FFF-Class Trashero

Chapter 287 - [18th Round] Achievements

Chapter 287 - [18th Round] Achievements

The summit between Ssosia and Factoria, representing Fantasy and Earth respectively, lasted all night.

I was curious about what they could even discuss for so long without interruption, but at the same time, my heart told me that I shouldn’t let my curiosity get the best of me.

“Listen carefully, my cowardly hubby.”

“I’m listening.”

I hoped she wouldn’t rant about losing the argument.

“Not at all! I was victorious!”


Winning an argument with the “redneck” felt that great for her, huh?

“Shut up! That’s not what I want to talk about.”


“To start with, the redneck and I discussed the possibility of losing our Wi-Fi connection. If it gets cut off, our whole plan will be in vain.”

Ssosia began to explain everything to me, including space science.

“Hey, get straight to the point.”

“But I’m telling you about the most important parts.”

“I don’t need to know all the details. You knowing about it is enough.”

Ssosia was my “forever second” wife. She wouldn’t be able to leave me.

Perhaps she was something like a portable encyclopedia?

With her by my side, I didn’t need to memorize or learn all sorts of meaningless details anymore.

“Pfft! Don’t compare me to the heating pads you carry with you to keep yourself warm at night…”

“Niece~ Niece~”

“What? Are you going to laugh and tease me about jealousy again?”

“How cute~”

It took quite a while before Ssosia got back to the main point.

“The faculty started the Wi-Fi connection, but they can’t terminate it. Simply put, they were able to make a hole in the dimension, but they don’t have the technology to close it. Am I making sense to you?”


It would be nice if that hole could be widened enough to allow people to pass through it, though.

“I’m going to explain the basics of space science to you if it means stopping you from having such stupid ideas.”

“No need.”

I studied a lot on Earth.

And if I didn’t understand something, I could just turn to Ssosia’s ass for help.

“Your words alone constitute sexual harassment! My ass is not a search button!”

“But what about my freedom of speech?”

“Your mom’s concern for you isn’t baseless, you know. If you return to Earth, you’ll find it difficult to adapt to your new daily life… Ouch!”


Ssosia kept wasting a ton of time in pointless moaning and yelling as she was trying to explain why I didn’t have to worry about losing the Wi-Fi connection.

“That’s your fault!”

“What’s your plan, then?”

She talked to Factoria all night. I would be very disappointed if that’s all they could come up with.

“Of course, that isn’t all. We talked about how to usurp the power of my aunt, the Director of Fantasy.”

“Get to the point.”

“The process itself is the essence.”


From the lips of a naked woman sprawled on the bed, it didn’t sound very convincing.

“We decided to start publishing a magazine, which will contain information about the current Fantasy.”

“A what?”

“A magazine! Sort of like those guidebooks you were talking about earlier. At first, it’ll only contain information useful to heroes. Then, gradually, articles specifically made to put you in a good light will be published in it, ultimately reducing their hostility towards you.”

Every part of this plan was clearly developed by the cowardly Ssosia and the vile Factoria.

“A guide for heroes…”

They could give them as much advice as possible, but it would be impossible to defeat the impartial MAX-Class Demon Lord.

Of course, if I trained them, they would never lose.

… Except against me. I had no desire to be defeated either.

In other words, the guidebook Ssosia was talking about would be useless.

“Maybe, but the heroes who just got here from Earth don’t know that.”

“That’s fraud and misinformation.”

They were attempting to sell a guidebook that wouldn’t even help the heroes complete their courses!

“There is some truth in that, but if I see my cowardly husband being pushed aside by some hero, I’ll be sure to enjoy the moment while eating popcorn on the sidelines. Only the best individuals in the tertiary education course are capable of that, though…”

“You really think there are such people?”

“There are. They’re the strongest heroes my aunt is hiding.”

I indeed knew little about that higher education course.

The individuals in the primary and secondary courses did nothing but charge head-on to fight the Demon Lord. They didn’t even delve into the essence of the world or ask questions.

As a result, many of them died and became desperate due to the Karma skill Ssosia introduced into the system.

