Fated to Be Loved by Villains

Chapter 128: Promises Should Be Kept (4)

Chapter 128: Promises Should Be Kept (4)

Promises Should Be Kept (4)

As dust rose from the wall where Dowd was hurled at, Riru gasped for breath and lifted herself up.  

[Its my first time seeing someone throw away a meal given on a silver platter so spectacularly.]  

Such words trickled out from nearby, but Riru just glared in that direction with tearful eyes.  

No matter how I think about it, this isnt right!  

At the very least


Neither I nor that man should have our first experience in such a manner.


This is no different than crime!

[This is what I was talking about. You cant keep acting this soft.]

The spirit uttered such words.

Until just now, she had been speaking in a disinterested tone, regardless of the words that came out of her mouth, but this time

There was an unusual chill imbued in her voice.  

[Its because youre this soft that things always get taken from you.]


[Can I be frank with you?]  

The spirit turned smoothly towards her.

Her expression still seemed languid, with her drooping eyes unchanging, but

The carefree smile that was there before was now gone.  

[Tell me. Do you think you can surpass all the other women around him?]


A few images came to Rirus mind.

There were definitely women who knew this man earlier and better than she did.

Some of them acted even more aggressively than her so that they could monopolize him to themselves.

[Those women wouldnt be the end of it. More of them will crowd around Dear Husband in the future too. Do you understand now?]

[Not only that you have zero experience with men, you also dont know how to socialize or dress up. You dont even know what kind of thing this man likes. Now, do you really think someone like you can compete with those women?]



Riru, her eyes wide open with pride, began to speak in a resolute voice.

What of it?


Taken aback by her bold words, the spirit widened its eyes.

I dont care about those women.  

Indeed, as this spirit said

It didnt seem like she could squeeze next to this man and compete on equal terms with the women around him.


  She might fall behind. She might have to painfully watch other women advance ahead of her  after a crushing defeat.

But still  

At the very least, he had never backstabbed me or betrayed my trust. Thats why, I shouldnt do so either.

She didnt want to do something against his will in such an unfair manner.

Even if she did, she wanted it to be done in her way; fair and square.

To obtain his true feelings

She would not resort to such trickery!


Hearing those words.

The spirit chuckled and casted its gaze down at her.  

[Uh-huh. As expected, its no use. I only wanted to see if things would proceed differently in this branching route, but youre always so stubborn whether its now or later]

? What are you talking about?  

When Riru posed such a question to the spirit, the latter smiled at her before replying.

[Well, most of us are like that But my time axis in particular, is twisted I know youll be this stubborn until the day you die]

Can you see the future or something?

[Rather than see, its more like Ive already experienced it Or something like that Even among the many branches, there are certain things that will never change. One of them is that youll never get intimate with Dear Husband until a certain point.]

For Riru, the answer that came out of the spirits mouth was something beyond her comprehension.

Though, she managed to catch one thing.

Get intimate?


What does that

[Youll sleep with him. In the future, youll even bear his child No, children. Lots of them.]

Hearing that answer, Rirus face immediately turned red as if she was about to explode.

  Y-Youre telling me I-Ill D-Do such things L-Later?

[In fact, youll do it a lot.]

[Even when Dear Husband asks if he has to do it today because hes physically exhausted, you beg him for one more child and forcibly drag him to the bathroom. It happens frequently.]

D-D-Dont m-make m-meD-Dont m-make me laugh. Y-You.Y-Youre just making things up, arent you?!

[Hm. Look at you suspecting the validity of my claims before anything else. Typical response coming from a virgin who has never even held a mans hand.]

Riru froze, as the spirit hit her where it hurt.

S-Shut up!  

As she retorted, Rirus eyes began to swirl.

She was embarrassed.

Her face was burning, to the point that tears started coming out of her eyes.

[This is also the case during the first time you two sleep together. Youll bluff about having a wealth of experience out of pride, but once you are stuck with him, you cant even resist when Dear Husband pinned you down.]


[Even though he only calls you cute, your heart will start to race and youll begin endlessly beg him to hold you tight]


Because of the relentless, unfiltered mental assault, Riru let out a scream.

