Finest Servant

Chapter 264

Chapter 264

Chapter 264 You're Mine Now

‘Dammit, this is so sudden, so terrible, with my two wives standing right there. Please, miss, have some decency.’ He leaned against Luo Ning's chest, thinking helplessly.

Luo Ning's lips were soft and warm, like the sweetest honey, simply irresistible. The scent filled his mouth, accompanied by a sweet aroma. Miss Luo's breath was hot, the gentle whimpers from her mouth signaled she had forgotten where they were!

‘Kiss then, let's see who is scared.’ Lin Wanrong embraced Luo Ning with a swift move, pulling her body into his arms. He gently kneaded her back with his warm hands, savoring the sweetness of her lips with delight.

"Big brother, you are mine now." Luo Ning, nearly suffocated by his kiss, felt both startled and thrilled. She struggled slightly, her almond-shaped eyes slightly open, her emotions bewildered, and she whispered.

"Eh? What?" General Lin, immersed in the sweetness, paused, his mind not yet catching up. His intuition told him something was off with what she said.

Realizing her words were inappropriate, Luo Ning bashfully punched him a few times, murmuring, "It's all your fault, always making me say the wrong things. Big brother, I belong to you."

His mood lifted at these words. Lin Wanrong chuckled, "Miss Luo, if you don't mind, shall we continue—"

"Big brother (Husband)——" Qiaoqiao and Qin Xian'er called out simultaneously, their faces slightly aggrieved.

Suddenly, Lin Wanrong remembered they were still on the burning boat, the cabin could collapse at any moment. He had lost his mind! Luo Ning was also dangerously reckless.

"Husband, this room is on fire, we should leave soon. This is no place for lingering," Qin Xian'er huffed, her lips puckered.

Reluctantly kissing Luo Ning one more time, Lin Wanrong cleared his throat to hide his awkwardness, "Exactly, exactly. What Miss Luo and I just did was a temperature test experiment in high heat, don't take it seriously. We act on affection, but also respect the proprieties. Qiaoqiao, Xian'er, Miss Luo, let's go down."

Hearing his glib explanation, all three women scoffed lightly, their faces blushing. Luo Ning, most embarrassed of all, had acted out of character, far beyond her usual limits. Hearing his teasing, she let out a soft whimper, lowering her head, not daring to look at them.

Xian'er pulled Qiaoqiao, Lin Wanrong grabbed Luo Ning, and they rushed downstairs. After a few steps, Luo Ning suddenly looked up at Lin Wanrong, whispering, "Big brother, I have something to say—"

"Speak in bed—oh, no, I mean, speak on the deck," Lin Wanrong hurriedly said.

Luo Ning firmly stopped, softly saying, "Big brother, I need to say it now, otherwise, I fear I might change my mind later."

‘Clever girl, expressing her feelings on a burning ship, so bloody thrilling, my heart's pounding.’ Lin Wanrong laughed bitterly, "Speak quickly, or we'll end up as roast ducks."

Luo Ning, utterly unafraid of the raging inferno around them, turned to face Lin Wanrong and asked, "Big brother, when I gave you the mandarin duck handkerchief and the hibiscus tent, why did you hastily leave?"

"Busy...I was...," Lin Wanrong said, glancing nervously at the leaping flames. "I had urgent matters to attend to, life and death affairs. Look, I just dealt with that, and didn't I rush back here without a pause? Just so you know, on the way back here, I didn't think about Qiaoqiao at all, only you."

"I don't believe you," Luo Ning said, her cheeks flushed — whether from the heat or embarrassment, he couldn't tell. "Today, in front of so many people, you abandoned me. Even with urgent matters, you didn't even have time to finish the poem? As a young maiden, I gathered enough courage to give you the handkerchief under the hibiscus tent, and this is how you treat me. If you were in my place, wouldn't you be angry, wouldn't you feel wronged?"

Lin Wanrong knew she was right, but he couldn't admit it. "It was really urgent, and I had no choice. Miss Luo, please forgive me this once," he implored hastily.

