Femdom Island

Chapter 243 Birth of a monster

Chapter 243 Birth of a monster

Alva's heart pounded as she weighed her options. The tree-like being's words seemed sincere, and the urgency of the situation compelled her to make a decision. She knew she couldn't leave the injured girl behind, and if this being truly wanted to help, it might be her best chance.

"Fine," Alva said, her voice resolute. "Help me get her to Master Nikol. If you try anything suspicious, I won't hesitate to defend myself and this girl even if it meant I have to burn all the trees here."

The tree-like being nodded solemnly. "I understand your caution, Alva. I bear you no ill will. Our intentions are aligned against Jormungand, the great serpent that threatens this land."

Together, they carefully lifted the wounded girl and started moving through the dense forest. Alva couldn't help but look behind her to see a figure following them jumping from tree to tree without even bothering to show any sort of reaction to what just happened.

"What is that thing? Do you know why that thing keeps following us keeping a distance rather than getting close enough to attack us?"

Looking at the figure, the tree that looked just as creepy as the person that is following them answered, with its voice rather deep.

"Normally, we take no interest in human affairs, as we don't care about them, but it's sad to see someone suffering because of these creatures that are not meant to be here, even though Nikol is also like that, we allowed him because he did nothing but good for the land and eventually started to accept this land and protect it,"

Alva kept running while listening to his words, but she never took her eyes off the person that kept following him.

"Do you know or Do you not?"

"Yes I know," The tree answered her words, knowing that she didn't have any patience to listen to long speeches.

"It's the archer type of god that he summoned to train the new humans, Jormungand summoned many gods of different fight styles, and all of them are just empty husks that only know how to obey rules," The tree spoke the things they witnessed while observing the land.


"Do you know something that can work against that guy and a way for me to contact Nikol?" Alva felt annoyed after all, Jormungand kept doing unwanted things to the,

She hoped that he would drop dead somewhere without bothering them, and while she was cursing him inside her mind the tree answered her question with a nod while creating a wooden shield to block all the attacks that came in their direction.

"The fruits of the tree that sprouted above the hollow, consume it," The tree paused for a minute and continued.

"It is an abnormality that appeared in this world without anyone interfering, it absorbed all the energy that Nikol used to attack and doubled it and created those fruits, I'm sure once you consume one of them, you will gain extraordinary power, but-"

Alva listened to its words carefully and waited for the tree to say the remaining words too.

"There might be consequences to that action and I have no idea what they are, I'm not saying something will definitely happen, but there's a huge chance of something happening,"

The tree created a huge wooden wall and blocked the vision of the archer god that kept following him and decided to finish things off.

"Tell me! Will you take the risk or not? We can't keep running away, once my remaining mana gets depleted, I would become a real tree without any vision or intelligence, but before that, I want to use these remaining powers to help you and Nikol, because he is the only one that can prevent our land from being destroyed,"

Alva paused and looked at the girl, who was in her embrace and quickly came to a decision, which was the only decision she could come up with after all the running and dodging she did.

"Take me there, I don't care about anything as long as I can take this girl to Nikol, I don't want any death,"


"Why do you keep resisting dying? If you want death, you're so annoying," Nikol shouted his patience running out, as Jormungand kept blocking and dodging his attacks, even though he wanted to die.

It was a dangerous gamble, but Nikol knew he couldn't afford to hesitate. His priority was to protect the ones he cared about, and if killing Jormungand was the only way to achieve that, he had to seize the opportunity.

"Let's put an end to this, I don't have time to entertain you,"

With grim determination, Nikol readied himself for the impending clash. He lunged forward, meeting Jormungand head-on in a clash of titans. Their blows reverberated through the air, shaking the ground beneath them. Each strike was fueled by the weight of their shared knowledge—that only they possessed the power to end the other.

The energy crackled around them, charging the atmosphere with an electric intensity.

Nikol unleashed a flurry of lightning-fast strikes, his movements a blur as he weaved through the air. Each punch and kick carried the weight of his frustration, fueling his blows with an almost tangible force. Jormungand, however, proved to be a formidable opponent, swiftly dodging and countering with a grace that belied his monstrous appearance.

Jormungand's immense strength became apparent as he swung his massive arms, creating shockwaves that shattered the ground beneath Nikol's feet. The force of the impact sent Nikol hurtling backwards, but he regained his balance mid-air, flipping through the air and landing gracefully on the battlefield.

Determined not to let his opponent gain the upper hand, Nikol channelled his inner strength. His body radiated an intense aura as he tapped into his hidden reserves of power. His eyes glowed with an otherworldly light as he prepared to unleash his dangerous blow, which was guaranteed to hit Jormungand'schest after all the parries he did to his enemy.

As they fought, Nikol's thoughts remained fixed on his girls. The images of their smiling faces and the memories they had forged together gave him renewed strength. He swung his sword with precision and unleashed devastating bursts of primal energy, aiming to strike Jormungand's heart.

But despite his best efforts, Nikol couldn't ignore a growing sense of unease. There was something off, something strange happening beneath him.

"What is this feeling? It's like something is-" Nikol knew something happened, but he had no idea what it was.

The ground rumbled, and he felt a surge of power emanating from the earth itself. It was as if the very fabric of the battlefield was responding to their clash.

Nikol's instincts kicked in, and he made a split-second decision. He disengaged from Jormungand and focused his attention on the ground beneath him. With heightened senses, he detected a faint vibration, almost like a heartbeat. The realization struck him like a bolt of lightning.

"Another energy appeared, what is the meaning of this?" Nikol knew what happened and he looked at Jormungand to see how he is reacting to this, but the person wasn't there for him to see how he is reacting.

And Nikol also noticed the barrier that kept him separated from the girls also had disappeared like Jormungand all of a sudden disappeared without any clue.

"Did he get to attack the other energy source that suddenly appeared, what is that strange power? Another being like us or-" He paused for a minute and panic came to mind, as he had a wild suggestion.

With his heightened senses, Nikol scanned his surroundings, trying to locate the source of the new energy. He noticed a peculiar distortion in the air a few meters away. It shimmered and fluctuated as if something unseen was manipulating reality itself. Nikol approached cautiously, his instincts urging him to be prepared for anything.

As he neared the anomaly, Nikol noticed Jormungand standing there with his mouth wide open like he was something unexpected, and Nikol also saw what he was looking at.


Nikol's eyes couldn't believe what he was seeing after all, this is the last thing he wanted to see, but he had to accept this was reality and quickly come up with a plan.

Because what he saw in front of him was none other than the figure of his girl, Alva with her giant wings Nikol had no idea how she got them protecting her body and something against the arrows of the arrows that kept coming in her direction from somewhere that even Nikol had no idea.

"Alva!" Nikol shouted and went in her direction forgetting about Jormungand, who was still stun locked.

"That tree! That body! An incomplete perfect being of energy like us, this is absurd, how can someone like this appear?" He said while holding his head like he was almost going crazy, but then he came to and decision.

"Nikol! I have a proposal that will benefit both of us, I want a death, but it should be painless death so, I dislike having to die because of your energy, so here's the thing, why don't we sacrifice this girl?"


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