At this, the spirit chuckled and floated around her.  

[Still, Im being sincere when I said that Im doing this for your sake. I genuinely hope you wont regret anything.]


Riru looked at the spirit with incredulous eyes.

In what way was it for her sake to do something like this? 

What regret could possibly arise for her to receive this kind of help?  

[That regret will come.]


The voice that followed carried a conviction similar to Rirus earlier resolve.  

[You will come to regret it. Incredibly so. Over the fact that you failed to create deeper and happier memories with Dear Husband.]


When the spirit said that word  

It was coated with pain. Like freshly healed wounds being torn apart, before getting sprinkled with salt.


Overwhelmed by the depth of emotion in the voice, Riru unknowingly fell silent.  

[But still, theres another opportunity.]  

As it said so, the spirits face lit up with another grin.

While speaking, the spirit floated up to Rirus face.

It didnt have a physical form, but it still playfully tapped her nose.

[In three months, Riru. Thats when your time to shine will come.]


[Yes. A chance to shine so brightly that youll deeply embed yourself in his heart.]

Why cant you tell me about it in more detail?

[Because thats against the rules. Scary guys will come after me if I do that.]


[I can fend off most of them, but I still need to abide by some rules.]  

The spirit said this with a bitter smile before letting out another chuckle.  

[I can at least give you one piece of advice, though.]

What is it.

[Do you know someone named Iliya Krisanax?]

Well, yeah I know her.


Ive seen her a few times before. Isnt she the Hero Candidate?


Why did her name come up so suddenly, though?

[Get along with her. As much as possible.]

What? Why?

[Because later, youll need each others help. Thats the only way to lessen the pain when the white one blatantly causes trouble.]

Cant you make it a bit more understandable?

[I can only tell you that for now. Its getting harder to maintain this form. You know, its the same feeling as when you use up your weekly allowance]

True to its words, the spirits form was becoming blurrier.

It was as if maintaining her appearance any further was a burden of itself.

[Ill check up on you soon. Until then, try to follow what Ive said.]

Tch. Do you think Id just believe everything you say? I dont even know what exactly you are

[You said all that, but youll still follow my words faithfully. Thats just the kind of person you are.]

Youve  been teasing me since earlier

Riru said, pouting her lips.

Seeing this, the spirit let out a grin and nodded.

It seemed like it had no intention of denying her words. 

[Anyway, remember, itll happen in three months. For everyone, itll be a big crisis, but it could turn into a big opportunity for you.]

But still, at the very least, in the moment when she said such words  

[Dont fail, okay?]  

Her voice was warm, as if coming from an older sister.  

Fuck, my jaw hurts

The back of my head too  


I glanced sideways before opening my mouth.  

Excuse me, Riru.


Yesterday What happened?  

Riru, who had been walking irritably beside me, glared at me with a red face.  

Dont ask me.

No, but still Cant I at least ask why I suddenly lost consciousness and when I came to, my jaw was almost split in

Shut up.  

Yes maam.

Judging by her reaction, further questioning would only damage my jaw even further, so I stayed silent.

Anyway, come back after you finish taking care of everything.  

I sighed as I spoke such words to Riru.

Despite the shitfest that happened, the Exchange Student Program to the Forge of Struggle would end as of today. After all, today would be the end of the term.

Next time, come to Elfante proudly, not through illegal entry.

The return of Kasa as the Chieftain caused a huge aftermath and administrative turmoil.

I heard this person had to stay by her side to help with the cleanup.

It wouldnt take long, until then, we wouldnt see each other again.

Wait for me.

Riru awkwardly scratched her head as she responded.  

Since Ill bring you a gift Or something

Oooh. Can I look forward to it?

At that, Riru closed her mouth and silently glared at me.

Her face turned red again.  


What kind of gift is it that makes you act like that?


No, seriously, why are you like this?

Youre making me anxious.  


Its nothing.  

After saying that, Riru turned around and ran towards the Forge of Struggle.

Acting as if she couldnt handle it if she were to speak any further.


