FFF-Class Trashero

Chapter 362 - [25th Round] You Are Not Me

Chapter 362 - [25th Round] You Are Not Me

The tournament for the hand of the Sword Princess progressed smoothly.

Me, Kang Han Soo, Aladdin.

We all easily defeated the other idiots and quickly climbed to the top.

But not everyone here was weak.

? Race: Blood Angel

? Level: 3194

? Job: Swordsman (Fencing = Slash ↑)

? Skills: Sword Mastery ZZ, Divinity ZZ, Armor Penetration Z, Five Senses Z, Resistance Z…

? Status: Blessing, Arrogance

There were also angels among the participants of the tournament.

According to Ssosiel, this was because Parmael’s followers weren’t locked up but instead still enjoyed their freedom.

They were like fish on a farm.

Those loyal to Bananael were given the “Blood Angel” race and were allowed to operate freely in the world of Fantasy, which was what Parmael did to her niece Ssosia in the past.

They were granted limited independence so they could be used in classrooms as educational materials.

This was the result.

“People are really weak.”


With the exception of Parmael and Bananael, whose memories couldn’t be erased even with the system’s help, the rest of them didn’t know the truth.

Hence, they still considered themselves the race best suited to rule the world of Fantasy.

“The Sword Princess will become my property.”


The angels had been scattered all over the continents.

To revive the Church of the Goddess, whose members worshipped Lanuvel, they constantly opposed Mollan’s Teachings and the religion of the Great Child.

That was why they were trying to get rid of the Sword Princess as well. She was, after all, the high priestess of Mollan’s Teachings.

However, they were yet to succeed.

? Race: Black Demon

? Level: 3214

? Job: Swordsman (Fencing = Slash ↑)

? Skills: Endurance ZZ, Dark Energy ZZ, Fencing Z, Recovery Z, Perseverance Z…

? Status: Magic Sword, Pride

After all, demons opposed them.

They were “bugs” left by my father-in-law’s interference with the system, and they were uncontrollable.

We could easily get rid of them, but Director Ssosiel chose not to. Instead, turning a blind eye to their existence, she used them to her advantage.

“See you in the finals, Sodael.”

“Hmph! Don’t be arrogant, vile demon.”


Due to Kang Han Soo’s presence, I forgot the main character of this class was supposed to be Hero Aladdin.

And it was he who had to fight both an angel and a demon.

Nevertheless, he managed somehow.

He defeated the demon he faced in the elimination rounds and reached the quarterfinals, where he beat an angel.

He pushed on not because he was strong, however.

? Aladdin: Thank you very much. Your advice let me defeat the demon Barcelóca. I’ll be spending the night with the Sword Princess very soon. I’ll make sure to post a photo of it, becoming the first to do so in the process.

? Sieg: Munchkin already did that.

? Luke: If you emerge victorious, please share the secret to defeating the Sword Princess, sir Aladdin.

? Isis: That’s disgusting. A woman isn’t a trophy! Well, you’re not going to succeed anyway.

? Odin: You won’t be the first, but try anyway, junior. The Sword Princess is too strong in the tertiary education course, but I think you still have a chance in the secondary one.

? Satan: Junior Aladdin, I don’t want to upset you, but you better forget about the Sword Princess. Even if you defeat her, she won’t marry you.

? Zeus: No one has defeated her yet. Just saying ^^

? Allah: Ignore Satan’s words. He just doesn’t want someone else to get it before him.

? Munchkin: Good luck.

Dreaming wasn’t harmful.

Many heroes took photographs to commemorate their act of seducing a companion.

The mollanphone community had already uploaded many similar photos with different companions.

Nasus, Sylvia, Pirate Queen, Imperial Princess, Aqua, Tomato, Sage, Ice Dragon King, Ice Princess, Dark Knight, Knight King…

Among them were those whose hearts were easy to get hold of with the help of guides.

But there were also the opposite cases.

“Extremely powerful participants have gathered in the final stretches of this tournament! To advance to the semifinals, the talented Rogue Aladdin defeated one of the crowd’s favorites, the Swordsman of Light Sodael! What else will he surprise us with? Please welcome him with thunderous applause!”




The Hero Aladdin slowly entered the arena, looking at the screen of his mollanphone.

As expected, he was booed from all sides.

And now my turn had come.

“All followers of Mollan’s Teachings should immediately drop what they’re doing and stand up to offer their respects. I can’t reveal the name and origin of this competitor, but he is a fellow compatriot! Let us welcome the Grand Inquisitor of Mollan’s Teachings, the punisher of stupid heretics!”


“May Mollan’s blessing be with you…”

“For the glory of Mollan…”

“For Mollan…”

Here it was. The difference between us.

I didn’t spread Mollan’s Teaching 2,000 years ago by introducing flush toilets on the Northern Continent for nothing.

After all, due to that, everyone here now worshipped the greatest being!

It was a wonderful sight.

“An inquisitor punishing heretics…”

Hero Aladdin frowned, expressing his dissatisfaction.

I chuckled.

“Don’t worry too much. Worshiping the Great Child isn’t considered heresy.”

But I felt a little embarrassed.

That religion’s followers worshipped Captain Fantasy, my alter ego, as their deity.

“I don’t worship anyone.”


“I only believe in myself and the skills that I’ve developed. There is no other truth. What do you say to that, inquisitor? Am I a heretic?”

“Let me ask you one question, Aladdin. What brought forth your success?”

“My effort and time.”

“… I see. If so, then you’re merely ignorant. I’ll teach you how to differentiate a Mollan from a Mullan.”

