Finest Servant

Chapter 301

Chapter 301

Chapter 301 Appreciating Flowers

"Why are you just arriving?" From a distance, she saw Lin San and Huan'er approaching, playfully bantering. The Eldest Miss hastened to meet them, grumbling, "Everyone else is working their heads off, yet you seem to have all the leisure time in the world."

"As a wounded person, a bit of coddling is appropriate." Lin Wanrong chuckled, his eyes roving appreciatively over Xiao Yuruo. "Miss, you look quite beautiful today," he sincerely complimented.

Xiao Yuruo felt a surge of joy at his words, a flush rising on her face. "No need for such flattery. You're late. Sister Xu invited me to appreciate the flowers earlier, but seeing you weren't here, I had to decline."

The Eldest Miss was normally a workaholic, always consumed with business and having no time for such diversions. But things were different now. She was in love and being a young, beautiful woman, she naturally yearned for these lovely moments under the flowers and moon. Having had a hugely successful promotion that day, what was the harm in rewarding herself by enjoying the scenery?

She held this thought but was too embarrassed to voice it first. Seeing Lin San's cheerful yet unserious demeanor, she couldn't help but snort softly in annoyance. Couldn't he see the opportunity, even at such a moment, where was his usual tact?

However, Lin Wanrong was astute. Seeing the Eldest Miss's shy demeanor, her gaze occasionally drifting towards the Grand Prime Minister Temple, he could hardly be in the dark. A thought amused him privately. Spring had indeed arrived; even the Eldest Miss was falling into its charm.

He laughed out loud, calling out, "Sister Song, could you please handle the distribution of gifts? I'll accompany the Eldest Miss for a walk in the temple. Don't get me wrong, we'll be scouting for potential big clients. Oh, what a pity! Even during this flower-viewing event, I'm still thinking about work. I'm truly the model of loyalty and morality."

"Go ahead," Sister Song replied with a laugh. "I'll keep an eye on things here. You and the Eldest Miss go and have some fun. She has indeed been very busy these days."

For the perfume promotion, Lin Wanrong only contributed ideas, using just his lips. Though it required a high level of expertise, the Eldest Miss and Sister Song arranged the remainder, managing all the details. Preparations for such a large-scale promotion, without prior experience, had indeed kept the Eldest Miss extremely busy.

A blush spread across Xiao Yuruo's face as she retorted, "It's Lin San who wants to shirk his duties. I didn't want to go - hey, don't pull me!"

Watching the pair depart, Sister Song shook her head and smiled, hoping for a good outcome for Lin San and the Eldest Miss. The two entered the main gate of Grand Prime Minister Temple, a wave of warmth immediately greeted them. The temple was bustling with visitors, even more lively than outside. Lin Wanrong wondered, was the flower-viewing event at Grand Prime Minister Temple so enticing that it felt as though all of the capital had poured into it?

Seeing the slightly flushed face of the Eldest Miss, Lin Wanrong teased, "Is there a furnace in this temple? Why does it feel even warmer inside?"

The Eldest Miss chuckled at him, "You're normally so clever, understanding everything clearly. How is it you don't know this? Behind Grand Prime Minister Temple lies a large hot spring, its climate comfortable and spring-like all year round. The temple's garden is irrigated by this hot spring, allowing the flowers to bloom early in spring, presenting a spectacular sight. That's the origin of Grand Prime Minister Temple's flower-viewing event. Otherwise, where could you appreciate such beautiful scenes this season?"

"So, that's how it is," Lin Wanrong chuckled, realizing why the flower-viewing festival was such a grand event. Apparently, this was the premier harbinger of spring in the capital. ‘However, it's quite a waste to have a hot spring located within a monk's temple. If it were situated in the courtyard of the Xiao family's mansion, I'd design some bikinis and thongs, and frolic in the water daily with two young ladies. What a delightful scene that would be.’


The Grand Prime Minister Temple had a rich history and long-standing reputation, and its back garden was especially famous due to the unique climate created by the hot springs.

Since they met, the two of them had not had such a relaxed moment together. As they strolled around the temple unrestrainedly, uttering words that made the Eldest Miss's heart beat wildly, Xiao Yuruo was teased until her face turned beet red. Although her heart pounded, and she wanted to scold him, her eyes radiated tender affection like gentle waters.

By the time the pair reached the back garden, laughing and chatting, a light, refreshing, cool fragrance was already wafting toward them.

Lin Wanrong looked up and saw a circular archway before his eyes, with two large characters in the center — Mei Yuan (Plum Garden).

