Fated to Be Loved by Villains

Chapter 119: Reversed Sea (3)

Chapter 119: Reversed Sea (3)

Reversed Sea (3)

As I wore the flipped mask, the body of the Reversed Sea, taking the form of a giant, crumbled away.

Just like what happened to the Sea Serpent before, its enormous figure was finely chopped and dismantled by a white slash.

As if rendering his previous life force, which had barely survived my earlier strike, meaningless, it was neutralized in one hit and disintegrated into the sea.


Too bad I didnt have the leniency to react to that sight.

I was too exhausted to do so.

No, really, it felt like I could die at any moment now.

Sweat poured down my body as I gasped for breath.

Just by throwing a single punch, I felt like I had expended all my energy.  

I just imitated it, though! This is bullshit!  

I thought to myself while panting for breath.

No, seriously

It was great and all that even a rough imitation produced this level of power, but

If the rebound was this severe, I couldnt even imagine the strain on my body if I were to fully perfect this technique.  

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24" height="24" viewbox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"><circle cx="12" cy="12" r="10"></circle><line x1="12" y1="8" x2="12" y2="12"></line><line x1="12" y1="16" x2="12.01" y2="16"></line></svg> System Message

[ A fantastical use of Law Technique! ]

[ Proficiency in Mastery: Law Technique Mastery greatly increases. ]

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24" height="24" viewbox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"><circle cx="12" cy="12" r="10"></circle><line x1="12" y1="8" x2="12" y2="12"></line><line x1="12" y1="16" x2="12.01" y2="16"></line></svg> System Message

[ You have imitated a technique of a far away realm, even if only crudely! ]

[ Perfection Progress of Mastery: Fighting Arts Stance greatly increases! ]

At least there was a silver lining.

All this effort wasnt for nothing.

I scanned the system window that appeared before my eyes.  

[ Mastery Info ]

Mastery: Law Technique Mastery

Grade: Proficient

Proficiency: 0%

Description: You can manipulate the Special Power Law Technique based on your willpower.

[ The output is determined based on the Willpower the caster harbors. The extent of the subjects hopes or desires for a particular objectives calculates the Willpower. ]

[ It is possible to fuse Law Technique with other Special Powers. ]


This was the first time Ive heard that you could fuse Law Technique with other Special Powers.

The game didnt have something like this because Iliya didnt have a branching path that allowed her to handle Law Technique.

And as I pondered about this  

[What are you looking at, Mr. Dowd?]  

A text that sent shivers down my spine appeared in my field of vision.

As she always did when she was on the verge of going berserk, Yuria communicated through text instead of voice.

When I glanced over, I saw her standing on a massive rock that came from God knows where while emitting white aura in streams.  

No, wait. I knew where it came from.

She sliced off coastal rock the size of a house and dragged it here. 

Seeing how the surface was so cleanly cut, as if it was paper, made the sight even more absurd.

Yo, thanks for saving me.

[I didnt save you. I just cut it because it was in the way. I have a lot of explanations I want to hear from]  

Before she could continue that sentence  



The Reversed Sea, now in the form of a hideous mass of flesh which couldnt even be called a body anymore, started to move again.

What an enormous vitality. Its life force made even Yuria, the same person who drove it into such a state, looked at it with an incredulous look. 

[Unbelievable. Its still alive?]  


As for me, this outcome wasnt surprising.

After all, I knew that it was afflicted with the Curse of Invulnerability.

There was a reason why I chose to beat it with my bare fists.

No matter how powerful the strike of a Severer imbued with Devil Fragments was, as long as it was a weapon, it wouldnt be able to kill it. 

Thanks to that


Another curse poured forth from that body.

It was a malicious black wave that felt several times more vicious, even when compared to what I shattered earlier. Its viciousness made me feel that any life that was caught by it would die instantly.

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24" height="24" viewbox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"><circle cx="12" cy="12" r="10"></circle><line x1="12" y1="8" x2="12" y2="12"></line><line x1="12" y1="16" x2="12.01" y2="16"></line></svg> System Message

[ Detected a Curse Wave targeting you! ]

[ Rolling Devil Conquest Stat for resistance ]

[ Resistance successful! ]

While I managed to dodge it using Guardian Shield with ease, the fact that the resistance check occurred from this distance just showed how vicious that attack was.

