Feng Yu Jiu Tian

Chapter Volume 1 5

Important notes:

Mannerism: When speaking to Royalty, servants always refer to themselves as “lowly”, and they always offer well wishes upon seeing the important person. i.e. “I wish you a hundred years of life” or “I wish you good health”

Three measurements: In a few Asian countries, the three measurements which are the chest waist and hips are highly prized. As it is very personal information. And men just love the numbers.

Feng Ming’s name means the cry of phoenixes, as the birds are seen as good omens and joy.

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To Feng Ming his regimented life in the palace officially began.

He had no choice but to comply with the cumbersome court etiquette required from him. For certain he wasn’t given the respect and treatment a royal should receive, to the contrary, everyone treated him like he was an important prisoner.

From the gossip Feng Ming manage to catch, the Prince was really pathetic, a complete nothing. Apart from drinking, all he did was play and upon seeing the Regent King he would succumb under his power and crumble like weak bones.

It wasn’t a secret within the palace that the Regent King violated the Prince, there was yet to be any sympathy from the people around him.

"What a bastard…argh." Feng Ming muttered, bored out of his mind as he sat in the Prince’s hall, he looked up and sighed.

Chiu Lan stood beside Feng Ming, staring at her master with a confused expression.

"Chiu Lan, didn’t you say Rong Wang will be here today?"

"On this matter…of Rong Wang’s whereabouts, your lowly servant dare not speculate.” She replied dutifully.

"Humph!" he groaned.

Unsatisfied he turned away from her.

All his servants when speaking on the topic of the Regent king showed admiration and fear of him. Yet, they were indifferent with sharply noticeable attitudes towards Feng Ming.

Was this Cao Cao that good? The original one was merely a treacherous figure in Chinese history.

He abruptly stood up, and dashed to the door where Chiu Lan immediately followed to block his exit.

“Prince!” she cried out.

“Where does the Prince want to go?”

"I'm bored to death here, I’m going to start rotting soon!" Feng Ming growled gingerly, before quickly breaking the barrier and ran out of his quarters.

Three seconds later, the royal soldiers that stood guard outside of his area had him restrained in their hold. They returned him to his place with his temper flaring. The guards were also impatient with Feng Ming’s incompliant behavior in the past days.

Giving their respects to him they pleaded with him, "Please forgive us, Prince. Rong Wang has issued that there is potentially spies from other countries infiltrating Xi Rei, and we have been ordered to increase security and protect the Crowned Prince. You can not break the King’s rule and leave your quarters.

"I'm not a prisoner!" Even though Feng Ming raged on childishly, the guards politely excused themselves and closed the door to the Prince’s hall tightly shut.

In the past few days this scene has been repeatedly played, all resulting the same way.

Feng Ming was bored senseless, sure an ancient palace was extravagant and beautiful but even sitting day after day in such tranquil ornate surroundings would lose its appeal.

There must be a thousand secrets behind the walls of the palace, fun things that were to be discovered. However, no one was brave the crime of influencing the Prince just for the sake of his entertainment.

Even if people stood up to authority on behalf of the Prince, his name did not carry and importance.

Feng Ming kicked the foot of his bed in frustration.

"My brain will explode from boredom, how come that Master Tong Yi hasn’t even dropped by?" He was desperate, even an enemy was a cure to his uninteresting regime.

In fact the only interesting thing to happen took place the day before yesterday, when Master Tong had rushed in rudely, and picked a fight with him by initiating a war with words. This of course resulted in their comical and uncivilized scuffle. The two were clearly untrained in terms of martial arts.

His attendants could only look at each other in dismay, none of which interfered, for everyone knew the authority standing behind Master Tong Yi and no one wanted to lay a wrong hand on the heir of Xi Rei.

Not aiding either was the best choice they had.

Master Tong Yi had no clue to what the Prince had taken as drugs, within a blink the Prince before him was no longer a coward afraid of his death, instead the weakness was replaced with defiance. Tong Yi stormed out of the Prince’s hall cursing uncouthly.

Soon after he made his way to complain tearfully about what happened to Rong Tian, who never even considered the Prince as anything and treated the Royal like a slave.

Instead of getting the King to side with him, he found himself reprimanded for his actions. Rong Wang warned him sternly, and since then he dared not appear in the Prince’s quarters.

"Don’t tell me, am I going to be trapped here for the rest of my life?" Feng Ming asked as he watched Chiu Lan as she entered the room, bringing his dinner, and he began to frown.