Luo Ning shook her head. "Whose life were you saving? In your eyes, am I not as important as that person?"

He hadn't considered that, and her question left him somewhat dumbfounded.

"No matter what," Luo Ning said, sounding hurt, "I lost face in front of everyone today. You must compensate me, Big brother."

"Compensate? How?" he asked, curious.

Blushing, Luo Ning said, "Since we've been seeing each other, it's always been me making the moves, and you've never shown any sign of affection. Even though I know how you feel about me, others might think I'm shamelessly chasing you. Today, you came to save me on the burning ship, and I threw caution to the wind, expressing my love for you. I know in my heart, in this life and the next, I belong to you. But you have so many beautiful women who fancy you. I don't know where I stand in your heart, and it troubles me. If you don't feel the same about me, I'd rather spend the rest of my life alone than cause any animosity between you and your other ladies. But if you do feel the same about me, I'll be waiting for your message. I want everyone to know that you and I are a pair of loving mandarin ducks."

Lin Wanrong understood what she was implying: in their relationship, she had always been the one taking the initiative while he played the passive role. This time, she wanted him to pursue her and save her some face.

Such was the unique thinking of this talented woman. But her wanting him to take the initiative? ‘Miss, I'm very busy, with beautiful women lining up to marry me. If I pursued them all, how could I possibly manage? And besides, you were the one who pursued me in the first place. If I took the initiative now, it'd be like adding fuel to the fire. If I devour you whole, you wouldn't even know it. Silly girl, don't you see I'm trying to protect you?’

Lin Wanrong laughed softly, feigning ignorance, "Miss Luo, I'm not quite sure what you're getting at."

"You're so annoying, Big brother," Luo Ning reproached him, her eyes full of playful shyness. She pouted, "You know exactly what I mean, yet you play dumb. If you don't come... I'll proclaim to all of Jinling that you have abandoned me for another, having had your fill of me, yet tossing me aside..."

"Had my fill of what? What is it?" Lin Wanrong laughed, playing along.

"You're so naughty!" Luo Ning playfully slapped his chest a few times before standing on her tiptoes to plant a light kiss on his lips. "So, it's settled then. Big brother, I'll be waiting for you..." With those words, she cast him a shy yet coquettish smile. With a flirtatious sway of her body, she scurried down the stairs.

Qin Xian'er watched Luo Ning's retreating figure, grumbling, "That sly little fox, taking advantage of my distraction to bewitch my husband."

Qiaoqiao laughed as she took her hand, "Sister Xian'er, it's not Sister Ning who's the fox, you're the one who seems more like it."

Xian'er, who was fond of Qiaoqiao, asked curiously, "Why?"

Qiaoqiao responded with a giggle, "In just a few days of Big brother's absence, you became his wife, no one can match your speed. Isn't it you who bewitched him? Besides, sister, you're so beautiful, there's nothing wrong in being a vixen and captivating Big brother, right? Hehe—"

Watching Luo Ning's graceful figure descend the stairs, Lin Wanrong couldn't help but admire her. His gaze lingered on her swaying hips before he swallowed hard.

Xian'er hurriedly came over, grabbing his arm, "Husband, what's the matter? What did that Luo girl say to you to leave you so entranced?"

He couldn't tell her. Not even if his life depended on it. If Xian'er and Qiaoqiao knew Luo Ning's thoughts, they would demand the same attention, and he'd have no time left for anything else. Pretending to look around, he suddenly exclaimed, "Oh no, the fire is spreading! Xian'er, Qiaoqiao, you go first, I'll cover—"

"Annoying—" The two girls laughed at his theatrics, not pressing him further about what Luo Ning had said. They took him by the arm and guided him down the stairs.

Du Xiuyuan's soldiers, who had already boarded the big boat, were busy putting out the fire. Seeing Lin Wanrong approach, they rushed over to greet him, "General Lin, Governor Luo is waiting for you over there."

