Fire Mage

Chapter 715: Despair

715  Despair

Chapter 715: Despair

By the time Elder Luna woke up, she found herself lying in the smooth bedroom bare naked. She looked outside through the glass window and noticed that the bloody moon illuminated the interior with red light, giving her a strange, uneasy feeling.

Next to her was a forty-year-old man with a muscular body, deep blue hair, a round face, and sharp eyebrows.

He was none other than Leo Nightwind, her husband.

Along with them, she also noticed two more women lying on the other side of the fat man, cuddling each other. One was around 40 years old, while the other appeared around 30.

They were Leo's first and second wives.

'H-How did I come here?'

She hurriedly reached out her hand toward the muscular man's chest and checked his heartbeat. Then, she checked if the other two were alright and breathed a sigh of relief.

'But how am I here with my husband? Didn't Charles knock me out?' She quietly left the bed, wore the white robe on the nearby table, and started walking out of the luxurious bedroom.

"A-ARgh." Suddenly, a scream came from behind, causing her to halt her footsteps.

She slowly turned around and soon saw her husband struggling with all his might, but some invisible force still seemed to have bound him.

She also saw a sharp cut on his neck region, causing blood to gush out from it.

"W-What happened?" One of the women woke up due to the man's scream and asked in panic.

The other woman also woke up from her slumber and tried to check if he was okay.

Elder Luna observed the chaotic scene with a mixture of confusion and horror. Leo, her husband, continued to struggle against the unseen force that bound him while blood seeped from the fresh wound on his neck.

The two women, awakening to the alarming situation, joined in the desperate attempt to free Leo. Panic filled the room as the reality of their vulnerability became apparent.

Elder Luna rushed back to Leo's side, eyes scanning the room for any sign of danger. "Leo?"

Leo, gasping for breath, managed to utter a few words before his neck suddenly cleaved into two. "It... it was a ghost!"

"C-Charles!" Elder Luna instantly realized it was Charles's doing and soon saw her husband's blood droplets start to ascend one by one and form into a number.


"W-What the hell?" The woman in her 40s showed a pale face and felt there was a ghost in the bedroom.

Before Elder Luna could sort the situation out, another scream came from the nearby room, causing her face to go pale.

With a restless face, she dashed out of the room, passed through the long corridor, and soon arrived at the next-door room.

It was where her first son was staying with his wife.

"Thiago," She called to him, but no response came. Only the crying sound of a young woman echoed.

Elder Luna pushed open the door, her heart pounding in her chest. The sight that greeted her sent a shiver down her spine.

She saw Thiago, her son, lying on the bed in the dimly lit room. His lifeless eyes stared into the void, and his body bore the marks of a violent struggle. His wife, a young woman, sat on the floor, cradling their child, tears streaming down her face.

"No… no… Thiago!" Elder Luna rushed to her son's side, desperate to find any sign of life. But it was futile.

The number' 7' formed from droplets of blood hovered in the air of Thiago's lifeless body.

Elder Luna, overwhelmed by grief and shock, could hardly register the gravity of the situation. Charles's method of retribution was not just about taking lives; it was about making each death a profound and haunting experience.

"Charles… you monster!" Elder Luna muttered through clenched teeth, her eyes burning with sorrow and anger.

Suddenly, a voice echoed in the room, chilling her to the bone. "Elder Luna, move faster if you want to save the rest."

She turned to find Charles standing at the doorway, his eyes colder than ever. Before she could open her mouth and shout, he turned into a crimson flame and disappeared.

"Oh no! Enzo and Milo! They are in danger!"

Driven by a renewed sense of urgency, Elder Luna staggered to her feet, her grief momentarily overridden by the need to protect the remaining members of her family. Without sparing another glance at her son's lifeless body, she hurriedly rushed out of the room, her robe flowing behind her.

Down the corridor, she raced towards the rooms where Enzo and Milo, her other two sons, stayed with their families. Panic gripped her heart as she imagined the horrors Charles might unleash upon them.

