Feng Yu Jiu Tian

Chapter Volume 1 1.2


“What’s your name?” Reviewing his behaviour quickly, he explained.

“I just woke up and my head is a little dizzy”

The servant smiled.

“Even if the Prince didn’t come out of slumber you would never call my name. My name is Chiu-lian, your highness.”

“What do you mean? Even, if I wasn’t ill and bed-ridden shouldn’t I of at least known something so basic?”

The servant replied once more with an even a sweeter smile: “Your highness, seldom spoke to us servants, I have worked here for two years now. This is the first time you’ve asked for anyone’s name.”

So it’s like that, Feng-ming sighed relieved.

If it’s like that then, it would be alright if he doesn’t recognise people. Additionally, he wouldn’t have to work too hard on that part of remembering names.

However, being a prince wasn’t all fun and play, according what Feng-ming could recall from the history books, the majority of the Crown Prince’s upbringing is occupied with stramineous training. All of which, is strive to take on the responsibilities of running a country. The recipe of studies to develop virtue, spirit and mind – not an easy full time job that’s for sure!

“I don’t like talking much right?” Feng-ming’s lips stretched into a soft smile.

“Well then, after being so seriously unwell, I think I’m adjusted to finally opening my mouth.”

Chiu-lian was patient, filling in the gaps in memory for her master.

“Prince you were never sick, you fell into the river and you were rescued. From the moment your highness was pulled out from the river, you’ve had the whole palace on edge of a sword. The imperial doctors said you were beyond saving!”

“Fell into the river?” Feng-ming emitted an embarrass glow along with an awkward smile.

“Oh right…that’s right. Ah…I see the weather must have been good, and I decided to go for a walk near the river and I accidentally slipped and tumbled into the river, good that you all manage to find me just in time”

Chiu-lian stared at the prince bewildered by the man in front of her, making Feng-ming a little uncomfortable.

“What’s wrong?” he demanded.

“Prince, your Highness is acting rather peculiar today.” She answered dutifully.

How could this not be strange?

Feng-ming’s heart was lamenting.

It wasn’t like I was eager to jump into this corpse! I didn’t want to be your Prince!

Who told your Prince to have such a miserable short life?

Since being pulled into the time-space portal, there hasn’t been much sense in the subsequent events, but why did Feng-ming have to impersonate a ‘dead’ Crowned Prince? The ‘living’ Crowned Prince sighed heavily, as he decided he will have to learn to tolerate the changes that come with assuming this identity.

Releasing a last sigh, he decided this sure beats, dying at 19 years old and having his soul disappear for ever. He mustered up his fighting spirit and made his choice.

“Chiu-lian, I want something to drink.” He lazily sat up on his bed, but even this slow motion sent shocks of pain that radiated from his bones and muscles straight to his brain.

The maidservant left to retrieve the request.

Well from now, Feng-ming would quietly assume his given role as the Crowned Prince of Xi-re.

A place he has never heard of.

Nor did he have any idea what dynasty he was even present in!

He also had completely no idea what a water pitcher, cups or its equivalent would be in this place. He refrained from reaching out for items by himself, afraid his foreign reaction to every day items such as containers, utensils would illicit a curious response from himself.

Even if he was to be independent, and retrieve his own drink he was helpless to where to start. They would indefinitely suspect something in his unusual behaviour, quickly detecting him as an imposter, or worst yet label him as the real Crown Prince that had turned insane after an accident!

In a short while, the girl returned steadily back to his chamber. In her hand was a silver polished cup and her other was a modest porcelain pitcher, which had no handle.

Chiu-lian carefully poured the refreshing liquid into the glistening cup, walked towards his bedside and steadily offered the fullness to Feng-ming.

Reaching for the cup, Feng-ming took the opportunity to study the pitcher. Letting out an inward sigh of relief, on confirmation that the basics were very similar to what he was expecting. In theory, by the looks of his environment, he could treat this as the Tang dynasty.

Without further tormenting his completely parched throat, Feng-ming outreached hand accepted the cup and awarded his cracked lips as he gulped down the entire contents in one mouthful.

To his displeasure, the Prince was never expecting to find his tastes senses suddenly burning with bitterness after consuming his beverage.

The liquid he had so eagerly swallowed, was just as eager to leave his stomach.

An odd sensation overwhelmed his nostrils; Feng-ming immediately clutched his chest choking on his own saliva.

Tears seared his eyes as he fought with his will not to regurgitate.

He continued to cough, to the point where mucus, tears and saliva gradually made a mix on his face.

What the hell is this?

Don’t tell me this is the quality of water in this Xi-re country!?

The Prince’s chest, hollowed out by the heavy fits of coughing. He could barely fix his focus straight as he tried to fix his angered eyes upon his maidservant, Chiu lian.

The servant stood without any intervening.

How dare that girl toy with the Price, although he was an imposter he shouldn’t be treated in this manner!

As his coughing fit calmed down to a clearing of his throat, he expected an explanation.

“What was THAT?”

Chiu-lian looked astonished at Feng-ming’s odd question but answered obediently.

“That was wine…ah”

WINE?” Feng-ming exclaimed and stared dumbfounded at the contents in her hands, Feng-ming was only 19 in his previous life, and not even of drinking age.

Feng-ming shook his head, deciding whether to forgive her negligence or blame generosity in her actions.

“I wanted a drink to quench my thirst, you silly girl! What are you trying to do?” he scolded.

Hearing the tone of annoyance in her master’s voice, the poor girl scrambled down to her knee’s with fright and immediately bowed as humbly as she could.

She had angered the prince

Chiu-lian feared meeting eyes with Feng-ming and instead she produced the wine container above her head, tilting it for the Prince to inspect out of suspicion of any wrong doing.

“But your Highness never drinks water; your Highness only drinks the finest wines available to the Royals”

“Huh?” Feng-ming blinked, completely lost for words.

I never drink water only wine?

This Prince must have been one serious alcoholic, perhaps that’ why he fell into the river!

Stupid drunkard, what a way to go out!

The Prince, cleared his throat gently.

“H-humph… the Doctor…no..I meant the Imperial healers have advised me that drinking is unhealthy. Hence forth, I will stop drinking alcohol”

Feng-ming adjusted his posture and straightened his back before casting a much gentler look at Chiu-lian.

“From now, If I am thirsty, serve me water.” He stated.

“Quit drinking?” Chiu-lian asked several times for confirmation from her Prince.

It was almost as she was talking to a ghost, her lips quivered as she finally answered.

“Understood, your Highness.”

------------------------Chapter One-------------------------



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