I was familiar with this sight as it appeared in the game. The final stage that triggered when you dropped its health to a near-death state.

In this phase, I couldnt just come close to it and try to obliterate it like what I did earlier.

Not only was it a toil to approach it when it was spamming instant-death attacks everywhere, but also, considering the rebound from using Breaking the Sky just now, my limit was to hit each of the remaining two bastards with it once.

Which meant I had to rely on Yuria to finish this one off.

That was why I purposely induced her berserk state and brought her here.  

And so, I also prepared one more thing for this.  

I carefully casted my gaze below the sea.

There was a tumultuous energy stirring there.

Its about time it came out.  

The remaining two needed to be summoned using all of the Forge of Struggles technological might, but this one should naturally emerge, seeing as so much havoc was caused here. 


As soon as I thought that

The Sea Serpent emerged, creating a massive tidal wave.

It looked enraged, as if it came out to confront the bastards who dared to cause a shitstorm in its territory.


It used to look so majestic

Its size was enormous, but compared to the overwhelming size of the Reversed Sea, it felt relatively small.

Moreover, the action I was about to take was one that would smash its dignity and majesty into the ground.

I maneuvered one more time using Guardian Shield, leaping close to the Sea Serpent.

Its eyes immediately captured me in its gaze and held a growling roar in its mouth.

The problem was, after this

It also spotted Yuria, who had been following behind me.  


<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24" height="24" viewbox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"><circle cx="12" cy="12" r="10"></circle><line x1="12" y1="8" x2="12" y2="12"></line><line x1="12" y1="16" x2="12.01" y2="16"></line></svg> System Message

[ Fear Imprint effect activated! ]

[ The Sea Serpent freezes stiff in fear upon seeing target Yuria! ]

Its eyes were as large as its body was big, making it easy to read the emotions within.

The fear deeply imprinted in its consciousness from being slashed by Yuria causing it to freeze. It was like a debuff, rendering it unable to do anything for a few seconds.

And that few seconds were enough for me.  


Reaching near its jaw, I immediately punched it.

Well, rather than punch, I whacked it

And sent it flying.

Seeing this scene was like watching an ant punching an elephant and sending it flying. That was the accurate size difference between the two of us.



I long surpassed human standards, huh?

Even after considering that I was unarmed, which meant there was a stat correction for Fighting Art, and EX-Grade Desperation was active, this was still an unbelievable feat.


It was to the extent that even Yuria, who witnessed this, involuntarily let out such a groan.  



After being hit by my fist, The Sea Serpent collided with the body of the Reversed Sea.

And, though only for a brief moment of contact

Its Curse of Invulnerability was peeled off.  

Thats what Im talking about. 

I watched this sight with a smirk.

It was a scene that was commonly seen in the game.

Although the antithesis of Curses was Divine Power, there was no way here to remove the Curses of a Demonic Creature at the level of an Ancient God. Even the Saintess couldnt do that. 


Though not on the level of an Ancient God, if it was at least a Special-Grade Elemental Lifeform

It was possible to momentarily neutralize that curse.

Just like what I did right now.

Of course, without the Fear Imprint, I wouldnt have been able to so easily throw the Sea Serpent in there like some pinball.

Which meant

I needed to quickly make use of this precious opportunity I had earned.  


[What is it?]  

To Yuria, who startled at my sudden words

I grinned before tossing a sentence.  

Ill be honest.  

I continued calmly to the expressionless Yuria glaring at me.  

Earlier, you said that I have a lot of explaining to do, right?

[It seems you at least know that]

But now, its not just once or twice that Ive faced such enemies, so Im tired of explaining myself every time as well.

I wont make excuses, so Ill say it to you straight.

To Yuria, whose mouth was agape in incredulity, I threw a light-hearted remark with a bright smile.  

Catch me if you can~


After hearing my words, Yuria remained silent for a while before giving a bright smile of her own.  

[Youll die if I catch you, okay?]

Of course, she was only smiling with her mouth, not her eyes.

Guess Id really die if she were to catch me.


And then

The next move happened in an instant.  

