Fated to Be Loved by Villains

Chapter 91: Sea King (2)

Chapter 91: Sea King (2)

༺ Sea King (2) ༻

“How do I use— Kyaaaak!”

Trisha, who had just finished her shower, was fiddling with an object on the dressing table when a stream of water suddenly sprayed all over her, causing her to let out a scream.

This happened because she pressed a button in the center.

With her face getting trenched, some tears came out of her eyes.

Due to how it looked like a simple metal rod at a first glance, she never expected water to come out of it at all.

“Haah, there are so many fascinating things here, but I need to figure out how to use them. But, I can’t even get my head around it, you know? Iliya—”

As she turned her head while saying those words, she suddenly fell silent.

On the other side, Iliya was nonchalantly drying her hair with a machine that emitted hot wind.

“…How are you using that thing so well?”

“I just knew how to.”

“…You just knew how…?”

When Trisha responded with an incredulous face, Iliya nodded expressionlessly.




The Iliya Trisha knew was someone who was unimaginably ignorant of the ways of the world.

Even when she considered the fact that the other girl had grown up in an abbey, she still found her ignorance was ridiculous sometimes.

But, what about the current Iliya?

‘Normally, at this point, she’d be clinging onto me while going all ‘Trisha help~’…’

With such thoughts, Trisha tilted her head.

Currently, Iliya was casually using unfamiliar things that even Trisha, who was known among her circle of friends as someone who had the strongest ability to maintain her livelihood, was having difficulties with.

It was to the extent that an outsider would probably believe that she had grown up with such devices due to how natural she looked when using them.

‘Oh yeah, she has been acting a little strange lately, right…?’

This friend of Trisha’s had always been stated as quick-witted and sharp, but the ‘learning ability’ she had shown lately seemed to have gone beyond just that.

To put it simply… It felt like Iliya could grasp anything instantly as soon as she saw it. As if her ‘understanding’ and ‘insight’ had increased considerably.

Considering how she used to droop pathetically whenever she struggled to read a sentence that was even a little bit too long, the disparity was more than noticeable.

It was as if she had gained a special ability.


However, putting that aside…

Iliya’s current appearance was at a state that was impossible for Trisha to simply ignore.

‘It seems to be getting better, but…’

Not long ago, Trisha recalled that Iliya had shared her lunch with ‘Teach’ and jumped around in joy over that fact. She also mentioned something about him enjoying the lunch or whatever.

However, right after the recent Friendly Duel and after she received some kind of prize, her face had been devoid of expression, as if she was contemplating about something. Just like how she looked right now.

Even when considering today, when some important event called the Hunter’s Night or whatever where students with excellent grades were selected, Iliya refused to participate with an utterly disinterested attitude.

“…Don’t you think you should pay attention to your grades a bit?”

“I did well during the Friendly Duel, so missing the night of hunting or whatever it was for a day won’t hurt.”

“…And what if it affects you negatively on the matter of the joint practical exercise with the Holy Land next semester? That’s also based on grades, right?”

“I’ll cross that bridge when I get there.”


‘How irresponsible.’

Although, judging by the color of her emotions, it was a relief that she didn’t seem that depressed, but compared to when it was completely plastered in pink, her current state definitely wasn’t a good sign.

It was true that Iliya originally had a tendency to go through a roller coaster of emotions whenever that man was involved, but even so, this kind of gap between her emotions was way too severe.

In the end, Trisha couldn’t help but speak up with a sigh.

“Is there something that’s bothering you again?”

“…Eh? Huh? No, nono.”


Trisha let out another sigh. This time, deeply.



“If you’re refusing my help because you don’t want to trouble me or whatnot, I’m going to get angry at you, okay?”


“I’m helping because I want to. Not because someone else told me to. Do you understand?”

“…But stiiiil…”

Iliya pouted her lips.

“You know, every time I consult you about problems regarding Teach, it feels like I’m troubling you and I feel sorry about it, you know…?”

“It’s fine. It’s even more so if it’s related to that person.”

“…Huh? What do you mean?”

“…He’s someone that even I can’t predict or understand. Personally, I find it a bit interesting.”

From her perspective, someone who specialized in human observation, there weren’t many people that were as strange as him.

Since he was already involved with Iliya, Trisha thought that it wouldn’t be too bad to find out more about him.

‘…It’s so faint that I can’t even see it.’

Although it wasn’t an extreme case like Faenol, where she couldn’t see her color at all, Dowd had never displayed clear enough emotions to tell what exactly he was thinking.

Despite there being an entire line of girls who treated him favorably, his emotions never radiated any kind of color that signified he was ‘fond’ of them.

It was as if…

“…He was forcibly suppressing his own feelings.”

