Fated to Be Loved by Villains

Chapter 106: Speedrun (3)

Chapter 106: Speedrun (3)

༺ Speedrun (3) ༻

The Flame Demon, an age-old Demonic Creature, had long reigned as the Ruler of this Scorching Zone.

Its massive body could truly be said to boast the majesty of a Giant of Fire.


And that giant rose up, waking up from its long slumber.

Normally, it should currently be in the midst of hibernation, but it had forced its eyes open, drawn by the potent smell of an overwhelming ‘presence’.


The Flame Demon immediately fell into thought.

What kind of existence could possibly dare to make it feel this way?

At the very least, it had to witness who it was with its own two eyes.

With such a resolution, the Flame Demon fully rose from its slumber.

The flames of mana wrapping around its body held the grandeur of a disaster; the mana flowing endlessly mixed with its breath, enough to cause an ultra high temperature flame just on its own.

As it made its grand appearance and stepped out of its nest, other High-Grade Demonic Creatures nearby ran away with their hearts in their mouths, utterly terrified to death.

After all, the Ruler of this vast Scorching Zone had revealed its overwhelming majesty to the entire firmament.


Its eyes then turned towards the direction where it felt the most powerful aura.

The far distant sea.

The Flame Demon was familiar with what was lurking beneath.

The Sea Serpent. The Ruler of the Sea with strength comparable to its own.


However, something was strange.

The Sea Serpent’s aura which could always be felt from there was absent.

Instead of the expected aura, something much more sinister could be sensed.

Below the depths where the Sea Serpent usually dwelled…

In a much deeper place.


And the Flame Demon, instinctively detecting this aura, flinched.

Although the Flame Demon itself was a considerably ancient being, what dwelled within those depths was…

Not just ancient, but something that was closer to indescribable.

Merely looking at it brought an unpleasant feeling crawling up from the depths of its consciousness.

Upon feeling this, it unconsciously stepped back a few paces, then froze in shock because of a truth it realized.

It was scared.

The Flame Demon itself was scared.

An existence, who had reigned over this area as a Ruler for ages, was now afraid of the being in the deep sea.

Without even facing it directly, just the aura that emanated from there was enough to cause this phenomenon.


Shocked, it became rigid and only later did it detect a ‘change’ happening nearby.


It could feel something strange.

Something much closer than the monstrous entity far in the sea was approaching.

As the Flame Demon turned its head towards that direction, a similarly unfathomable scene was unfolding.


The Flame Demon looked at the ground and the sky alternately with a questioning look.

What had happened? Had the laws of the world changed while it slumbered?


Why were bastards that should be walking on land floating in the air?



Screams and howls filled the air; Courtesy of the Demonic Creatures that were all hit by something and sent flying in the air in a half-obliterated state.

Moreover, among them were powerful High-Grade Demonic Creatures that even the Flame Demon itself would be wary of.

Golems of Fire, made of mana stones of flames, larger in size than even itself.

Hellhounds that could tear through most defensive gear with just its teeth and claws.

Even Fire Spirits that were capable of turning the entire area into ashes by pouring out demonic spells of fire.

Each and every one was a calamity if let loose outside this Scorching Zone.

And yet…

Those existences were being flung into the air, screaming in groups of at least dozens at a time.


And if it scrutinized such a scene in greater detail, it would only deepen the questions and doubts the Flame Demon harbored on what the hell was happening in the world.

For there was a human ‘punching away’ these respectable Demonic Creatures as if they were pounding out feathers.

As they ran, they merely swung their hands, as if flicking away dust.

It felt as if they were nonchalantly removing some troublesome obstacles that were in their way.

However, despite such weak and lackluster movements…


A Golem of Fire shattered to pieces when hit by their fingertips.


A Hellhound was split in half from a casual halfhearted kick.


The blaze conjured by a Fire Spirit pouring out all its strength just ‘bounced’ off their bare body as they advanced.

Each and every one of these Demonic Creatures that were close to a calamity were effortlessly handled as if they were mere toys.

What was this?

Where the hell did this monster come from?


As if its soul had left its body, the Flame Demon looked blank towards them, then focused more intently on the humans.

They were an odd pair, fitting for such bizarre sights.

After all, the Flame Demon had rooted itself in this specific zone for a long time. And during its long reign, most ‘humans’ that the Flame Demon had encountered were always incredibly tense and nervous.

