FFF-Class Trashero

Chapter 393 - [Side Story] Adventure is Truth!

Chapter 393 - [Side Story] Adventure is Truth!

Since I was a kid, I aspired to become an adventurer.

Exploring the unknown, meeting new people, sitting at a round table in a bar during the evening to discuss what happened during the day…

That was my dream.

“An adventurer must be able to hunt powerful monsters, Lanuvel.”

“I know you’re cute, but you won’t grow stronger if you neglect to hunt.”

“Why don’t you stop wandering and hunt monsters with us instead?”

My friends told me such lines every day.

They were “adventurers,” but in reality, they weren’t interested in adventures at all.

Hunting, hunting, hunting, hunting…

Interested only in the remains of monsters and the rewards that accompanied them, they said it was a mistake for me to go on adventures.

But they didn’t ignore me.

After all, during my travels, I made a map of the world, a series of books with illustrations of a wide variety of monsters, a list of the best restaurants, and a collection of ancient relics that I got from the dungeons…

I was loved.

“It’s okay! I’m weak because of my low level, but I’m glad my hobby is benefiting people!”

“Well, if that’s the case…”

“Do what’s best for you…”


In the end, even my most stubborn friends came to terms with my lifestyle and never brought up the topic again.

One year, a decade, a century, half a millennium passed…

Until my adventure, which I thought would go on forever, came to an end.

My life expectancy was the one that stopped me.

Fate had nothing to do with it.

My friends, who leveled up while hunting monsters, still looked like they were 20 years old.

But not me.

“Kh-khugh! Haha… Am I going to die like this…”

My youth had long since passed at this point.

I extended my life with the help of rare elixirs and occult techniques that I learned about while traveling the world, but there was nothing I could do about the limitations of the human race.

It wasn’t just my body.

My soul.

Once its accumulated knowledge and experience reached a certain level, its “vessel” burst like a balloon.

Reincarnation, samsara, rebirth, ascension… I tried all possible ways to escape my destiny, but it caught me in the end nonetheless.

Unable to come to terms with it, it brought me grief.

In this vast universe, there were still so many exciting worlds that I, Lanuvel, had not seen…

But my body no longer obeyed me.

“Oh! Are you already giving up?”

“Who’s there?”

“Adventurer Lanuvel, from the perspective of the universe, you’re like a speck of dust, but within this galaxy, you are a real celebrity.”

“That doesn’t answer my question… Oh?!”

What was this terrifying piece of flesh?

Because of my presbyopia, I initially thought she was a humanoid monster, but upon closer inspection, I realized she was a female human.

“My name is Parmael. You wanted to meet God, right?”

… It was so sudden.

Realizing that my life span was still too short despite being extended by elixirs and occult magic, I began to search for the almighty God.

Deities clearly existed.

After spending my whole life exploring and wandering through the ruins and temples of countless planets, I came to this conclusion.

However, although I found traces of them, I didn’t personally meet any of them. Instead, I wasted decades being deceived by scammers.

“Do you believe me?”

“Yes. No crook would try to seek a meeting with Lanuvel, who prepares for her death in a desolate wilderness.”

“Why do you underestimate yourself so much? Perhaps I’m looking for your wisdom.”

“That’s already all in the past. Kh!”

I didn’t have any fortune that others could rob from me.

Whenever I had money, I used it all in my journeys. I never started a family to pass on my fortune to either.

Of course, there were times when my knowledge was a weapon, but I had already lost that as well since the oversaturation of my “vessel” caused symptoms similar to dementia.

I was nobody but a pathetic old woman who would soon succumb to Death’s embrace.

“If I could give you a new life, adventurer Lanuvel, how would you repay me?”

“For as long as you allow me to keep traveling, I will repay you in however way you desire!”

“Hoho! Then don’t forget your promise.”


First Angel Parmael.

She was a real deity, resembling a monster and possessing the absurd power of time manipulation.

With it, she brought me back to my youth.

