Feasting Lord in Another World

Chapter 14

Chapter 14

#Diet Turns into Money (1)

It had been some time since she had enjoyed such a restful sleep.


When was the last occasion she awoke feeling so rejuvenated and free from fatigue?

Unbeknownst to her, Lady Monica Sinclair released a lengthy sigh of satisfaction and rose from her slumber.

"Emily, could you fetch me some water..."

"Is Lady Monica awake? Oh dear! Lady Monica!"

The maid, who had exited the room to avoid interrupting the lady's nap, unintentionally expressed her surprise.

"...Emily, bring me a mirror. Hurry!"

The joints of her fingers, tightly gripping the blanket, became visible.

Which meant,

"Congratulations, Lady Monica! Your appearance seems to be returning!"

The swelling was diminishing.

All of this transformation had occurred in just about 3 hours of napping. Her previously bloated body, which used to sag like a water-soaked sponge when pressed, now looked noticeably different.

'Is this even possible? There was nothing special done...'

As she gazed into the mirror, examined her face, and touched her arms and legs, the lady experienced a moment of doubt. However, she was certain that there was a clear effect and was both amazed and delighted.


While the lady was celebrating the changes in her body, Dominic was enjoying another staycation in a luxurious guest room.

'I no longer feel imprisoned. This feels like a genuine staycation. Perhaps a 5-star hotel? No, room service here is complimentary, so it's even better. Hehe.'

Dominic leisurely nibbled on snacks that the maids had brought him.

The humble yet delightful snacks, emanating a rich buttery aroma, continued to find their way into his mouth.

"Do you think it's alright to be this relaxed?"

Then, an unwelcome voice reached his ears. It was Ian.

"Don't they have accommodations for knights in the castle? Why are you here bothering me?"

"I'm simply following the lord's order to protect you."

"Why would I be in danger within the castle?"

"It's your mouth that's the issue."

"Excuse me?"

"Are you truly confident that the lady will achieve such results in such a short time?"

For some reason, Dominic detected a hint of concern in Ian's voice.

"If you don't bring about the change you promised, you might end up in prison without even a trial. No one can stop an angry noblewoman. If you apologize now for bluffing, you might escape with just a few lashes."

"Heh, after all this time, you still think I'm a fraud? Isn't it time you started believing in me?"

"Yet, looking at the lady's physique, to change that quickly..."

"It didn't seem feasible, did it?"

"Why bluff, knowing all this? What are you thinking?"

Ian couldn't fathom what Dominic was up to.

Sure, Dominic was known for getting involved in ridiculous situations, but this was an entirely different matter.

As a knight, Ian knew better than anyone that a person's physique couldn't change drastically in just a few days. What if Lady Sinclair's physique truly changed in that short period?

'That would indeed be magic.'

He had heard that there was a type of magic that temporarily altered one's appearance.

However, he had concluded that such magic was impossible for Dominic.

'Dominic definitely can't wield mana, and his compatibility is a mess. He lacks talent. So, there's no way he planned on using magic.'

From the beginning, when Ian had "escorted" Dominic under the guise of kidnapping him on behalf of the lord, Ian had ruled out the possibility that Dominic was a hidden mage, especially after personally scanning his mana. Hence, he couldn't comprehend Dominic's overconfidence.

"Just wait and see. If not today, by tomorrow the lady will definitely see the results."



Another bite of a snack entered Dominic's mouth as he continued confidently.

"Do you have a sister, Sir?"

"...Where's this coming from all of a sudden?"

"Listen carefully."

Dominic, who appeared rather pleased with himself as if he had stumbled upon something interesting, went on.

"Most mothers experience swelling after giving birth. It's called postpartum edema, you know?"


Ian was unfamiliar with the term. Naturally, since he hadn't visited any postpartum women for well-wishes in a long time, the term was unfamiliar to him.

"If you adhere to a few basic principles, this edema subsides quickly. It's temporary, after all. The duration? Roughly a month. Of course, if you don't follow these principles during this time, the swelling that should subside might not, so you have to be cautious."

"So, it's really possible?"

"Yes, it is. From what I've heard, the lady has been doing everything she shouldn't. Consuming salty, sweet, and greasy foods, drinking highly caffeinated tea, not moving much, taking hour-long baths, having trouble sleeping... And now, her body is constantly swollen, and she probably can't even bend her joints..."

If a postpartum mother in South Korea behaved this way, every elderly woman in the neighborhood would have intervened with advice, right? Dominic managed to restrain the urge to voice this thought aloud.

"By adjusting her dietary and lifestyle habits, you'll see results right away. The sudden swelling will vanish just as quickly."

Dominic chuckled, almost as if saying 'wait and see,' and mumbled to himself, "I wish they'd give me a bonus for solving this quickly."

Knock, knock.

"Mr. Village Chief, are you there? Lady Sinclair is looking for you."

The maid delivering the message grinned broadly.

Furthermore, the way she treated Dominic was as if she were attending to an esteemed guest.