“Haha! Try it if you can.”


The Hero decided to act first.

That was too rash, considering he hadn’t even seen me fight yet.

My fellow Mollan followers voluntarily surrendered upon realizing I was the one they were up against.

This was justice.

Aladdin’s preferred twin daggers as his weapon.

He used a sword when necessary, but he generally relied on surprise attacks, cutting off his target’s neck or tendons as swiftly and unprecedentedly as he could.

To that end, he employed typical stealth assassin tactics, which weren’t actually that bad. However, his execution of such strategies was clumsy and subpar, considering he engaged in close combat without even knowing the strength of his opponents.

He was too arrogant.


I summoned the mace of justice, the perfect armament for smashing foolish heretics’ heads.

“Ha! You’re using that at this distance? This match is as good as my victory… Huh?!”

“Pfft. Don’t be ridiculous.”

I grabbed its flange with my bare hands.

There was no rule stating I had to hold on to its hilt.

Its spikes dug into my palms, but I didn’t mind.

“Y-you’re insane…”

The moment I threw it at him, Aladdin’s left shoulder was ripped apart, forcing him to back away.

Afterward, I wielded my weapon conventionally. Swinging it like a club, it drew a large parabola in the air.

Thanks to his high skills, he survived my first attack, but now he was put in an even worse position, as this distance was perfect for my mace.

If he failed to deflect even just one blow from me…

I’d make mincemeat out of him!

“Come! Automania!”

Deciding it was better to abandon the twin daggers due to his wounded left arm, he summoned his Holy Sword, which immediately made any hero a first-class swordsman.

It was ideal for beginners.


I brandished the mace of justice.

Holy Sword A tried to attack me but almost immediately stopped to take up a defensive position.


It barely had time to block my blow.

If it had been an ordinary sword, its blade would have already been broken. Unfortunately, the system’s protection prevented it from being damaged.

The same couldn’t be said for the Hero’s body, however.


He was already trembling all over.

Even if he left his own battles to Holy Sword A, the Hero should, at the very least, match its level to some extent.

Weaklings loosened their grip so as not to interfere with its automated actions. One could use some force to support it, but it would be quite difficult to synchronize with it.

Only heroes who didn’t depend on it could be called its true masters.


“Your Holy Sword won’t be able to stop my mace.”


I already hated Holy Sword A from my very first round, so much so that I decided to learn how to use a wide variety of weapons instead of relying on it.

Spears against large monsters.

Bows against flying creatures.

Maces against soft-bodied opponents.

Shields against those who boasted speed.

… Swords were a versatile weapon that could be used for most situations, but that didn’t mean they were the best.

I was different from other heroes who tried to solve everything using the Holy Swords.

Bam—! Bam—! Bam—!

A mace wasn’t just a club that could deliver heavy blows.

Using it, one could strike evenly, like beating a drum.

The rhythm was important for such a technique.

Bam—! Bam—! Bam—! ?

“Tsk! Kh! Ugh!”

I didn’t use any skills.

More precisely, my current form didn’t even have skills that were mace-related.

I operated based on pure experience.

All I needed was a weapon capable of withstanding the Holy Swords’ cutting power and the minimum strength required to push my opponent back.

Against a slave to skills, those two things were more than enough.

Hero Aladdin’s right arm, holding Holy Sword A, was completely broken.

That was the end of it.

“Pride and self-confidence aren’t inherently evil, but you must never forget to believe in Mollan, lost lamb.”

“Argh! I give— Pha?!”

Did he think I’d let him surrender so easily?

If I hit his jaw with my mace of justice, he would die.

So I used my knee instead.

He should rejoice that we were in the world of Fantasy. If we were on Earth, I wasn’t certain even dental implants could help him recover.


Aladdin fell.

“Master Mollan, please take care of this lost lamb. Mollan.”



The audience supported me through prayers.


Despite deviating from the advice of the other classes’ heroes, Kang Han Soo proved himself powerful by successfully reaching the finals.

“We meet again.”

Boris’ lightsaber, which I used to wield during my days as the sweet emperor, was now in my opponent’s hands.

“We have finally entered this tournament’s grand finals! Whoever emerges victorious here will be granted the opportunity to propose to Lady Kaisa Kureil. That being said, let me cut to the chase and bask in the glory of our finalists, starting with the famous mercenary from another continent! Hmm? Please wait for a moment.”

In the middle of his monologue, the announcer revised his introductory speech upon receiving a note.

“Oh! Let me reintroduce our combatant! Please welcome the Viscount of the Central Continent’s Holy Empire, Honorary Captain of the Holy Kingdom’s knights, Knight of Light of the Southern Continent’s Elf Empire, Completionist of the Giant Empire’s six trials, 1st Class Paladin of the Great Child, and fiancé of Lady Kaisa Kureil, the beautiful pearl of the Kureil estate! Count Kang Han Soo!”

“A tournament is just a means and a process. There is, after all, another way to win the Sword Princess’s heart,” Kang Han Soo smiled.

“Oh, you scoundrel! You still dare call yourself a hero?!”

“I’m already retired.”

“It seems your sense of justice retired with you.”

“Someone will definitely replace me.”

“Tsk! You unscrupulous young man!”

I couldn’t believe he was my past self.

He was indeed a little different.

“Do you still intend to fight even if you’ve already lost, Fanatic X?”

“Of course!”

I decided to teach him the true meaning of justice!

“Haha! I knew this would happen. Since we’re here, try to beat the payment for our tab out of me.”


This younger version of me really pissed me off.


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