The upperclassmen were different.

They had already gone through the antenatal care process and had adapted to the 5th curriculum. They moved forward while avoiding death or unnecessary frustration.

Their progress was far slower, though.

? Appearance: I also have a tertiary education degree, which is one of the requirements for becoming a teacher.

‘Oh! I see you’re not only smart and beautiful, Trainee Teacher. You’re also educated!’

? Embarrassment: I’m not that good. I barely got my diploma.

Then she should know why the journey of the undergraduates was so slow that most of them still hadn’t even made it outside the Dumpling Kingdom.

? Explanation: They’re working hard on their resume to prepare for employment. Regardless of what happened in the past, their objective now is to demonstrate what they learned in school and how great a hero they’ve become.

‘I understand their point, but even so, aren’t they too slow?’

? Answer: The requirements set by companies for new employees aren’t that high, but there’s a lot of competition between graduates. That’s why they try to make their resumes perfect.

Perfect and without mistakes!

In this case, of course, tertiary students were different from primary and secondary students.

Their juniors never looked back once they had accomplished their mission, selfishly believing that they had solved the problem.

However, even after completely figuring out the 1st round, the upperclassmen would suddenly visit the 2nd and 3rd rounds to ensure everything was in order.

? Tip: The day a senior student challenges cadet Kang Han Soo will come only after 500 years. After all, even though all I needed was a diploma, it still took me 50 years to get one.

“500 years…”

I shouldn’t think about them at all for now.

I returned to the main matter at hand.

“Are you listening, cowardly hubby?”


I had been listening to her subconsciously.

“I’m beginning to think that Trainee Teacher is your first love, even though you haven’t even met her yet…”

“The heart of a woman plays a big part in determining that.”

And their external and internal beauties were fundamental as well.

“Oh… I can’t believe I have to stay forever with this guy…”

“Continue your explanations.”

She continued as she didn’t want her MAX-Class Righteous husband to punish her.

“I don’t want to explain anymore…”


“The alien invaders are gradually pushing back Earth’s forces since reinforcements, the graduates, have stopped coming from Fantasy. Africa, composed of mostly less developed countries, has already been completely conquered…” Ssosia began to speak quickly.

The First Spirit, seeing the reaction of her niece, laughed, twitching all over.


“Aunt, can you do something about your stupid laugh? It doesn’t suit your title, the First Spirit.”

“Because of the Drug Demon Lord, my reputation is completely different compared to the ancient times, my niece. I was originally a noble spirit, but I decided to change my image. I am now a fallen spirit that has succumbed to his fingers. Not bad, right?”

“That’s a really pathetic reason to fall…”

Did she doubt my fingers?

I could proudly declare that they were more outstanding than the “Holy Swords” of heroes.

“Even my niece can’t resist them.”


“I’ve often seen you drool as you gaze down at the Drug Demon Lord’s skillful fingers.”

“What?! Don’t make things up!”

Ssosia’s explanation was interrupted for a while due to her obscene desires, but I had roughly understood the plan she and Factoria came up with.

Technological exchange.

Ssosia would transfer magic and technologies of the Fantasy World to Earth, and Factoria would reproduce them.

It would be transmitted through the latest smartphone, which was equipped with an improved Wi-Fi signal.

Our main objective was to strengthen the weaponry of Earth’s remaining heroes since I had shut down the production of new graduates.

We focused on improving the quality of the army!

My jealous Ssosia’s idea wasn’t bad at all.


I didn’t think I would ever get bored, even if I stared at my smartphone all day.

But in just a few days, I got bored.

I was Kang Han Soo, a hero who had lived in Fantasy for over 100 years.

Since I led an active lifestyle and worked hard without even resting for a single day, I found it hard to mess around.

Was this what people called occupational deformity?

“Cowardly husband, don’t praise yourself too much.”

“I’m just telling the truth.”

It used to go unnoticed due to the heroes’ invasion, but since visitors had stopped appearing after the Four Celestial Lords were placed at the entrance, all that remained for me was to listen to how my mother was proud of her second son all day…

? Sudden Appearance: Cadet Kang Han Soo!

