Fighting to be Kind in a Cultivation World

Chapter 277: Reset Expectations

Chapter 277: Reset Expectations

As he mentions the benefits that come from being a talent for the sect, my mind automatically goes towards ways our group can profit off this situation.

But I have gotten ahead of myself, as his next words snap me back to an enormous, unaddressed issue.

All stemming from Lao Nas previous statement.

We need to discuss your relationship with the demi humans

My eyes lock onto his immediately, with my heart stopping at the same time.

Could it be that hes going in a similar direction as Lao Na was?

He expounds on his words.

Ive known for a long while now. After all, Matriarch Crane has been keeping me updated on the status of the cultivator demi-humans.

The look of pure horror on my face that I couldnt keep concealed seems to make him chuckle.

You honestly dont think I wouldnt have checked reports of one of the more powerful groups in Monchon City getting healed of an implanted disease?

With the Matriarch being there, of course, I would check with her on the situation. Which led to her filling me in on the other situations.

He gives a chuckle, but then leans in a slightly dark look.

You were quite lucky that the spider demi-human you healed is her adopted daughter. If it was just any demi-human, not only I, but she would have eliminated the potential threat to us all.

But he then leans back with a more jovial air.

But, maybe not. Someone who can covertly heal even a racial curse would certainly be a boon. Without setting off the feared inquisition, either. That type of skill could be a secret card in any group, even if you just considered that ability by itself.

What was the most impressive, though, that the Matriarch The Matriarch, mind you, was still defending you and the girl. Even when everything else youve done has been so public. Though, that eventually worked out in your favor, many times over.

I stay silent during his monologue, as each word he says is giving me a bit more insight into how big of an issue this is.

He seems to notice my intense attention and keeps going with a chuckle.

You even ended up joining the sect. An excellent move. It gave me plenty of reason to keep a close eye on you and work some things in the background. That you actually became Little Nuans disciple is both a surprise but also not so much of one.

But look at me rambling. You probably just want to hear why I and any other cultivators in the sects are not slaughtering each of the demi humans youve healed. So that word doesnt spread about them.

Mostly, because Matriarch Crane has really propagated the idea that you are into demi humans, even performing experiments to remove their automatic reaction response for humans. All so you can have ahem interesting times with them.

And now I see why his servant was saying such things. He was teasing about my interests in demi humans, not about their ability to cultivate or that he knows what Ive done.

still wasnt a kind thing to do, but what should I expect in a world like this? Especially from a near peer.

This is where he now falls silent again, resorting to sipping his tea again. It is getting low and I notice a pot of more tea sitting on a nearby table.

I can feel the pressure to serve him more tea.

I get up and bring it over to him, with him silently extending it out for me to pour. Feeling like I passed some sort of test.

But likely, it was just a sort of expectation.

Things are quiet as he keeps drinking it.

When he speaks up again, its with straightforward statements.

Youll be healing myself and some elders that I direct to you.

He looks at me to confirm his statement.

I give a cautious nod.

Good. It seems some reports of noncompliance were exaggerated.

He waves his hand, as he leans back with a casual air.

In exchange, Ill continue to back up all the claims and suppressing anything that comes regarding the demi humans. Within reason, of course. While it was a bit of a headache, your master has already agreed to this.

I will ensure that you are well taken care of, connected, and strengthened, and supported with your ability. Which wont include what the elders themselves will give you, so be prepared for that.

My eyes are locked onto the table between us as I contemplate his words. A sudden movement of his, as he twists away from me, makes me glance up at him.

There are many things planned for you from here.

Make sure you head back to Monchon City when you get a chance. The Matriarch will want to speak to you when you get back into the area. Though, even from my perspective, she seems pretty relaxed about it.

I see a shimmer in the air form before me. Its easy to tell this is a rift I am supposed to walk through.

Have any questions before you leave this place?

Theres so much to think about.

I run through every possibility and come to a quick conclusion.

This may be my only chance.

would I able to earn the right to tame some of the spirit beasts imprisoned in this area?

The shimmer freezes, as does everything else. But just as quickly, the space seems to flow normally again.

Once again, I can see his eyes look at me. Really, truly looking at me.

And he gives a small, but genuine smile.

I passed a test of his.

Hmph. Interesting thought. It seems you have some additional potential to show me.

Right after he says that, is when the shimmer widens to the size of my body and approaches fast. Catching me off guard.

And just before Im thrust through the gaping mouth of it, I can hear his last words.

Well see.

Suddenly finding myself in the middle of a courtyard. Surrounded by towering buildings and pavilions in an elevated space.

With the light shining through the clouds both in the sky and the sight of an astronomically large building but is actually a Gate, higher on the slope, its clear Ive found myself within the Halls of Exalted Purity.

If I had to guess, Im likely near the center, considering how far away I am from the Gates of Heavenly Light, which separates the Halls from the Palace of the Ancients, where the Patriarch and elders are.

Right as I get my bearings, I see Lao Na again before me. He appears to be much more stoic again, different from his teasing nature from before.

He gives the same bow as before, and I do the same to him.

Before you leave the Halls, stop by the Benevolent Infirmary. Theyll have work for you to do. The Patriarch will be there, as well.

this will be an interesting trip, for sure.


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