The gazes of Ian and Dominic locked.

Dominic flashed a triumphant thumbs-up, as if to convey, 'See?'

'Did he really succeed?'

Ian was perplexed.


The temple in the direct-controlled city where the Sinclair estate was situated buzzed with activity in preparation for an event.

"It's already been 4 weeks since the young master was born, time flies, Bishop."

"How are the preparations for the event?"

"Ah, yes! Everything is ready. The guests are also arriving."

Despite the priest's words, the elderly bishop hoped that the day would pass without any issues.

'It's crucial to avoid unnecessary conflicts...'

While the occasion was meant to bless the birth of a new life, the experienced bishop knew that some people's interest was not in the newborn baby but in the appearance of the mother.

Especially when the usually impeccable noblewoman gave birth, more guests attended the ceremony, mostly to scrutinize the mother's postpartum physique with malicious intent.

'Being so swayed by mere appearance. Oh! All of this is my fault for not conveying the will of the Goddess properly. Oh, Goddess! Forgive these foolish souls!'

However, contrary to the bishop's devout wishes, among the guests arriving for the birth ceremony and the subsequent party at the Count's mansion, there were those already engaging in gossip.

The most prominent among them was, of course, Lady Noella, who had frequently clashed with Lady Sinclair.

"Every time you met, you quarreled, but have you become friends recently?"

"What are you insinuating?"

Inside a luxurious carriage.

When Count Noella, unable to bear the tension, inquired if they had reconciled, the countess sneered.

"Ha! A woman who was nothing more than a nameless noble without any land, and now struts around as a countess without understanding her place. How could I be friends with someone so uncultured, right?"

"Has Lady Sinclair ever appeared in social circles? I wasn't aware. But for you, it wouldn't be surprising."


The count, with a sullen expression, was about to respond but halted when the countess pinched his thigh.

"No, if you dislike her so much, why are you attending this party, my lady? Honestly, I can't understand."

"It's to ridicule her, of course."


"Ah! It's only been 4 weeks since she gave birth. How do you think she'll look now? It's obvious, hehe! She always boasted about her figure, but it must be ruined now. Hahaha!"

"...Stop laughing like a villain."

The count shook his head in disapproval.

The countess was a slightly plump woman and had always been self-conscious about it.

And there was a time when that insecurity had erupted.

A few years ago, at a charity auction where noblewomen brought their belongings to be auctioned off, the countess had put up a few silk dresses from her maiden days. By chance, the buyer had been Lady Sinclair.

Upon seeing this, some mischievous attendees asked, "Their body shapes are different. How is she going to wear them?" The countess, who had not been in society for long and didn't understand the implication, naively replied, "I plan to have them adjusted to fit."

Naturally, upon hearing this, many laughed at Countess Noella.

So, without realizing it, Lady Sinclair had made a jab at the countess, implying, "You're so plump that I'd have to adjust the clothes to fit me."

"Ugh! This time, I'll definitely mock you!"

The carriage carrying her entered the temple grounds.


The bell tolling to signify the beginning of the ceremony began ringing, dong, dong.

After twelve bell tolls, the harmonious combination of the young apprentice priests' choir and the majestic sound of the pipe organ naturally created a devout atmosphere.

"Under the light of the Goddess, we announce the birth of a noble life!"

At the bishop's words, two waiting priests carefully brought out a silver bowl containing holy water that shimmered with a blue hue.

"Is that the holy water?"


"Oh-. Does it contain some kind of sacred power? How is it made?"

"The youngest priest at the temple prays over the water, and then the oldest priest blesses it with a chant."

The temple was filled not only with nobles but also with common folk who might one day govern the land, all eager to catch a glimpse of the baby.

Dominic and Ian leaned against a wall on one side, observing the ceremony. Dominic was genuinely enjoying the temple event, attending it for the first time.

"We pray that the Goddess's blessing reaches this delicate life."

As the holy water for anointing the baby was prepared, magical lights focused on one spot to showcase the baby, the highlight of the event.

Under the gentle and warm illumination, a veil slowly lifted, revealing a baby wrapped in white cloth. The baby let out a brief cry, "Waa!", but soon calmed down under the familiar touch of its mother.


"Blessings to the baby!"

"Blessings to the mother!"

Seeing the heartwarming scene, people eagerly sent their blessings to both the mother and the baby.

'...This can't be!'

However, Countess Noella bit her lip, her eyes wide in shock.

Lady Sinclair looked very different from what she had expected.

Although she was wearing a generously sized dress, her exposed face, neck, arms, and fingers shattered the countess's expectations, as they were not swollen as anticipated.

"My goodness! She doesn't look much different than before she had the baby."

"Indeed, I heard she had gained quite a bit of weight in the final month..."

"How did she lose it?"

The surrounding noblewomen also whispered among themselves, covering their mouths with fans, wondering about her secret.

Observing them, Dominic wore a triumphant smile.

'I can hear the sound of money rolling in!'


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