Looking in the indicated direction, Lin Wanrong indeed saw Luo Min sitting on a large chair, smiling at him. Luo Ning, who had just come down, stood obediently next to Luo Min, her gaze straight ahead, yet a small smile tugged at her lips.

Seated in the large chair to Luo Min's left was the Young Prince Zhao Kangning, his face livid. His clothes were still wet from earlier and his face was contorted with anger, a stark contrast to his usual debonair demeanor.

One of Zhao Kangning's guards approached him, whispering something in his ear. Zhao Kangning's hand slammed down on the table, his face turning pale with rage, "What? They dare to be so audacious? Presumptuous! Utterly presumptuous!"

Luo Min maintained a poker face, acting as if he hadn't heard the words. He fiddled with the teacup in his hands, a flicker of excitement flashing through his eyes.

As Lin Wanrong descended the stairs, Old Dong and Qingshan immediately surrounded him, "Big brother (Son-in-law), you're okay!"

"I'm fine, a wildfire can't burn out everything; with the spring breeze, it revives," Lin Wanrong replied with a chuckle. Qiaoqiao and Xian'er stood on either side of him, radiant as flowers. Even without seeing Xian'er's face, just by her exquisite figure, one could imagine her unmatched beauty.

Luo Yuan came over and asked, "Big brother, what's going on with you and my sister? I noticed that she seems a bit different. You must keep the hibiscus curtain and handkerchief she gave you."

This little Luo was really oblivious! Couldn't he see that he had won his sister's heart? Lin Wanrong laughed heartily, "Don't worry, I'll keep them and appreciate them every day."

Xu Wei entered with Gao Qiu. Gao Qiu, having seen Lin Wanrong from a distance, was overjoyed. Since their parting in Jining, he thought Lin Wanrong had perished in cannon fire. Seeing him again, he was naturally extremely pleased. He disregarded formalities, waving his arm at Lin Wanrong energetically, and shouted, "Brother Lin, Brother Lin!"

Lin Wanrong gave a playful smile, greeted him with a salute, "Brother Gao, I'm doing well."

Seeing Xu Wei enter, Zhao Kangning's face changed, and he yelled, "Mr. Xu, the Young Prince needs an explanation from you."

Xu Wei, seeing Zhao Kangning, expressed joy and quickly approached, "Isn't this Young Prince Kangning? I didn't expect to see you here on Qinhuai River in Jinling City."

Zhao Kangning waved dismissively and sneered, "Mr. Xu, this Young Prince also didn't expect to run into you here, quite unexpected."

Xu Wei squinted his eyes, smiling, "I've just finished subduing the White Lotus rebellion and have been appointed to work in Jiangsu by the Emperor's decree. What brings the Young Prince to the South? Could it be official business?"

Fumbling in his response to Xu Wei, the number one scholar, Zhao Kangning admitted, "Oh, I am here in the South to visit a few old friends on behalf of my father. Mr. Xu, I don't understand one thing, and I'd like you to clarify."

At this time, the hall had been vacated. The elites of Jinling had all been moved to another boat. Only a few soldiers putting out the fire and a handful of people remained on the large boat. Lin Wanrong smiled, pulling up a stool to sit aside and enjoy the show between these dignitaries.

Xu Wei nodded with a smile, "Young Prince, please proceed!"

Zhao Kangning's face turned beet-red, "Mr. Xu, what crime has Cheng De, the Commander-in-chief of Jiangsu, committed that you want to execute him? He is a high-ranking official of the court, in charge of the soldiers of a province. If he has committed any crime, he should be reported to the Ministry of War for judgment. What are you trying to achieve by doing this?"

Xu Wei gave Zhao Kangning a meaningful glance, "The Young Prince is well-informed. Since the Young Prince has asked, I won't conceal it. Cheng De, the Commander-in-chief of Jiangsu, has not only hidden his corruption and fraud from the court, but he has also privately mobilized soldiers, colluded with the White Lotus, concealed gold knives and jade seals, and conspired to rebel. I have obtained irrefutable evidence of his crimes. I have been commanded by the Emperor to reorganize the officialdom of Jiangsu. Dealing with Cheng De is in line with public sentiment and heaven's will. Is there anything wrong with that?"