Given that he may have a chance to see the nasty Rong Wang again, was good enough to hold onto the thought of serving him two more punches which will sure beat the boredom of being stuck in his room.

Ever since their impassioned kiss, Rong Wang approved the status of Feng Ming’s identity, threw him into the Prince’s Halls and left him to peril.

Just as he left out another moan, he heard voices outside his chambers announcing an arrival.

"Rong Wang, I wish you good health." *

When that Cao Cao was on his mind.

That Cao Cao really appeared.

How amusing this event immediately cheered him up, his body flowing with vigor he covered his mouth quickly, pulling himself together as he held back his joy, before getting up.

Rong Wang pushed the doors open and entered in a fashionable manner, quickly confronted by Feng Ming who was pumped with passion to pick a fight, he was lively and glowing standing shorter than the King and close to where he had entered.

"Oh, aren’t you lively." He chuckled.

Rong Wang paced slowly towards Feng Ming, identifying the alert in the younger man’s eyes; he decided to stop one step short of the Prince.

He glanced to the sides of the room, and ordered.

“Everyone step down, leave us.”

Everyone, inclusive of Chiu Lan, wordlessly retired, shutting the doors to leave them in privacy.

Silence cloaked the room, a strange feeling radiated from that silence, the sudden change in the atmosphere effected Feng Ming he couldn’t help but feel a timid.

This Rong Wang isn’t planning to do something to me again…

Could he?

Last time he managed to escape by revealing his true name, perhaps he could offer his three measurements to settle this deal. *

There was a deep darkness in the eyes that fixated on Feng Ming. Soon the eyes that held an aura of an oppressive force closed into him. Soon there was a weight that leaned into him which yearned to constrict him.

Jestingly, a grin formed on Rong Tian lips, he insincerely feigned his courtesy towards Feng Ming.

“His Royal Highness, your humble servant has arrived to wish you well.”

The King’s breathe blew into his ears, causing him much distress.

As Feng Ming moved away, he found himself falling into the hands of Rong Wang.

Into large hands that practiced martial arts, familiar with immobilizing and enforcement, they soon had Feng Ming’s slender wrists effortlessly tied behind the boy’s back.

"Hey! You can’t treat a Prince this way!” exclaimed Feng Ming, he glared at the man, and was clear of how strong he was.

His intentions to land a few punches was better placed aside at this rate.

"Hey, Hey…little Prince ...." He flicked Feng Ming’s Chin towards his face to carefully study it.

Being with the Prince for so many years, Rong Tian had already vented his desires on the delicious body. But he never actually stopped to seriously take in the Prince’s appearance.

For the first time, he wasn’t looking into the face he despised so he saw what had been there the whole time. Immense beauty, the Prince’s face was attractive, handsome and amazing. The boy’s features enticed admirers to take claim, with kisses.

Since their memorable kiss that shook his core, Rong Wang could not erase the existence of this imposter Prince from his mind, nor hid him away in the Prince’s quarters.

In all his powers, he had ensured that any suspicious individuals within the palace were investigated. However, he could not determine the origins of this Feng Ming or information on his identity.

Feng Ming, was a beautiful name in itself. *

"Feng Ming ..."the name rolled of his tongue, in an alluring deep voice, bellowing gently on the Prince’s eardrum.

Then he ordered. “Call my name.”


Feng Ming was stupefied and gazed at the Regent King.

He did recall that the King had told him his name, however during that moment he was attacked over and over again.

And he was hit with that fervent kiss, how was he meant to remember his blasted name. .

Rong Tian waited silently for a response, his expression change into one not so friendly, firing danger.

“What?” He prompted.

“Did you forget?” he accused.

“Or did you not even try to commit it to memory to begin with?” The dial of anger flicked up another notch.

The thought of his name being forgotten by this man, added fuel to the fire as his rage was beginning to boil over and there was nothing to stop it.

No one had ever acted in this manner, completely ignoring his importance.

Rong Tian’s name, spoken around the eleven countries was already enough to send people trembling in their shoes, hence no other Kings thought of him lightly.

“So what if I forget? Seriously, what is the big deal?" protested Feng Ming as he talk back, not knowing he was further adding to the damage done and now was just adding that extra spoon of fuel to the fire.

Without noticed, the elegant lips were crushed brutally with a pair of possessive ones.

The mouth over his worked to suffocate him during their kiss, his act was how the King wanted to demonstrate the power he had over the younger man. How he could slowly savor the boy however he wanted to enjoy him this was including ravaging Feng Ming’s tongue.

It was extremely sweet, the boy’s essence.