Seeing him dumbstruck, the Eldest Miss laughed, "Don't know what it is, do you? The gardens within the Grand Prime Minister Temple are divided based on the type of flower. The most famous ones are Mei Yuan, Tao Yuan, Lan Yuan, and Mu Dan Yuan. This is just the first one." [TL: Respectively, Plum Garden, Peach Garden, Orchid Garden, and Peony Garden.]

The plum, being the leader among the four noble flowers, has a reputation for purity and elegance, and is the first choice for literati to admire. Upon entering the archway, they found themselves immersed in an ocean of plum blossoms.

The plum blossoms on the branches were scattered and layered, red as fire, white as snow, pink as dawn, with a fragrance everywhere. The garden was awash with colors, vibrant and captivating. People's voices filled the air, lively and cheerful, with graceful figures flitting to and fro.

Joy radiated from the Eldest Miss's face. With a surprised yelp, she twisted her petite body and hurried into the falling petal clusters. The specks of plum blossoms reflected on her exquisite cheeks, making her exceptionally charming.

The usually stern and serious Eldest Miss rarely showed such a sweet smile, like that of a young girl. Lin Wanrong's heart warmed, and he quickly caught up, laughing, "Eldest Miss, you seem so cheerful, why don't we play a flower-picking game?"

"What flower-picking game?" The Eldest Miss stopped in her tracks and asked curiously.

"Well, it's quite simple. See the highest branch on this plum blossom tree? Either I'll hold you to pick that flower, or you hold me to do so. What do you think, isn't it extremely simple?"

"You rascal, is there nothing else in your mind?" The Eldest Miss shyly huffed, a blush spreading across her face. Having heard his nonsense daily, she had developed an immunity, even a habit, of it. She felt odd if she didn't hear him speak for a day.

The Eldest Miss reached for a plum tree in front of her. Its trunk was dry, with twists and turns spiraling upward, and pink flowers dotted with droplets of water bloomed beautifully as if they had just received rain. Unable to resist, she plucked a plum blossom and held it in her hand, softly reciting, "To break a plum branch when the courier comes, to send to the man at the Longtou mountain pass. South of the river has nothing to give, so I send a twig of spring in stead."

"That's sentimental, so very sentimental," Lin Wanrong clapped and laughed. "Are you missing Jinling, Eldest Miss? When the weather gets warmer tomorrow, why don't we bring your mother to the capital to relieve your longing?"

The Eldest Miss glanced at him, chuckling, "Any attempt is worth a try, it's not necessarily good poetry. Yet, you always know how to flatter. You claim it's good poetry, then why don't you compose a poem about plum blossoms for me to hear?"

"Plum blossoms, ah, that's easy," Lin Wanrong laughed, "I can not only write about plum blossoms but also about lotus flowers, would you believe it?"

"You, if you excel at anything, it is being the world's greatest braggart," the Eldest Miss laughed, covering her mouth. Her body shivered like a flower branch, her allure surpassing the full bloom of the garden.

Seeing her rosy cheeks and spring-like demeanor, a warmth surged in Lin Wanrong's heart. He took her small hand, leaned into her ear, and playfully whispered, "Why chance upon a lotus, when one is fortunate enough to not need a plum? Eldest Miss, is this poem good?"

This rascal. The Eldest Miss felt a sweet sensation in her heart. She gave a soft 'hmm', lowered her head quickly, her blush overpowering the red of the plum blossoms on the tree branches.

"Miss Xiao, Miss Xiao," a woman's voice rang out. The Eldest Miss jumped in surprise, hastily releasing Lin San's large hand.

From beneath the plum tree, a pretty figure emerged and took Xiao Yuruo's arm, laughing, "What's this, waiting for your family's Lin San?"

Xiao Yuruo's face flushed with embarrassment. Uncertain whether her intimate moment with Lin San had been seen, she hurriedly replied, "Sister Xu, what are you talking about? I don't understand."

Lin Wanrong was annoyed. This Xu Zhiqing had come out of nowhere, disrupting his romantic moment with the Eldest Miss. Seeing her talking warmly with the Eldest Miss, he felt it wasn't appropriate to express his irritation and had to swallow it.

"Sister Xu, have you all finished touring the garden?" Xiao Yuruo, feeling guilty, diverted Xu Zhiqing's attention with a question.

"I just entered a moment ago. Brother Ye and Brother Tian found this plum garden exquisite and were engaged in a poetry duel over there. I found it uninteresting, so I came here to chat with you," Xu Zhiqing replied lightly.

Lin Wanrong found it peculiar that Xu Zhiqing, being a knowledgeable person, would find the poetry recital between Young Master Ye and Young Master Tian uninteresting.

While they were speaking, Ye Yuchuan and Tian Wenjing arrived. Seeing the Eldest Miss, Tian Wenjing quickly approached her, smiling, "Miss Xiao, your arrival is timely. Brother Ye and I are having a plum blossom poetry duel, could you be our judge?"