Zhao Kangning paced frantically within the cabin, suddenly slamming his hand onto the nearby table. "Master Xu," he cried out vehemently, "Cheng De is a significant figure in the court. You cannot arbitrarily accuse him of treason. Even if there were conclusive evidence, it must be first reported to the Ministry of War before any action is taken. By executing such an important official without proper process and taking lives without a second thought, how do you intend to explain your actions to the Ministry of War, the court, and the Emperor?"

Luo Min, sitting nearby, let out a hearty laugh. "Young Prince, please don't worry," he began, "It was my order that led to the execution of Cheng De. In the urgency of the situation, Cheng De attempted to assassinate Master Xu and me, and his accomplices even burst in to rescue him. Given these circumstances, I had no choice but to order his immediate execution to prevent his escape. After this incident, I will personally report the matter to the Emperor and the officials at the Ministry of War. There's ample evidence for every single crime Cheng De committed; he won't be able to evade this. If the court deems Cheng De innocent, I am prepared to bear all consequences. If the Emperor and the officials conclude Cheng De is innocent, I am ready to give my life for his."

As he concluded, Luo Min's face showed a defiant pride, and there wasn't a trace of fear. The faces of his children, Luo Ning and Luo Yuan, went pale, and they both cried out, "Father—"

With a dismissive wave and a smile, Luo Min quieted them. "Ning, Yuan, your father knows what he is doing. In one's life, it's difficult to do the things one wishes. This time, however, I have found great satisfaction in doing what I wanted, eliminating this villain for our great nation. Even if it costs my life, it's worth it. You both need not worry for me."

With tears in her eyes, Luo Ning grabbed his sleeve and let out a soft sob. "Father—"

Observing the elderly Luo's impressive stance, Lin Wanrong sighed internally. Considering his efforts in tax collection and water conservation, he thought Luo Min was a good official. The people of Jiangsu were fortunate to have such a governor.

"Fine, fine—" Zhao Kangning was so infuriated he was speechless. Gazing at the tear-streaked Luo Ning standing next to Luo Min, his grievances, both old and new, welled up within him. With a loud crack, he smashed the tea cup on the ground and laughed bitterly. "Governor Luo, you have a sharp tongue indeed. I hope you'll maintain your composure in front of the other court officials. As for you, Master Xu, you shield Luo Min, mixing personal feelings with public duties. I will report this to the Emperor, my father, and all the court officials. Both of you had better prepare yourselves. Goodbye!"

Xu Wei was a celebrated scholar and the top official of the current regime. He was instrumental in helping the current Emperor ascend the throne. Despite his advanced age, he never lost his scholarly pride. Seeing Zhao Kangning's blatant disrespect, Xu Wei broke into laughter. "Young Prince," he chuckled, "let me be frank. You're not qualified to throw a tantrum in front of me. Even if Prince Cheng himself were here, he would need to be careful in how he spoke to me. Your father was far more formidable than you twenty years ago, and now this responsibility falls to you — alas! Farewell, no need to see you out!"

With his teeth grinding and body trembling, Zhao Kangning kicked the door frame, breaking it with a loud snap. He stormed out with his guards in tow. Luo Min and Xu Wei exchanged a glance and burst into delighted laughter.

Lin Wanrong clapped twice, walked up to them, and said with a chuckle, "Well done, Governor, Minister, that was quite the scolding. If that Young Prince isn't scared to death after this, he'll surely die of humiliation. I have much to learn from you both."

Xu Wei gripped his hand and said, "Little brother, don't ridicule us old bones. When it comes to the art of taunting and outsmarting others, no one in this world can surpass you."

"You flatter me," Lin Wanrong responded unabashedly, "I'm merely following your example, Mr. Xu."

Xu Wei let out a hearty laugh and clapped his hands vigorously, "Brother Luo, today's events were exhilarating! I feel compelled to borrow some of your fine wine to toast. Quickly, bring out your best Daughter Red. Let us, the three of us, drink heartily and return only when we are drunk."