In addition, she greatly expanded my “vessel” by appointing me as her apostle.

“Thank you so much, Goddess Parmael! What can I do for you?”

“You just need to travel the world as you’ve always done before and introduce outstanding adventurers to me, Lanuvel.”


“I recruit strong adventurers. I need strength to overthrow the Innocent Goddess loved by all deities.”

Innocent Goddess.

According to myths scattered throughout the universe, she was considered an invincible deity with no tolerance for harems.

Every time she waved her pillow, harem-hungry gods simply dissolved out of existence…

It was so absurd that I didn’t believe her existence, but she was apparently actually real.


“Adventurers are not mercenaries, Goddess Parmael.”

“A strange perspective. Adventurers are people who make money by hunting monsters. Although they also get quests such as escort missions, most of them make a living out of hunting, don’t they?”


“I’ll ask you again, Lanuvel. Can you introduce talented adventurers to me? If this task is too difficult for you, I’ll just take away my blessing right now.”

“… I’ll do it.”

I knew I couldn’t impose my philosophy and beliefs on others.

Parmael was right, anyway.

Adventurers indeed acted like “monster hunters.”

They butchered beasts and sold their bones and flesh, and they were only filled with thoughts about slaying stronger creatures.

The adventure itself didn’t matter to them.

No, what was an adventure for them?

Was it challenging powerful beings, their victory over which wasn’t guaranteed?

I knew many of such people. My friends were one of them.

“Then we have a deal. I wish you all the best, adventurer Lanuvel.”

“Thank you, Goddess.”

I made a deal with a fat and ugly evil spirit.


At Goddess Parmael’s request, I introduced many adventurers to her.

She persuaded them to move to her planet, casting the promise of “eternal life” as bait.

Planet Festival, a huge celestial body ideal for training adventurers since it was home to many powerful monsters, was where she sent and edified them.

But she wasn’t the owner of this place.


Noebius, a colossal black dragon.

Even Goddess Parmael, who controlled time, couldn’t get rid of it herself.

“I usually speed up my opponent’s time to exhaust their lifespan, but Noebius only grows stronger with age, so I turned back time to weaken it. As a consequence, many adventurers and angels died in the process.”

“I see…”

I listened to her story.

“Killing young Noebius would be easy, but I want to catch that dragon and tame it. That’s why, Lanuvel, I need you to bring an excellent tamer to me.”

“Yes, Goddess.”

Was I really free to travel?

If I failed to fulfill her request, she could end my insignificant life at any moment.

In the end, Noebius was captured.

The adventurers I introduced to her all worked together to defeat it, and the tamer I brought back to her proceeded to domesticate it.

… Was this an adventure?

I decided that I couldn’t leave everything as it was.

So I gave up traveling, my favorite hobby, and stayed at Festival to educate the adventurers.

“I’ll tell you all about the adventures!”

I didn’t force them to do anything.

They should figure out for themselves that there were more interesting and rewarding adventures than hunting monsters.

“What’s in the dungeons, Lanuvel?”

“There are hidden treasures and ancient mysteries!”

“Why set up a camp here, Lanuvel?”

“So you can feel the greatness of Mother Nature!”

“Lanuvel, why…”

“That’s because…”

Time passed.

My efforts were starting to pay off.

Adventurers began to understand the essence of real adventure.

And I changed too.

I had a favorite adventurer, and I had become a mother.

“Wow! Whoa!”


I was so stupid.

I wandered all over searching for new adventures, never realizing that settling down and raising a child was also an adventure in itself.

Who would this child be when they grew up?

That remained unknown to me.

An adventure wasn’t just a journey.


Moreover, I naturally became a deity by gaining divine power.

“Lanuvel, you…”

“Thank you for saving Lanuvel’s life, Parmael, but you will no longer sacrifice adventurers for your ambitions!”

“… Okay.”

“Do you understand me?”

“Of course. Adventurers should go on adventures. You’re right.”

