Fated to My Billionaire Husband

Chapter 239: 239 Really Annoying to Look At_1

The wind was strong, scattering Yufei’s hair. He began talking to her with a smile, but was suddenly struck with the sight of several glaring kiss marks behind her ear.

The car suddenly halted by the roadside. Bewildered, Yufei turned to look at him.

“What’s wrong?”

His thin lips pressed together, his gaze sharp.

He reached out to sweep her hair aside. Yufei jolted to realization and abruptly moved her head away to hide her embarrassment.

However, his actions were resolute. Without any hesitation, he brushed her long hair aside revealing those prominent kiss marks, clustered together from behind her ear down to her neck.

Yufei unhappily pulled his hand away from her, diverting her gaze to the window cleaving any eye contact.

“Did he do this?” He asked her, referring to Ruan Tianling, her ex-husband.

Yufei didn’t respond. Xiao Lang’s eyes darkened, his lips arching into a fine line.

At that moment, a few luxury cars arrogantly drove past them.

The first car was occupied by Ruan Tianling and Yan Yue.

“What to do? It’s terribly eye-catching,” Xiao Lang’s cryptic statement broke the silence as he resumed driving.

Yufei was puzzled about his ambiguous remark.

Was he referring to the kiss marks on her neck or Ruan Tianling driving past them?

He dropped her off downstairs at her residential complex, and watched her until she entered before driving away.

Once Yufei arrived home, she took her pajamas into the bathroom to shower.

Stripped bare, she stood before the full-length mirror, the faint kiss marks that dusted her fair skin seemed glaringly obvious.

“Eye-catching”. Xiao Lang must have been referring to the kiss marks on her body. Not just for him, she also found them distressing to look at.

She hadn’t expected to see Ruan Tianling while skiing, much less for him to recognize and approach her in such a manner…

They were divorced now; the woman he loved was Yan Yue. She and Ruan Tianling were simply out of any emotional ties. So why did he kiss her?

What did he consider her as…

Yufei pressed her lips together, opened a bottle of Medicated Balm, poured some onto her hand, then gently rubbed it on the areas of the kiss marks.

It took her a long time to fade the markings.

However, it left a large red, swollen patch on her skin behind her ear and on the neck. It stood out starkly against her pale skin, resembling an ugly burn mark.

After a long bath, she returned to her room, bundled herself in a robe, crawled under her bedding, her hair damp, and fell into exhaustion-induced slumber.

Skiing had drained her physically, and being oppressed by Ruan Tianling had taken its toll mentally, leaving her utterly exhausted.

Lying in bed, she was too tired to move, just wishing for some sleep.

She dozed off until the evening.

The sky was dark by the time she woke up, her hair had dried from being laid against the pillow for so long. Wary of catching a cold, she swallowed down two tablets of cold medicine before heading to the kitchen for something to eat.

The refrigerator was empty, so she made instant noodles for herself.

While she was eating her noodles in the living room, Xiao Lang called her.

She answered his call, the man being able to tell she was eating.

“Only eating now?” He asked, surprised. He glanced at his watch; it was already eight in the evening.

“Yes, I was exhausted and fell asleep as soon as I got home.” Yufei put her chopsticks down and wiped her mouth with a napkin.

“What are you eating?” Xiao Lang asked casually, his voice soft and considerate, much like a caring older brother next door.


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