The excitement from their last kiss had elicited a crazy desire that was not ordinary it was impossible to suppress. The past few days, Rong Wang craved and thirst for more knowledge of the one in his arms.

At this moment, it may be more honorable to review Feng Ming outright.

Where their lips locked was numb and the taste stroke a nerve within Rong Wang, firing signals to his crotch.

His desires had his member rise almost immediately.

It wasn’t the first time he violated the Prince, however this time around there was a new sensation of primal attraction, a passion behind it all.

After their vigorous kiss, Rong Wang threw Feng Ming onto the bed, his eyes full of dangerous intent which was on the verge of breaking out.

The King was barely able to keep the reigns of control over his needs of his rather ‘healthy’ body.

"Are you aware of what the Prince’s responsibilities are?”

He asked and hinted as he slowly motioned to remove his offending articles of clothing.

"The most important one is to please me."

It was just moments before, the couple was deep in their kiss, which had Feng Ming well distracted,Feng Ming barely manage to sit up in bed as he turned his head towards the King’s direction, to only have his eyes met with the strong physique of Rong Wang.

He gasped.

“What are you doing!?” he screamed.

In fact he didn’t even need to ask, he already knew when Rong Wang’s next step.

Feng Ming forced smile, thoughts shooting through his brain at the speed of light.

"Just because I forgot your name, don’t you think you are getting too exited over this matter?" He tried.

It seems like telling the King his three measurements wasn’t going to be his escape ticket for the day.

Rong Tian finished discarding his clothing, and stood proudly showing his body, stepping ever so closer to Feng Ming.

His face was carrying a smile as he chuckled, almost like a hunter homing onto his prey, and that prey had no where to hide.

The undeniable havoc in the older man’s eyes sent Feng Ming’s heart beating rapidly.

Seeing the King would reach him soon enough, the Prince threw his hands in front of him showing his discontent.

“Stop! Stop right there!” he yelled.

Perhaps there should be some fore play beforehand, a little game of cat and mouse before the main course?

Rong Wang paused infront of Feng Ming’s eyes which were riddled with dread.

"What is it?" Yung Wang raised his eyebrows hoping for the fine suggestion of a game.

Am I to lose my virginity today?

On top of that, losing it to a man?

Feng Ming understood there was no way he’d win and weasel his way out of this by picking a fist fight with the King, if he doesn’t even put up a case of resistance, he was consequently going to be raped by this man. He would be the butt of all jokes in the Palace the next day for sure.

I am a modern man and modern men should be smarter than the ancient folks, right?

What can I do in my ability that can out smart him?

Whilst conjuring up options, Feng Ming kept the King’s movements under close observation, just incase he decides to pounce on him unannounced.

His neurons working a hard sweat, trying to remember what he has seen before that may help him, but this was dominated by images of David versus Goliath.

What was the best way to deter a man, when he wants ‘that’?

On the side, Rong Tian had already lost his last strand of patience, as he stood butt naked in front of Feng Ming, it was better to be stripping the boy and having him in his arms so he could ravage him.

“Come, we can get more intimate,” The King stepped forwards, determined to strip away the obstructing heavy garments the Prince wore.

Upon the contact of the man’s hand on his skin, Feng Ming shrank back as if he was burnt and cried out.

"I got it! I know now!” His cry was ecstatic, his outburst brimmed his face with joy he was practically dancing.

Taken aback Rong Tian stopped in his tracks, and asked curiously, “What comes to mind?”

"I can’t tell you, not a word!" Feng Ming giggled for a while, but restrained himself as he couldn’t reveal his master plan. So he changed his joy into a sullen seriousness and sternly looked at the King.

"You said my job is to please you, correct?"

"Yes, with your body ...." bluntly returned.

"No, no, pleasing people with one’s body is too common! How about I use another way to pleasure you?" he opted.

"With something else?" Rong Tian was aching to have Feng Ming.

“Your mouth?”

"No!" He exclaimed, seriously was that all he thought about?

Feng Ming inwardly cursed the King who was only filled with lust and other dirty things.

Instead, brushing off the King, he laughed.

“Have you heard of One thousand and One Nights?” the Prince asked.

"No." disinterested.

"That's good then. Well, let’s say I am a princess, and you're an evil King that marries a bride every day to only have her beheaded the next morning. From now on, I would tell you a story every day…before I finish you can’t…”

As excited as Feng Ming was setting the terms out of his deal he was never able to finish it.

Owing to the fact, Rong Tian could not control his needs, and smothered the lips ferociously that refused open under his pressure.


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