‘Oh! What a surprise. Have you decided to keep me company?’

? Confused: Company? No, you need to prepare quickly. An important senior colleague of mine is on his way to you.

‘Your warning’s too late, my secret friend.’

Her “important senior colleague,” as she called him, was already in front of me.

“This is our second meeting, Kang Han Soo. Do you remember me?”


Two meetings weren’t enough for me to do that.

… Especially for a man.

“I’m Parker Lee, chairman of the senior curriculum committee.”

“Ah! You’re the guy who used my son to get me to switch to the secondary course.”

“Yeah. That’s me. I’m glad you remembered correctly.”

The supervisor of the secondary education course.

He was the person who prevented me from graduating and forced me to enter the secondary education course instead.

“What do you want?”

Trainee Teacher said that the faculty had established a rule against contacting me.

However, if I mentioned this, I might put her in trouble.

“I’m not only the supervisor but also the Head of the secondary and tertiary education courses’ disciplinary committee. It is my duty to guide the senior students who have gone astray back to the righteous path of heroes.”


I wasn’t a student anymore. I was just a tutorial for them now.

“There are many students who have abandoned their role and duty as heroes, all because of the Demon Lord, who remains unbeatable.”

“It can’t be helped.”

I was simply stronger than the heroes who had invested in the vile power of love and friendship.

“I know. You’re the Hero who has broken many records of the Fantasy Training Center, after all.”

? View achievements with administrator privileges.

? Name: Kang Han Soo.

? His achievements are shown below.

? 1: Killed the primary education course’s Demon Lord in the shortest amount of time. ★★

? 2: The first in the primary education course to kill the Supreme Dragon of Oblivion. ★

? 3: Killed the primary education course’s Demon Lord without the Holy Sword in the shortest amount of time. ★

? 4: Killed the primary education course’s Demon Lord without companions in the shortest amount of time. ★

? 46: The first among all the students to defeat the Second Demon. ★

? 47: Defeated the Second Demon in the shortest amount of time. ★

? 48: Shown the fastest growth among all the students. ★

? 49: Voted as the cutest Hero by the residents of Fantasy. ★★★

? 134: Youngest student to enroll in the primary education course. ★

? 135: Fastest student to be admitted to the secondary education course. ★

? 136: Voted the most revered Hero by the residents of Fantasy. ★★★★

? 137: Voted the most influential Hero by the residents of Fantasy. ★★★

? 138: Voted the most desirable man by the female residents of Fantasy. ★★

? 140: Voted the most trustworthy Hero by the residents of Fantasy. ★★

? 141: Voted the most respected man by male residents of Fantasy. ★

? 184: Killed the most dragons in the shortest amount of time. ★★★

? 185: Killed the most angels in the shortest amount of time. ★★★★

? 186: Killed the most demons in the shortest amount of time. ★

? 187: Killed the most handsome men in the shortest amount of time. ★★

? 188: Killed the most beauties in the shortest amount of time. ★★

? 234: The one who changed Fantasy’s history. ★★★★★

? 235: The one who changed Fantasy’s culture. ★★★★

? 236: The one who changed Fantasy’s economy. ★★★★★

? 237: The one who changed Fantasy’s geography. ★★★★

? 238: The one who changed Fantasy’s society. ★★★★

I had racked up quite a lot of achievements since the last time I saw them.

But what was it for?

“There was a lot of discontent among the applicants, as Kang Han Soo took possession of almost all the achievements that give additional points for many positions.”


“With such a large number of petitions from students, we must either satisfy their needs or provide a solution to their problem.”


Since my accomplishments were interfering with his work, he was planning to erase them. Was that it?

“No. I cannot give you the details, but this is just an excuse to meet with you.”

He couldn’t do so because of the newly implemented school regulations.

Was that why he came up with such an interesting way to come to me?

“I’m curious.”

I let go of Ssosia’s cowardly pelvis.

It was time to start the negotiations.


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