Fighting to be Kind in a Cultivation World

Chapter 269: Personal Warmth

Chapter 269: Personal Warmth

Theres so much that can go wrong here

With darkness falling and the lights casting long shadows across this massive road, despite the sizable number of spirit beasts around, I can feel my mood dropping as well.

My eyes remain fixated on the mountaintop.

The rest of the group circles the carriages for the night, with the spirit beasts settling into a defensive position. Some ones flying are circling around the encampment in the air and the grounded ones are just outside the wagon line.

I am standing outside of it, but I soon hear footsteps approaching from behind. A warm hand touches my arm with some affection.


Her long, tangled silvery hair blows slightly in the wind. Despite my scan picking up her and Lins movement toward me, I hadnt expected the reassuring feeling that would come from her touch.

I almost subconsciously turn towards her and meet her grey eyes, nestled on her freckled face.

Lin isnt far behind and stands beside her, though she hasnt moved to do anything.

The air between us differs from when we were at the tower.

There, it seemed like we were in work mode. Planning what to do and working with our new allies, Shi and Mei Lin, to do things right.

Now? Even though I could feel immense amounts of apprehension towards whats coming next, they seemed to dissipate that with their mere presence.

Just by looking at them like this, my mind drifts back to them as we were first starting out.

Two struggling, awkward, and mistrustful sisters who had just gone through an immensely harrowing experience. And coming from a traumatic childhood, all the way to adulthood.

Being thrust into situation after situation, while figuring out the relationship between us.

But its not even just about me and them.

With Ai having had her Myriad Slime condition healed and improved to a beneficial constitution, the relationship between even them had to change. With the traumas and habits from that clashing as well.

All leading to now.

Where I see two strong looking women, one silver haired that still holds the air of a noble elder sister, and the other, black-haired with a strong, confident air about her.

Theyve certainly grown fast in the short time weve been away from each other.

It is amongst these thoughts that I hear Ais voice ring out.

Looks like were coming close, arent we? To actually doing this.

I feel comfort from the hand that remains on my shoulder. It makes want to be better. To be stronger for them and the others behind us and waiting for us back in Monchon City.

Yeah. Therell be a lot to do there. And people we know will want to see us.

I turn a newly confident grin toward her and Lin.

Their faces brighten a bit at the sight, making mine wider in response.

But suddenly, Lin steps closer and affectionately grabs my hand. Ai seems unsurprised by the action, causing me to be surprised instead.

My eyes naturally go to hers and see a deep warmness there.

She leans in to whisper something in my ear, moving me to shift towards her.

After this is done, well be able to be together more. Ais been missing your presence in bed, but she didnt want to say anything back in the tower.

I see a blush cross her face.

I might want to join too. Not anything crazy, but just to be there with you guys.


Ais condition with men. The fear thats been ingrained in her from her dad. I laid in bed with her, while healing her to help.

It shouldnt be causing issues, but I can understand being anxious about it.

Near the end of our time together, I was feeling like a teddy bear on the bed. Meant as a subconscious comfort, more than anything else.

Not so sure it will be like that for the next time. Especially with Lin there.

Knowing her, shell make it weird. But I guess it always has been, huh?

It always meant to be a small test, that Ai could trust me to keep my word. With the not small thing of helping her to feel more comfortable.

Id be lying if I said a few situations have not tempted me at this point.

Maybe they are worried about the Yellow Sashes again.

But her next words, carrying a trace of sadness, bring that train of thought to a close.

Its been lonely for us both, honestly.

Were used to it from before, but not having you around someone that actually cares, it just doesnt feel right anymore.

Her eyes were locked on mine, but soon they shift around a lot. Switching from the ground to my face, and back again constantly.

If possible, can we stay with you more?

How could I say no to that?

I grip her hand a little tighter, drawing her eyes back to mine.

Of course, Lin.

Im not going anywhere. Im looking forward to being with you both for a long time.

And thats when Im reminded of how beautiful the two of them are, as I see wide smiles come across their faces at my words.

They probably already knew my response would be yes, but it has been a while since we talked on a more personal level. The times we spent on the bed in Gongs caves werent that long ago but seem like it, with all thats happened.

Things can change so quickly.

Re-acknowledging the connections you have and vocalizing it is truly important for relationships.

As I well know from my time back on Earth.

God, I miss them.

Im definitely not going to mess this up.

After hearing my words, she gives my hand another squeeze before running off with a reddened face.

Now it is Ai that moves closer.

So, you know, Ive been telling her to talk more about how she feels about you. We werent really able to do that back in the alleyways but we needed to change now.

She looks away for a moment, not meeting my eyes.

There were a few things we had to talk about.

Like about dad.

She goes silent.

I say nothing as well. Giving her the space to come up with words. Or even none at all.

Not everything has to be explained.

It seems she opts for the latter.

But like Lin said, Im glad we are back together. I missed you.

And thats when I feel her face buried in my chest. The soft scent of her hair fills my nose.

Im kind of glad that shes been doing well enough to take care of herself and things like that.

She doesnt say anything, but nuzzles into my chest a bit further.

My hand lifts in the air to do something, but Im not sure if I should. I end up going for it, anyway.

I slowly place my hand on her head, slowly rubbing it affectionately. Trying to show care.

She freezes, but then nuzzles a little more and I feel some wetness on my chest. Of course, I ignore it.

Im glad Im here.

I will make sure things go right. I promise it.


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