What was wrong with her?

I had my suspicions, but there was no point in asking her since it didnt seem like shed answer it. With that in mind, I boarded the train.

Though the place was noisy, the atmosphere was so peaceful that it was hard to believe that just a few days ago, the whole academy was under attack by terrifying Demonic Creatures.

[You can be proud, you brat. They can live so peacefully because of your hard work.]

Whats with the sudden lip service?

I chuckled at Calibans words and went to my assigned compartments.

Sitting alone in the peaceful train compartment, I stared blankly out the window.  


How long has it been since I had a moment to myself like this?    

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24" height="24" viewbox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"><circle cx="12" cy="12" r="10"></circle><line x1="12" y1="8" x2="12" y2="12"></line><line x1="12" y1="16" x2="12.01" y2="16"></line></svg> System Log

[ Target Yuria feels severe despair! ]

[ Target Lucia feels severe guilt! ]

[ Target Eleanor feels severe powerlessness! ]

[ Target Faenol seems to want to ask you a favor! ]

[ Find a way to comfort them! ]

Of course, it was probably only because the ones that would have swarmed me if I was alone were all in this state.


But still, I needed to comfort all of them.

Recently, I tried reaching out to them, but they would all just run away at the sight of me, so I couldnt even succeed a single time.

Apparently, the feeling of guilt they had just by facing me was far too strong.

Seeing as how these people, who would normally cling onto me, were now avoiding me, it meant they were beyond disheartened.

Where should I even start?

I pondered as such, scratching my head.  

Still, I should slowly talk to them one by one.  

With that thought, I let out a sigh.

I could still talk to them, after all. I only needed to find the right timing to approach them.

Ah, there you are.

Well, except for this one.

As she barged in without invitation, I met her gaze with narrowed eyes.  

Hello. Faenol.  

Faenol Lipek.

A mage with flaming red hair from the Heretic Inquisition.

Hello, Dowd Campbell. I have a favor to ask.  

A simple greeting, followed by her mentioning the purpose of her being here. Then, she let out a grin.

Do you remember what I said before? About how I wanted you to seduce me.

I do recall that.

Yes. Its about that.  


She suddenly dropped a bombshell out of nowhere.  

Actually, I didnt mention it before, butTheres a time limit on that.


You need to seduce me within a month.  

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24" height="24" viewbox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"><circle cx="12" cy="12" r="10"></circle><line x1="12" y1="8" x2="12" y2="12"></line><line x1="12" y1="16" x2="12.01" y2="16"></line></svg> System Message

[ New Quest related to Chapter 4 Crimson Night is updated! ]

[ Increase the favorability level of target Faenol to Love Level 1 within a month! ]

[ Failure will result in a Game Over! ]

A month?

Because of the sudden time constraint, I had no choice but to blink in disbelief.

No, wait a minute.

Wasnt there

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24" height="24" viewbox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"><circle cx="12" cy="12" r="10"></circle><line x1="12" y1="8" x2="12" y2="12"></line><line x1="12" y1="16" x2="12.01" y2="16"></line></svg> System Log

[ Skill: Fatal Charm cannot be applied to target Faenol! ]

Something like this for her?

This meant

I had to do it Without any assistance from my skills

To seduce this woman to the point where she was as smitten to me as Eleanor was. 

You need to make my heart race uncontrollably just at the sight of you. Or else

Or else?  

Faenol replied with a smile.  

Who knows?  

Yet the following words were anything but fitting to such an expression.  

Maybe something terrible will happen? 

She said.

A Vessel, holding three Red Devils Fragments, spoke as such.

This was someone who had a 100% Devil Fusion Rate, someone who was capable of bringing out the true form of the Red Devil if she were to go berserk.

Though I wasnt sure what her words entailed, if she herself put it as such, there was no way the situation would be manageable even for me.

You promised, no?

Then you should keep your promise.


Promises should be kept.

I wrapped my hands around my head at the impending headache.

What else did I expect from my circumstances?

So far, my path has been a series of uphills battles.

How could I, of all people, expect some peaceful times after just one incident?  

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