Fighting to be Kind in a Cultivation World

Chapter 353: Separation and Futures

Chapter 353: Separation and Futures

At Xun’s words to talk, I freeze up for a moment.

Oh wait. I have done nothing wrong.

… probably.

But it is when the Ai gives me a worried look that I realize there is certainly something serious to discuss.

Xun’s voice carries out from my slip towards the group, yet again.

“Mother, Father. Would you mind showing the guests to the spiritual weapons room? I’m sure there is some interesting equipment there that they might want to take with them. Of course, if James is fine with that, of course.”

He Wen still seems flustered by the constant fluctuations that are happening. From receiving a precious space ring and defensive artifact, to now being offered a new weapon. And considering everything, it is probable that it won't be a simple one.

Yalei and Jin Chin aren't readily influenced. They can see there is something else going on.

They stare at me. Wishing to be included in the discussion.

But I can’t let them learn of this yet.

If this is regarding what I think, then I need them to be distracted for a bit. Even if we are going to have to talk about this sometime in Monchon City.

“Jin Chin. Yalei. Please go with them and pick up a weapon. There are some things I’ll need to discuss here.”

They move, but still show a lot of hesitation. Surprisingly, it is Yalei, the former psychopath, that seems to be the most affected by being left out.

One of the few shows of partial defiance I’ve seen from her. Here, it seems to be out of concern.

I add some more words to set them at ease.

“I’ll explain later, when it’s a better time and place. I will tell you, eventually. It’s just not the right time, okay?”

It would be easy to force them using the contract. To say that it is for the benefit of the group.

But that’s no way to lead. Especially when they just care about me. For now, while I need them to move according to my words, that doesn’t mean I should disregard their thoughts.

With these words, while still reluctant, all three of them move out of the room and into the hallway.

The instant that they leave sight, Xun teleports into this dining area, revealing herself to everyone else for the first time.

Her face is a little playful, despite giving off an air of seriousness.

“Well, I was hoping for us to meet in different circumstances, but something has come up that had to be discussed in a private situation.”

She waves a hand and I can feel privacy formations flare up around us. Of course, that ruffles the others, but I give what I hope is a reassuring glance to everyone else. Considering the massive number of gifts given to us by her and her family, I can see they are giving the benefit of the doubt, calming down.

Ai speaks up.

“Young Miss Xun here brought up a concerning piece of information. One that is unfortunately more widely known than we would hope. That Gong’s fellow demihumans might have been healed of their curse.”

Dang. I suspected that would be it.

Unfortunately, the leak wouldn’t have been from Gong’s side or the demihumans themselves.

I was the leak. Me and the spiders that I have tamed.

With each of Gong’s spiders steadily growing into spirit beasts and Gong being able to still command them, there really is only one commonly understood way that can occur. That Gong has tapped into her demi-human lineage.

Naturally, other methods exist, but unfortunately, the commonly known way closely reflects the truth of the situation. Even if the Patriarch and Big Sis Crane have been suppressing information, there is only so long that can work in the higher circles.

“After seeing how you healed my afflictions and knowing your cultivation method, it was easy to assume that you’d do the same for those close to you. Considering Gong is precious to you, it is an immediate thought.”

Xun twirls a stick around her finger, as she talks. Her next words are sharp.

“This knowledge won’t be a problem. Yet.”

She eyes me, giving me a look.

Ah, she’s referencing future information. But she doesn’t want to say in front of the others.

I give her a nod. Satisfied with my acknowledgement, she continues.

“If the curses warning symbols were set off, let alone the sect, but potentially the entire continent would have been glassed. Since that hasn’t happened, the powers that check into these haven’t found out. Most likely, they won’t for quite some time.

“Anyone who would care about such things is above Nascent Soul and wouldn’t be looking into such a small sect’s affairs. Anyone below Nascent Soul that would suspect it doesn’t want to die that way, even if they are a demonic cultivator. And without a doubt, they would be killed for such knowledge.”

Ai and Lin already knew this, with Shi and Mei Lin having been filled in earlier. Even so, their faces are pale with the gravity of this situation.

I decide to fill in the part that Xun hasn’t said yet, to ease things a bit.

“… with that said, because they haven’t caught on yet, that will give us a significant amount of time to bring the demihumans up to where they can beat ‘The Challenge’. A secret realm where if they win, the demihumans curse will be broken for all demihumans and with any restrictions lifted.”

After I say this, Xun looks visibly conflicted. Being cultivators, all of us notice this and stop speaking to give her space to decide on what she wants to say. Though, only I realize that it is because she is wondering how much future knowledge to say.

I’m sure there are effects even I don’t know of, from telling us of those events.

Luckily, she chooses to tell all of us.

“… I can’t say much or who my sources are, but the relationship you hold with demihumans will be the key to making it through this relatively peacefully. Don’t take them for granted, okay?”

She directs that last part to me, though it seems to be pertinent to all of us. Considering the danger of this conversation, it’s clear that her words have some weight, even if she can’t say much.

A few more moments of silence pass before Xun speaks up again.

“There’s something else that I found out through my information channels.

“When you come back from Monchon City, at least one of you should be ready to attend a certain academic group that will start up soon. Without a doubt, you will be invited.”

Her last words are directed toward me. Not too much of a surprise, considering the stamp I’ve made in the sect so far.

I look at her, hoping she’ll bring up more, and when I’m met with more silence, go for my scan.

I’m not surprised when a massive headache emerges.

Hmm… future information. Machinations going into the background that will make plans a reality.

It seems something like an ‘academy’ will be coming together. Now whether it will operate like a university, a martial arts school, or even an elite social group will be up for grabs.

Sadly, I’m not able to determine that much more. Even with my scan having been improved from constant usage.

A moment or two more passes before a loud clap shakes everyone out of the melancholy that had settled in place.

Shi, being the one who clapped, cheerfully raises her voice.

“Well, it doesn’t seem there is much we can do about this right now! So, instead… let’s talk about other things we can do. Namely regarding something we all share.”

She eyes me for a moment, before turning to the others.

Which is precisely when I start feeling left out again, as Xun, Ai, Lin, Shi, and Mei Lin all inch closer to each other and begin whispering and laughing. Soon enough, they’ve taken seats at the other end of the dining table, while I sit here waiting.

Desperately trying not to use my scan to listen in.

When you are so used to being able to hear everything near you, it becomes that much more tempting when you can’t or shouldn’t.

That’s why I’m grateful when a buzzer sound comes from the door leading to the hallway everyone else had exited into. To grab weapons in another section of the house.

Oh, thank God. I was going to lose my mind here.

I wonder what weapons there are.

… and should I grab one myself?


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