The Eldest Miss knitted her brows, unsure of what to say. Lin Wanrong, however, understood. This was not about a poetry duel; they were blatantly showing off in front of the Eldest Miss.

"East wind now, west wind later, among the trees in the mountain, all leaves are empty. Only the plum blossoms can withstand the wind, still fresh and white, embracing the new red. This is the new poem I just wrote, Miss Xiao, please appreciate it." Without waiting for the Eldest Miss to speak, Tian Wenjing recited his poem, eagerly looking at the Eldest Miss, hoping for her approval.

Ye Yuchuan also glanced at Xu Zhiqing and said with a smile, "People come and go in the land of many fragrances, bird hangs upside down in the wind carrying flower messages. I am even more pleased to see the light of the water reflecting, oblique sparse shadows entrusted to the waves."

Lin Wanrong watched the expressions of the two gentlemen. The one named Tian Wenjing was clearly pursuing the Eldest Miss, and the one named Ye Yuchuan seemed interested in Xu Zhiqing. Good, he was out of the picture. Suddenly, he laughed out loud, "Two good poems, better than drinking wine, splendid, splendid indeed!"

Young Master Tian was defeated by him that very day, and upon hearing his words, he shot him a fierce glance. Young Master Ye, however, seemed to be on a higher plane. He simply glanced at him indifferently, smiling without a word.

The Eldest Miss laughed lightly, saying, "Both Young Masters are highly talented, I must admit that I cannot compare. I'd rather not comment on these poems." With her evasion, a deep disappointment flashed through Tian Wenjing's eyes. However, Ye Yuchuan turned his expectant gaze towards Miss Xu.

Conventionally, Miss Xu, a highly accomplished lady, should have appreciated the fine plum blossom poems penned by the two young masters. However, she shook her head slightly, saying, "Brother Ye, Brother Tian, it's not that your poems are badly written. In terms of their descriptive prowess, both of them can be considered masterpieces. But as the ancients say, 'prose carries the Dao, and poetry expresses aspiration.' These poems were composed merely to suit the occasion; they are somewhat lacking in deeper implications."

So it was. Lin Wanrong nodded in agreement. Miss Xu herself had 'depth,' and naturally, she would favor those who also possessed depth. Unfortunately, no matter how deeply he cultivated himself, Lin Wanrong would never match her depth. He chuckled at this thought, letting his gaze travel over Miss Xu, his eyes gleaming with lust.

Miss Xu's remarks were straightforward, but the two young masters did not seem irritated. Instead, they bowed deeply, saying, "Thank you for your guidance, Miss Xu. Yuchuan (Wenjing) has indeed learned much."

Seeing the two young masters' respect for Miss Xu, Xiao Yuruo managed a teasing smile, saying, "Miss Xu, if you're interested, why don't you compose a plum blossom poem yourself? It would let me experience what it means to have both scene and meaning."

"Exactly, exactly." Tian Wenjing applauded, moving closer to the Eldest Miss, saying, "What Miss Xiao says is exactly what Wenjing has been thinking."

‘Oh, what he wished, what he wished, wish your head!’ Seeing how this Tian fellow was getting so close to the Eldest Miss, Lin Wanrong felt a surge of anger. In a flash, he positioned himself in front of her, facing Tian Wenjing with a forced smile, saying, "Brother Tian's wish is also Brother Lin's wish — Brother Tian, how have you been these past few days? How's your little brother? Are your grandmother and Second Auntie well?"

‘This rascal is actually jealous,’ thought the Eldest Miss, feeling both amused and sweet inside. However, she cleverly hid behind him, letting him shield her from any trouble, her heart filled with tender affection.

Tian Wenjing snorted, ignoring his words. Xu Zhiqing took a few steps, slowly reciting, "Steadfast on earth's end, clinging to all things beautiful. Cold plum is the most resented, constantly blooming as last year's flower." Her words were of a somber scenery, yet they expressed sorrow through the environment, apt for her own situation.

A poem in seven steps, this girl really had some talent. Recalling her quick-wittedness when learning Arabic numerals, Lin Wanrong had to admit that geniuses did exist in this world.

"Excellent poem!" Both Young Masters Tian and Ye exclaimed at the same time, their faces filled with admiration. Xiao Yuruo grasped Xu Zhiqing's hand, saying, "Sister, your knowledge is profound, your learning is vast. It's like looking up at a tall mountain, you truly make me admire you."

Xu Zhiqing sighed, "You flatter me. This matter of poetry is a flower of prosperous times, only for the amusement of oneself and others. If it arises in times of turmoil, it is a disaster for the nation and its people."