Even if their races were different, it had definitely sensed the nervousness and awe that such humans felt when facing Demonic Creatures that they had only heard of in the folklore of hunters.


These humans…

“Hey. Stop right there. Stay still. Did I ever say I was going to kill you? I’m just asking you to explain what you said a moment ago, okay?”

“…Your eyes are out of focus, Riru.”

A woman, completely enveloped in a blue aura, chasing a man with such vigor that it almost felt like a ghost on her shoulder was urging her on.

And a man who was sweating bullets as he ran away from the terrifying woman.

In the conversation they had while sprinting this way…

There was not a speck of ‘nervousness’ that could be felt.

“Oh, found it.”

Instead, upon spotting the Flame Demon, the man being chased even wore a bright smile on his face.

As if, the extreme Scorching Zone, where powerful Demonic Creatures and even the Flame Demon ruling over them dwelled, were all of no concern compared to the woman chasing right behind him.


And such an attitude…

Was more than enough to scratch the temper of the Flame Demon, whose pride had already been wounded just a moment ago.


A roar echoed. As the Flame Demon pounded its chest, several pillars of flame containing its mana shot up around it.

The flames, almost reaching the sky, were massive enough to say that they connected heaven and earth.

Normally, this was a trump card it used only when cornered, but now it planned to confront these bastards with its full power from the very start.

Not a single legendary human hunter who had survived the Scorching Zone and reached the Flame Demon had ever been able to withstand the pillars of fire created by it. It was doubtful that it could even count the number of living beings that had been reduced to ash by this attack alone.


And as the man arrived in front of the pillars of fire, he futilely ‘punched’ at them. At the sight of this, the Flame Demon sneered.

No one had ever withstood this attack, but what was he trying to achieve with that form of resistance? It was obvious that he wished for death, melting in the fire and becoming mere cinders.

It opened its mouth widely, ready to triumphantly roar at the sacrifice that would soon turn into ashes.

And then…


As if it was nothing…

The sight of the punch ‘scattering’ the pillars of fire that had split the heavens…

Became the last memory of the Flame Demon.


I stared at the head of the Flame Demon flying through the air, its mouth still agape.

It had been reduced to that state with just one punch from me.

According to my watch, it took exactly 5 minutes.

System Message

[ Target ‘Flame Demon’ is temporarily annihilated! ]

[ Target has been engraved with a ‘Fear Imprint’! ]

[ From now on, the target will recall this experience when seeing ‘Dowd’! ]

Even though the Flame Demon, as a boss mob, could resurrect periodically within the Scorching Zone even after dying…

It seemed that the Fear Imprint was successfully applied due to it being obliterated in one blow.

‘…This really is unbelievable, though.’

Thinking this, I looked down at the gauntlet on my arm.

[ Infinity Gauntlet ]

< Item Info >

[ ▶ Ectoplasm: Displays a very high fusion rate with various Special Powers. When enhancements or buff skills are casted on the equipment, the effect is doubled..]

[ Effects of Mastery: Fighting Arts – Stance 立式 are doubled! ]

[ ▶ Adaptive Leather: Automatically copies the target’s attributes when struck. On the second hit, automatically weakens the target’s attribute. ]

[ Copying Fire Attribute. Next hit will weaken the Fire Attribute! ]

The Flame Demon’s pillar of fire was a troublesome pattern in the game. After all, it dealt a fixed damage that was a percentage of the player’s health, regardless of equipment or stats.

But just now, I ‘broke through’ that pattern and beat it to death in one hit, didn’t I?

‘…Even if Desperation was taken into account, it’s incredible.’

Of course, this magnitude of ‘attack power’ came from Desperation, but…

The utility to maximize that attack power was all provided by this thing.

Although it wasn’t written here currently, thanks to the ‘Dragon Scales’, I didn’t receive any damage even though I had stuck my arm into the pillar of fire.

It was the very definition of a perfect balance of offense and defense.

This should be more than enough when fighting with Tatiana; I shouldn’t need to worry at all.

Moreover, I didn’t even use the Starsteel feature that resisted curses and reacted sensitively to the divine.

But there was one remaining problem…

‘Someone’ that was right on my tail at this very moment.

