Fighting For Eternity

Chapter 59: Two bald joins

Chapter 59: Two bald joins

Inside the alchemy room, Fei was lying on the ground. He wasn't wounded but unconscious. It took three days after that incident, finally, fei opened his eyes.

He glanced around and found himself in his own alchemy room. The first thing that came out of his mouth was "I am alive"

He checked his whole body, found he intact. Then he enters his consciousness. His consciousness was the same as always. Then, he saw Red Flames in the middle of his consciousness. He also finds his second soul intact.

When he saw Red Flames, he alerts and thought 'Who saved me? Was that just my illusion or real?'

"Ahh" Suddenly fei cried in pain inside his consciousness. His memory of three days ago came back. He had tears in his eyes, falling on the ground. He shouted "Mother"

He remembered after he was almost killed. White jade hand saved him and that was his mother. She also said he can talk to her when he awakened his bloodline. He murmured with confidence "I will awaken my bloodline soon very soon"

"Now this Void Burning Flame is mine. I can once again continue alchemy" Fei withdraw himself from his sea of consciousness.

"Gulu, Gulu" Suddenly his stomach makes some sound.

"I should eat something first" Saying this fei walked out of the pagoda then came out of his room.

"Hao'er make food for me" While shouting he walked down to the ground floor. His room was on the first floor and the kitchen was on the ground floor. Soon, he saw a bald man and his brother talking with little Yan sitting on a sofa.

When little Yan saw fei, he immediately rushes into his arms calling "Father"

"Little Yan, can you not say such words when we are in public?" Fei helplessly said catching little Yan in his arms.

"Humph! If father dares to run around other women when he still has Aunt Hao and Sister White lotus, I will tell my mother" Little Yan pouted make a dissatisfied expression on fei arm.

Hearing calls themselves fei women, Hao'er and White lotus face was burning like red flames.

"Okay now go to your sister white lotus" Fei put little Yan on the ground walked towards the bald man.

Bald man and his brother got up to greet fei. Fei and they made a handshake, sitting down starts conversation. Fei was the one who started it "So what makes bald brother visit me?"

"Cough, cough brother Xia, my name is Don Chen Jiao and this is my little brother Small Don Chen Jiao. After our fight, we felt Gu DongHai don't want us. We are also not getting any mission or money. Recently we encounter some assassinations. Although we are fine but living like this we won't be able to work for Gu DongHai. So we decided to join you as long as you can provide us money."

Don Chen Jiao sound very direct not bothering with flattery. After finding out, fei is pro-disciple of the Five Elements Sect and Young Master of Long family. He didn't hesitate to change the party. Of course, he didn't have any wrong thought only sees the money.

Fei thought for a while and said "If you really want to work for me then how about joining my legion?"

"Legion?" Both of the brothers got confused, didn't know how to reply. Seeing them like this, fei explained "My legion name is Asura Dragon Legion. We look for only two types of people who are willing to work hard no matter their talent and those who are loyal, following the rules of our legion.

You might think this is a very normal requirement but our rules are different and the consequences are very terrible. You have to sign a contract then you will be one of ours. We have no guard against our people because we know if you break the rule, even powerhouse like sect master instantly dies. Of course, without talent, you can't get strong. So what's the point of recruiting a talentless people even if he can work hard?

Simple, we have ways to increase your talent through different aspects. As long as you can work hard, your talent will grow. Our legion has only one goal i.e. being the strongest legion. Of course, know we have only seven high cultivation people to protect the core of our legion, so we can't protect all. But on another hand excluding those seven, we have only twenty people. As for the reward, you can ask me anytime.

Our legion is not fully established so we don't have any way to provide a salary but I can give you enough to spend until our guild will be completely established. As for when Our Asura Dragon legion will be established about Secret Realm Event. So what do you think?"

Saying so fei looked at the bald brothers expecting a positive answer.

Both brothers were hesitating for some time, discussing with each other. Fei gave them enough space to talk, while he went into the kitchen to eat. Food was already on the table, he starts eating and asked Hao'er to call little Yan.

"Father, did you call me?" Little Yan comes inside while running.

Fei nodded and said "Sit down"

Little Yan sat on a chair while Hao'er was still standing. Before talking, he bought a silent array from the system spending 125 divine points, selling 12500 spirit crystals. Fei understood the system's way of transaction. All it requires is energy, any kind of so fei could sell spirit crystal to gain divine points.

If it was the previous time, then he might never even thought of spending spirit crystals like this but after getting mine of spirit crystals from the pagoda. He doesn't hesitate to spend. Using a silent array, neither inside voice could reach out nor outside voice could reach in.

"Little Yan from now on. You will go out and travel with white lotus and Hao'er." Fei directly gets to the point.

Before even little Yan could get a chance to speak, Hao'er cried with tears in her eyes "Young master, you don't want Hao'er anymore huhu"

"Hao'er don't be so dramatic now" Fei frown after hearing Hao'er cry. After merging with earth fei, his personality has gone through a huge change, so he doesn't want to be so dramatic on a serious matter.

"Hu, Hu you really don't want Hao'er" Hearing fei cold voice, she cried even more loudly.

Fei got up and pat her head saying "Silly you are wrong. It's not that I don't need you but I don't need you as weak. Our paths and dreams have changed. I no longer want to drag anyone so I also do not want to drag me. You didn't have a talent which is why I gave you that art. So you can grow strong faster and we can be together but if you do not face challenges, only relying on me, you will only get weak. So listen to me, go out for adventure with little Yan and White lotus. Try to get strong, so that we can be together."

Hearing fei, she turned silent for some time. Finally, she seriously nodded her head agreeing with fei. She knew being weak will only make her away from her young master so she got only one choice i.e. to increase strength.

Seeing her agree, fei thought 'Hao'er forgive me for being a little cold-hearted but my journey won't be easy so I can't let you be weak'. Fei also spoke "Okay you two tell white lotus and pack everything you need. After they leave, you will also leave"

Saying so fei came out of the kitchen after filling his belly. He saw bald brothers waiting for some. So he first spoke, "Did you decide?"

"Brother Xia, can you let us read the contract first?" Bald older brother asked

Fei took out a golden paper and gave it to them. The rules were the same as the previous, the only difference is these two will be new members whereas others will be core members.

Reading contracts they found two main focuses.

One: Not to betray your group.

Two: Never at any cost harm common people by doing any activities unless they are the first to strike.

The first rule was simple as every sect, faction, group made same rule but the second rule is different. Although most of the cultivators do not have any matters with common people, so they don't interfere. But these rule says unless you are sure to die, you have to protect common people if you see them in trouble.

Fei again continued saying "These are core rules of our legion, when we truly established our legion then there will be more common rules such as salary, task, cultivation, member rank, and so-on. So what do you think?"

They finally sighed and said "We join"

"Good then use your blood to write your name on it" Fei instruct them as they did the same. Golden paper flew inside them. They already knew it will increase their soul power but they didn't believe now seeing it residing inside their body. They were quite shocked.

Fei ignores their shock, took out a space ring, and give them saying "This contains fifty thousand low-rank spirit crystal, so this is your first reward. There are two spirit top rank martial arts. Practice it and work hard, don't be lazy no matter your talent. I hope to see your cultivation breakthrough awakening second stage at secret realm contest."

Saying so fei turned back while they were dumbfounded. They didn't say a word running towards their house to see whether fei is lying or not?


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