notifications in front of him, a wide smile broke out across his handsome face as he felt a wave of power wash through his body.


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