“Thank you!”

“And I even know where they can go.”

“That’s great!”

“Planet Fantasy. You’ll like it. It’s not that far from here, and it has many dungeons.”


Having become a full-fledged god, I went on an adventure to Fantasy along with other adventurers.

Thus signaled the beginning of tragedy.


I brutally killed the spirit that prevented us from entering a dungeon.

I didn’t slay her myself but spurred on the adventurers whom she almost persuaded.

I did all of it out of anger.

Dungeons had no masters.

Yet, she insulted adventures and adventurers for trying to explore them, calling them vile and evil.

In the end, we killed her.

“Adventure Goddess Lanuvel. After the loss of his wife, Demon Lord Pedonar fell into a rage, declaring he would destroy all adventurers.”

“I understand.”

I had no regrets.

She paid the price for insulting those I held dear.

“What will you do?”

“We need to defeat the Demon Lord by joining forces with the adventurers!”

“Right. We must defend the rights of adventurers. I’ll help you.”

“Thank you!”

That was stupid of me.

Since then, I helped Parmael turn adventurers into “monster hunters.”

Pedonar was treated like another monster, but I ignored this obvious truth.

The results were dire.

I lost everything.

“Without you, I wouldn’t have managed to launch the Fantasy Institution. To express my gratitude, I founded a country that will honor your accomplishments and commanded all the angels to respect you from now on. Moreover, I will support you in raising Heroes that match your ideals.”

The Fantasy Institution, a system for raising Heroes, was implemented by combining the divine powers of Demon Lord Pedonar and First Angel Parmael.

I still couldn’t understand any of it.

Although the adventurers began to be called “Hero candidates,” I didn’t pay attention.

“Thank you very much, Parmael!”

I was a real fool.


Having become a part of the Fantasy Institution, I began to help Parmael in training Heroes.

It had been an eternity.

I summoned another Hero candidate from another dimension.


Afterward, I greeted him.

“Welcome, Hero! I know you’re confused since you’ve been summoned here without warning, so let me brief you at least.”


“Ah, calm down! You’re in Fantasy, a dimension different from where you were born…”

“What?! Is this a dream?! Have I been kidnapped?! Am I being filmed by a hidden camera?! Am I in the underworld?!”

“… I know it’s difficult to grasp everything at once, but I will begin to explain everything gradually, step by step… Please calm down!”

“Sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep…”

“This is not a dream!”

This time, with the help of my divine power, I summoned a truly pitiful Hero candidate.

The first impression he made was terrible, but [Adventure] wouldn’t have brought him here if he didn’t have “talent.”


“Have you come to your senses?”


“Oh, sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I’m Lanuvel, an archaeologist. I obtained the prophecy during one of my travels to study the ancient legend about Sir Hero. In ancient language, Lanuvel means ‘truth.’ May I know your name?”

“Kang Han Soo.”

“Ho ho! Hero Kang Han Soo! I wish you all the best for your future!”

I didn’t know at the time.

Who would have thought that pitiful Hero would become the Demon Lord who would consume everything?

“Get down on your knees and put your hands up, Ssosia.”

“Right in front of your grandson, mom?”

“Unless you want to call your husband your father, don’t do it.”

“Not again!”

“Let’s leave your stupid mother alone and have more fun, Sid.”

“Wow? Wow~?”

“My grandson looks like my son-in-law, which is why he’s very cute. I’m glad he doesn’t look like you.”

“Mom, please forgive me.”

“Raise your hands.”


The two were still raising a fuss, while the Hero’s son was still being cute.

Now that I had been punished, I felt really happy.

It was weird, wasn’t it?


“Yes, Mistress Fantasy!”

“What are you thinking about?”

“I think Sidael is really cute.”

“Right! Because he looks like my beloved son-in-law!”

“I’m looking forward to his future.”


I hoped this kid grew up to be a better adventurer.

That was Lanuvel’s new dream.


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