“Huh? What did you say?”

“N-No. Nothing.”

As Iliya’s eyes widened at the words that she unintentionally spoke aloud, Trisha shook her head.

There was no good reason to talk about anything regarding that man’s state.

“No, tell me a bit more in detail. Did you say Teach is purposefully suppressing his own feelings?”

However, Iliya had already locked onto the topic. She even stopped brushing her hair, dragging her chair closer to Trisha.


At the sight of that firm attitude, Trisha could only give in. Her cheeks trembled before she continued to explain.

As a matter of course, she still didn’t want to talk about her ability. After all, if it was revealed that she possessed such an ability, people wouldn’t be looking at her nicely.

That was why she kept her explanation as vaguely as possible.

“I mean, like… When I see his actions, It just seems like that man thinks that something would go terribly wrong if he was discovered to have feelings for or be fond of someone.”

“You think that too, Trisha?!”


‘What the hell is this over-the-top reaction?’

Her reaction was as if the thing she had been pondering to death until now was actually this.

“It’s just… I feel that way too.”

Iliya frowned abruptly after saying such words.

“Lately, I’ve been feeling a bit… ’Sensitive’ about the things around me, Trisha… I don’t know the cause. It just feels that way.”


It was exactly the same as what Trisha had felt while observing Iliya lately.

Iliya herself must have known about it the best.

“And with that sense, there’s one thing that I can feel really well, you see.”

She paused for a moment.

As if she herself couldn’t recall as horrible of a memory as this one.

“There’s something lurking inside Lady Tristan’s body.”

“…Something? Inside?”

“It’s related to Teach. I’m saying there’s something that explodes massively whenever Teach is accompanied by a different girl.”

She definitely felt it.

The sensation that something was somehow ‘twisted’ still vividly remained with her.

There was one incident so huge that she felt it was strange to even sit down and have this conversation completely fine inside the academy

Although she couldn’t remember, the sensation of something exploding when Dowd and another woman were ‘entangled’ was undoubtedly engraved on her body.

“…Is there really something like that?”

“Yes. For sure.”

Because of that…

“Then it’s a big problem.”

“A big problem? Why?”

“It’s because that man is currently with another woman. I heard they look quite close to each other.”

“Who is it? There isn’t only one or two women that fit that description, you know?”


Judging by her words, it seemed that even Iliya had started to identify that man as trash.

As a friend, was she supposed to stop her from taking such a thing in stride? Or was she supposed to just give up and let it be?

While harboring such thoughts, Trisha sighed and continued to speak.

“I heard it from the other guys. Apparently, he took a boat with Talion and that person called Riru before heading to the sea in this weather.”

“Because of that Hunter’s Night thing or whatever? That’s not a big problem though, right?”

“No, so you see… I heard that people caught a glimpse of Lady Tristan nearby.”

Hearing those words, Iliya took a deep breath in horror.

Of course, Eleanor’s actual aim probably wasn’t to chase after him. If it was, she already would’ve exploded at the sight of him with another girl.

It was likely that she was there for something unrelated to Dowd and had a valid reason for being in his vicinity, but…

‘Nothing good is going to happen even if they merely bump into each other…!’

At the very least, it was only natural to give them a tip-off or a warning.

“I’m going to go ask for help!”

“Help? From who?”

“A trustworthy friend that I know!”

With those words, Iliya rushed out of the room.


On a terrace flurried by a storm, Yuria silently fiddled with Severer while staring at her own arm.

A white stem that slowly spread, starting from her fingertips. This indicator, which showed that Severer was corroding her, had finally reached near her wrist.

She didn’t reveal that it had come down this far because it was obvious that her big sister, who always watched over her, would be sad if she knew.

‘…It’s not far off now.’

As someone who had carried this sword for a long time, she felt it instinctively.

Fingertips. Wrist. And then, the moment the curse climbed up her body and reached her heart…

She wouldn’t be able to exist in this world as Yuria Greyhounder like she was now.

Instead, she would transform into ‘something’ different.

And, when she stared at it…

She couldn’t help but recall the words spoken by Faenol, the person who had just visited.

-Just leaving it alone will never be able to stop it.

The woman who referred to herself and Yuria as the ‘same kind’ had definitely said those words.

-You probably think of it as simply a curse coming from that sword, but the Heretic Inquisition has a slightly different opinion.

The Heretic Inquisition.

A special enforcement agency of the Empire that operated separately from the Holy Land.

It was the only group in the world that was established under the grand ideal of opposing ‘Devils’.

It was also an organization above the law, where even the Imperial Family could not easily control its actions.

Even though she was someone who had verbally abused her big sister, Yuria had no choice but to sit down and listen quietly; This was the level of power that these individuals wielded.