As she approached the next door, she hesitated momentarily, her hand trembling over the handle. She knew that whatever awaited her on the other side could shatter her soul even further.

Elder Luna swung the door open by summoning the last shreds of her strength. The room was dimly lit, and the air was thick with tension. Enzo and his wife were already woken up and were holding swords in their hands.

The earlier scream had woken up most of the people in the mansion.

"Mom, what's happening?" Enzo, the second of the four brothers, asked with confusion and concern.

"H-He is killing us. We need to leave right away." Elder Luna panted heavily and spoke with fear in her eyes.

"Who?" Enzo asked.

But before Elder Luna could respond, two more screams came from one of the outside guest houses.

"Mom and dad!!! F*ck!" Elder Luna's face turned white.

"Oh no! Milo and his family are also staying with them!"

Enzo, realizing the urgency, didn't waste any time. He immediately grabbed his wife, and the three rushed out of their room, following Elder Luna down the corridor. Panic spread through the mansion as more family members awoke to the horrifying reality of Charles's revenge.

As they reached the mansion's entrance, Elder Luna turned to Enzo with desperation in her eyes.

"We need to find a way stop him from killing us, Enzo."

Just as they were about to head towards the guest houses where the screams had originated, her heart started beating faster.

Enzo, Elder Luna, and other family members rushed to the guest houses. The scenes inside were gruesome – bodies lay strewn across the rooms, blood painting a dreadful picture of tragedy.

At the entrance, two beheaded heads of elderly people lay, both of their eyes wide open and filled with fear.

"MOMM!!!! DADD!!!" Elder Luna's cry resounded through the yard as she staggered and fell to her knees.

"6, 5?"

Two numbers pained right next to the heads, giving a horrifying experience to everyone.

"Where are Milo and his family?" Elder Luna asked, scanning the rooms with dread.

"M-Mom!" Ezno suddenly pointed his finger at the tall ceiling and shouted with trembling hands.

Elder Luna also looked up and soon saw her third son hanging in mid-air without any rope, his head turned in an opposite direction. His eyes were almost popped out, and his tongue came out, revealing the misery he had gone through before death.

They also saw the number '4' drawn in blood on his forehead and were horrified.

"B-But who are the other three?" Enzo asked with a hint of fear in his eyes.

Suddenly, he noticed some invisible force coiling his neck and touched it.

"M-Mom! I think my time has come," His voice filled with fear as the invisible thread cut the outer layer of his neck, causing blood to splatter in all directions.

Elder Luna instantly released her wisdom power and tried to perceive the invisible force but found no clue.

Before she could blink, the invisible string completely cleaved her son's neck and killed him on the spot.

"F*ck!" Despair filled her eyes as she understood Charles's revenge and felt hopelessness.

'Oh no! My other two kids are not even 20 years old yet!'

She quietly knelt on the bloodied floor and screamed.

"Don't kill the other two, Charles. They are too young and never even did any wrong. Please kill me instead."

A strange silence appeared in the guest house, followed by a sharp sound.

The next instant, Elder Luna noticed that her arms started flying up and landed right before her parents' heads.

A second later, some invisible power cut her two hands into countless pieces, making them into chopped meat.

Before she could even scream at the unimaginable pain, a shadow appeared before her, waved something at her legs, and disappeared.

The next instant, her legs were also cut into multiple parts, leaving a bloody mess.

"I accept your plea. But let other knows that this is just the beginning." A chilling voice echoed in her ears and soon disappeared.

Elder Luna, now crippled and surrounded by the remains of her family, felt the weight of Charles's merciless vengeance. The air in the room was thick with the scent of blood, and the horrifying reality of the massacre struck her with unparalleled horror.

In her desperate plea to spare her remaining two children, Elder Luna had offered herself as a sacrifice.

'I almost lost everyone close to me and even became a cripple!' As far as she knew, only the Pope of Life Church had the power to heal her crippled hands and legs completely.

But it was entirely out of her reach!


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