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24" height="24" viewbox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"><circle cx="12" cy="12" r="10"></circle><line x1="12" y1="8" x2="12" y2="12"></line><line x1="12" y1="16" x2="12.01" y2="16"></line></svg> System Message

[ Skill: Guardian Shield activated. ]

[ Creating 2 simultaneously due to the influence of Mastery: Divine Power Mastery! ]

Generating Guardian Shields in the air, I immediately stepped on them and rushed towards the torn and tattered Reversed Sea.

Seeing this, Yuria also kicked off the sliced coastal rock she was standing on, chasing after me.  


And as I acrobatically leapt over the two

The Sea Serpent and the Reversed Sea, who were in our path, were split in half with a single blow.

The two were split on both sides without even a chance to let out a scream.

The Sea Serpent, being an Elemental Lifeform, could be resurrected later, but seeing how the Reversed Sea turned into ashes, its death was pretty much confirmed.

How incredible.

Since it was an impromptu strategy pieced together for the situation, I didnt expect it to work this well.

On the verge of going berserk Yuria? Absolutely cracked.

[Mr. Dowd.]  


While thinking this, I gazed at Yuria.

She was smiling brightly, covered in the bodily fluids of the Reversed sea and the blood of the Sea Serpent.

Though she was smiling

Her eyes were lifeless.  

[Youll actually die if I catch you, okay?]

I already knew that, you brat.


And then, there were two.  

I looked at the remaining two giants.

And I also spotted the Flame Demon and Ice Tiger taking shape nearby, just as requested from the Forge of Struggle.

To me, they both looked like disposable grenades now.

Ones that were able to very briefly lift the Reversed Seas Curse.

Since they were all engraved with the Fear Imprint, it should be convenient to use them like that.

I smirked and organized the pattern Id need to execute.

First, Id have to strip their outer layer with Fighting Arts, then shove those Rulers of the Demonic Zones inside. After that, Yurias sword would finish them off.

It was a simple job. I just needed to repeat it like a laborer on a conveyor belt.  

Lets finish this quickly.  

Until now, Ive been making so many preparations.

Suffered through so many hardships.


At least for right now, I wanted to go for a more comfortable and simple route.


That way

I could quickly wrap things up and prepare for the aftermath.

By the way, I cant find that bitch anywhere.  


Come to think of it, it was quite strange.

She had summoned the beings she served and even deployed a major piece like Alan.

But she was nowhere to be seen. What exactly was she doing?

Well, I had a rough guess of where she might have gone.

That was why I should quickly chase after her.

With such thoughts, I immediately leapt towards the second giant.  

Eleanor Elinalise Tristan preferred full-body pajamas with polka dots.

They were comfortable since she had been wearing them since she was young, and by now, she had grown so accustomed to them that changing to something else was difficult.

Of course, she knew that it was a somewhat embarrassing outfit for a grown woman, so she tended to avoid showing it to others.

That was the reason why she was beyond annoyed when she heard knocking on the door just before falling asleep.


She was too lazy to change her clothes. 


The knocking sounded again.

Eleanor sighed, annoyed to the brink.

Looking at the clock, it was now deep into the night. She wondered, who could have visited her during this hour?

It was already so noisy outside as well, but now this happens too  

Dowd was nowhere to be seen. The whole academy seemed busy for some reason.

Then there were those unwelcome guests who kept visiting, which irritated her.

And, to emphasize once again, Dowd was nowhere to be seen.

She was already easily irritable since it felt like she was lacking that mans constituents in her body. As such, it would be troublesome if they kept annoying her like this.

Ah, She couldnt stand it. Next time she saw Dowd, she should at least demand a hug and a kiss before  

Lady Tristan. Are you there?  

The voice from outside the door interrupted Eleanors daydream.

It was true she had been receiving many uninvited guests lately. However, even considering that

This was a voice she never imagined she would hear at this place and at this time.  

Chief Priest Tatiana?

Its been a while. Have you been well?

What brings you here at this hour?

Nothing much. Its just  

Tatiana continued with a grin on her face.  

Theres someone I would like to introduce to you.  

Immediately following those words

A massive explosion occurred in the room where Eleanor was staying.  

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