-…A different opinion? What does that mean?

-That is not a simple curse. Despite that woman being only second to the Pope when it comes to the amount of divine power… Despite her sticking next to you all day, performing Santifications… It isn’t by chance that there seems to be no progress when it comes to releasing that curse.

With an expressionless face…

She spoke as if it was an obvious truth that even a human with the highest level of divine power could not handle it.

-That curse of yours is… more than just a curse of an ancient era; It has something added to it as well. Therefore, to improve your condition, you need to have one more method.

Faenol continued to speak without stopping.

-If you do not monopolize that man, you will die, Yuria Greyhounder.


-That man is… It’s difficult for me to explain right now, but he possesses an ability that is almost like a miracle cure for the ‘existence’ slumbering within your sword. And the Heretic Inquisition is very interested in that particular quality of that man.

Faenol continued with a bright smile.

But to Yuria, it was a smile that felt like sweet bait put in a mousetrap.

-To put it simply, the Heretic Inquisition wants to support you in order to ‘experiment’ with that ability. So that you can monopolize that man. For them, you seem to be the most suitable subject among those near him to observe him.

-…What do you mean by support?

Dowd had already told her he had the most sincere relationship with her. He even left her a token of promise.

While she touched her nape while having such thoughts, the words that came from Faenol…

Still vividly remained in her brain.

-Do you really think that?


-Even though there are so many charismatic and attractive women among that man?


Disregarding the stiffened Yuria…

Faenol continued her words.

-If you’re confident, I won’t stop you. But if you ever need help, please contact me anytime.


-I’ll be waiting.

Yuria touched the pendant Faenol gave her with a gloomy expression.


Dowd was not someone who would deceive her.

No, he had to be so.

Otherwise, she wouldn’t be able to bear it.


As she pondered such thoughts, the door suddenly burst open.

It was Iliya, gasping for breath.

“A-Are you here to see Big Sis? Right now, it’s her designated worship hours, so she’s probably at the cathedral…”

“I’m here to see you, not the Saintess!”




‘Not Big Sis?’

Although she wasn’t sure about her childhood before she grasped Severer, ever since she could remember, she had always spent time alone. As such, this was the first time someone had come to find her.

“Uh… That… I’m sorry… To think you came all this way to find someone as insignificant as me—”

“It isn’t the time to say those kinds of things. We have something to do together!”


‘Something to do?’

Originally, she would have just adequately refused.

Even though she was wearing the Starsteel Circlet, her body was still housing one of the most powerful curses in human history. If she were to go berserk, she’d certainly cause an incident or two.

Moreover, didn’t she just hear from Faenol that there was a powerful existence connected to her that even her older sister, the Saintess, could not regulate?

“How could you say such things? We’re friends!”


If only Iliya did not say something like that, then she probably would have refused as she usually did.


‘I-is it okay for her to say such a grandiose word so easily?’

Yuria, who was extremely fluttered, continued her words in a stutter.

“D-Did we h-have… S-Such a decisive event… T-That c-could allow us to call e-each other that?”

Her human relationships roughly included:

  1. Family-Big Sis
  1. Most Precious Person-Dowd
  1. People she was thankful for-Dame Ophelia, who provided her with a facility, and Headmistress Atalante, who welcomed her into Elfante

…It could be summarized entirely like this; Truly, the very pinnacle of minimalism.

However, to think that someone like her, who could compress all her human relationships into a single hand, would be called a friend.

That was too…Too…

“…F-Friends. Yes. Uh, ehem.”

Sweet of a word to refuse.

“Uh, what… Is the thing we need to do together…?”

“We have to go save Teach together!”

At those words, Yuria flinched.

‘Go save him? Is he currently in some kind of danger?’

“Right now, he’s with this person called Riru Garda, but if the Student Council President nearby sees that, a big problem could—”

Iliya definitely wasn’t at fault for seeking Yuria’s help.

After all, she was the most skilled person among the people she knew. And whether it was intentional or not, she was a reserved person and she got along well with Dowd.


What she failed to realize was…

“That person called Riru Garda.”

Just ‘how’ good Yuria and Dowd’s relationship was.

“Are they… A woman?”


“Is that person a woman?”


“Judging from your reaction, she’s a woman.”


“Okay. Shall we go now? Where is that person right now?”


Iliya was sure that her intention was to ask Yuria to help her tip off Dowd, so that he wasn’t caught and utterly obliterated by Eleanor. But…

‘Why is she reacting so coldly?’

‘…It kinda feels like I avoided an uncertain landmine, just to step on a definite landmine?’

That monologue was probably far more accurate than Iliya would think.

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