"And not return even when drunk—" Luo Min laughed heartily, feeling extremely satisfied, though the laughter induced a bout of coughing.

Luo Ning and her brother had already fetched the Daughter Red, the finest wine. Upon seeing the seal on the wine jar, an old red paper label with a row of tiny characters that read, "Celebrating the full moon of our Little Ning," Xu Wei exclaimed in delight, "Indeed, it's a twenty-year-old Daughter Red. Little brother Lin, we are in for a treat."

Luo Min declared heartily, "Indeed, we are. This wine was saved for Ning when she was just a month old, originally meant to be opened when she marries. But today is indeed a day for celebration, let's drink to our heart's content."

Xu Wei laughed heartily and cast a meaningful glance at Luo Ning and Lin Wanrong, "Today is indeed the day Miss Luo commits her heart. Opening this wine couldn't be more fitting, we should drink and enjoy ourselves. Brother Luo, you are a fortunate man."

Luo Min roared with laughter while Luo Ning stole a glance at Lin Wanrong, quickly lowering her head in embarrassment.


The flower boat was now devoid of anyone else. The fire had been completely extinguished, but the doors and windows were burnt to a crisp. Soft moonlight filtered in, casting a gentle glow on the two old men and the young man.

Discarding small cups, the three of them sat on the ground with large bowls in hand, drinking joyfully. The crescent moon was reflected in the wine bowls, forming a beautiful shimmering image.

The three of them drained their bowls in one gulp and wiped their mouths with satisfaction. Xu Wei said aloud, "Little brother Lin, you are our Young friend. Despite your young age, your abilities are not to be underestimated. In my life, I have only admired a handful of people, and you are one of them."

Luo Min laughed heartily, "Indeed, what an amusing title, 'Young friend'. Come, Young friend, to this chance encounter and newfound friendship, let's drain another bowl."

Lin Wanrong raised his bowl high and declared, "To the joy that fills Older friends' hearts every day, cheers!"

"It's hard to find joy every day, not knowing whether we're awake or dreaming. Young friend, your toast is profound. I admire, I admire, cheers!" Luo Min laughed loudly and the three of them drank their wine.

Luo Min and Xu Wei, both with snow-white hair, were essentially scholars at heart. They drank from their large bowls until they were slightly drunk. Amid the laughter, Xu Wei set his bowl down, took up a bamboo chopstick and tapped it rhythmically, softly singing, "Empty reputation, petty gain, why all this hustle? Everything is predetermined, who's weak and who's strong—"

At the peak of the song, Luo Min clapped his hands in understanding, and both men continued together, "— take advantage of youth, before I grow old, let me indulge in some recklessness. A hundred years are nothing but a blur of drunkenness, thirty-six thousand rounds. Thirty-six thousand rounds, thirty-six thousand rounds—"

As the two men sang and sighed together, their faces were painted with melancholy, their eyes shimmering with tears. Both had entered officialdom at a young age and had attained high positions, seemingly splendid to outsiders. However, only they knew the amount of bitterness and tears that lay beneath this façade.

Lin Wanrong had never before experienced the state of mind of these talented scholars. In his tipsy state, he looked up to see the moonlight cast upon these two white-haired old men. Two elderly figures, around their fifties or sixties, had tears in their eyes as they clapped and sang. The scene was full of unmatched sadness and desolation.

He too felt a wave of emotion, recalling his own experiences, a sense of sorrow welled up within him. Suddenly, he stood up and sang out loud, "Heroes like us shape the world's events, stepping into the jianghu speeds up the passage of time. Life is like a tide, people are like water, one can hardly withstand a lifetime of intoxication. One can hardly withstand a lifetime of intoxication—" He drained his large bowl in one gulp, his face flushed. With a smack, he slammed his wine bowl on the ground, laughing heartily while tears unknowingly fell from his eyes.

For a moment, the old cried, the young laughed. Amidst the crying and laughing, the three of them had become thoroughly drunk.

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