"Well said!" Lin Wanrong raised his thumb in praise. ‘This girl's view aligns with mine,’ he thought suddenly, remembering his first debate with Qingxuan. To sing songs of prosperity in times of turmoil was not a crime of the people, but a mistake of the country.

Young Masters Ye and Tian obviously understood Miss Xu's implication. They dared not argue with her, but when Lin San chimed in, they couldn't hold back anymore. Tian Wenjing glared at Lin Wanrong and snorted, "This is not your place to butt in. Go away."

Before Lin Wanrong could respond, the Eldest Miss retorted indignantly, "Young Master Tian, when Lin San speaks, it's not your place to interrupt."

Young Master Tian was stunned. The Eldest Miss's face flushed with embarrassment as she saw Lin San smiling at her. She reached out and pinched his arm hard.

Xu Zhiqing cast a curious glance at Lin Wanrong and chuckled, "So, that's how it is. Miss Xiao, your choice is indeed unique. Lin San, aside from solving riddles and doing math, you even have such methods. I had underestimated you."

‘Damn, I have many more methods you haven't tasted,’ Lin Wanrong thought to himself with a smirk. Yet the Eldest Miss's defense had made him pleased from head to toe.

Tian Wenjing's face changed, and without any regard for his manners, he left abruptly. Ye Yuchuan tried to stop him but failed. He could only look helplessly at Xu Zhiqing and said, "Miss Xu, Brother Tian, he..."

Xu Zhiqing dismissed it with a smile, "If he wants to leave, let him. His petty competitiveness is unbecoming of a gentleman. But..." She looked at Lin Wanrong and laughed, "Lin San, considering how Miss Xiao looks out for you, shouldn't you express your gratitude? I won't make it difficult for you. Since we're composing plum blossom poems today, why don't you write one as a token of your appreciation?"

"A poem? I'm not very good at it," Lin Wanrong modestly said. The Eldest Miss gave him a stern look, as if to say: you could win the poetry competition in Jinling for that little demon Luo Ning, but you can't write one for me? You need to be fair!

Xu Zhiqing didn't say anything. She smiled at the Eldest Miss, waiting to see how she would handle it. Xiao Yuruo was irritated. Her face turned pink, and she stomped her foot angrily.

‘Ah, this is one jealous tigress,’ Lin Wanrong thought to himself with a smirk. He pointed at Miss Xu and Miss Xiao, laughing, "Everywhere I look, beauties abound, lotus steps and jade faces glow."

Ye Yuchuan almost burst into laughter. What kind of poem was this? It made no sense at all. He couldn't help but wonder how this young man had solved Miss Xu's lantern riddle. The Eldest Miss seemed nervous, fearing that this rascal had suddenly lost his mind.

"Rosy lips and cheeks reveal..." Lin Wanrong pointed at the blushing faces of Xiao Yuruo and Xu Zhiqing and continued, "...dots of plum blossoms."

‘You sly man, always playing with metaphors and scaring people,’ the Eldest Miss thought. Despite the flush on her face, she was delighted. This poem, the first three lines were rubbish, but the last one transformed the rubbish into gold—a truly splendid stroke of genius.

Xu Zhiqing gave a light smile. This poem was amusing but seemed more like a playful composition, far from expressing profound thoughts. Was this all Lin San was capable of?

Seeing the faint smile on her lips, Lin Wanrong knew he was being looked down upon. ‘Damn, when I turn on my charm, even ten of you can't resist. Someday you'll know.’ He didn't bother to explain, giving the Eldest Miss a victorious hand gesture and sending her a sneaky kiss.

Though Xu Zhiqing was a woman, she possessed the air of a great general. Her calm and indifferent demeanor was something that even men found difficult to emulate. With Tian Wenjing gone, only two men and two women remained. Lin Wanrong, ever the faithful companion, walked beside the Eldest Miss. Recalling the affectionate display of Xiao Yuruo earlier, he couldn't help but whisper into her ear, "Eldest Miss, when we return tonight, I will indulge you in sweet pleasures. Hehe."

The garden was teeming with flower admirers. Xu Zhiqing and the Eldest Miss seemed to remain unbothered by Tian Wenjing's abrupt departure. Hand in hand, they strolled through the plum garden, then the peach garden, appearing like a pair of close-knit sisters.

Having taken a few steps into the peach garden, the two women were in deep conversation when boisterous laughter echoed from outside the garden. A burly figure, surrounded by a crowd, slowly made his way in.

"Prince Cheng!" Xu Zhiqing's brow furrowed as she spoke softly. Lin Wanrong hastily turned his head to look. The man had wide brows and large eyes, with a robust physique. It was indeed Prince Cheng, whom he had seen from a distance earlier.

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