System Notification

[ ‘Skill: Proof of Faith’ activated. ]

[ All stat bonuses are converted to ‘Endurance’ and ‘Divine Power’. ]

System Notification

[ ‘Skill: Guardian Shield’ activated. ]

[ Creating 2 simultaneously due to the influence of ‘Mastery: Divine Power Mastery’! ]

This skill combination had even blocked Kasa’s punch once.

Considering the inflated buffs that Desperation provided, it should be even stronger than before, though.




Yep. Of fucking course.

Such a thought involuntarily passed through my mind as I watched a hand shatter two divine shields to pieces as if they were paper.

“Why do you keep running away…? Huh? I told you to explain, right?”

Immediately after, a hand grabbed my collar while wrapped in a blue aura; of course, the owner of it was Riru.

Her eyes were lifeless; There was no focus in them at all.

Clearly, she had lost her fucking mind.


Uh. But, um hey, you know…

I would like to answer, but I’m kinda suffocating.

Since I was hanging in the air, grabbed by my collar, it was impossible for me to breathe. A choked voice leaked out. My vision flickered.

“You, you, you definitely said you liked me befor-”

Riru, veins popping on her forehead, tried to continue to say something, but…

“Yes. That’s as far as you go.”

There was a ‘red aura’ that interrupted.

Interfering with the blue aura emanating from Riru, it slapped her hand away.


From within Soul Linker, I could feel Caliban’s displeasure rapidly increasing.

The reason for that was…

Red Devil’s Aura.


When I turned my head, I saw Faenol standing on a rock, holding a staff.

I had called her here in advance. I knew I would definitely need her around this time.

While smiling slyly, a red aura bloomed from her body.

Unlike Riru, who had let her aura flow wildly in her surroundings, hers was clearly controlled and disciplined.

‘…The only Vessel that is able to control her Devil.’

While recalling this characteristic, I sighed inwardly.

I had no intention of using her in an actual ‘battle’, but it was necessary to utilize her to deal with Riru at this very moment.

After all, only a Devil could counter another Devil.

I was able to survive thanks to her knocking Riru’s hand away.

“…Who is she?”

“Faenol Lipek. I’m running for the next candidate to be Mr. Dowd’s lover. Nice to meet you, Waiting Line Senior.”


As Riru looked at Faenol, grinning and waving, with an incredulous expression…

While her focus was elsewhere, I took the opportunity to attach the mana stone I got from Faenol onto Riru’s body.

It was a ‘teleportation’ mana stone that any moderately skilled mage could make.

The set coordinates were the outermost area of the Forge of Struggle.

The effect was immediate. Riru, with the mana stone attached, disappeared in an instant.

“…Ah, I actually almost died.”

While coughing, I stood up from where I had collapsed.

A fresh blue bruise was marked on my neck where Riru had just grabbed me.

Despite all the cheat skills I had plastered myself with, I still suffered this much; It was truly difficult to grasp the extent of power that the Devil’s Vessels possessed.

“…Isn’t this just pushing back the issue by avoiding it now?”

While observing my condition, Faenol said this with a bitter smile.

“I’ve done everything you asked, but what is even the point of this?”

“It buys some time.”


Faenol frowned.

“…The Blue Devil is heavily influenced by its Vessel. Haven’t you been paying a lot of attention to that from the very start?”

“I have.”

“Yes. But if you just provoke her and then fling her away to somewhere else without a proper explanation, won’t that just make her even angrier?”

“It will.”

I rummaged through the destroyed body of the Flame Demon while rubbing my neck.

There was something in here I needed to find, after all.

“…Then how do you plan to soothe someone who’s that angry? If the Vessel goes berserk, like the case of the Grey Devil before, this entire area will-”

“I’m not going to soothe her.”

I sighed in response to Faenol’s words.

As I did so, her expression instantly went blank.

“…Excuse me?”

“I said, I’m not going to soothe her.”

I deliberately provoked her and flung her away with such thoughts in mind from the very start.

To make sure her head positively fumed with anger. To make the Devil’s Aura flow more intensely.


Throughout the entire progress of this chapter, I really took care to not make Riru angry, but…

Seeing Alan’s current state made me change my mind a bit.

As I said before, to face an unbeatable boss, I needed to do some batshit crazy things myself, to a level even Tatiana couldn’t predict.

Although going out of my way to meet Faenol was part of that plan, I needed something more… ’effective’ than that.

And so, I gave it more thought.

What was the craziest thing I could do within manageable limits?

What was a mean strong enough to smoothly get through the boss battle?

And that led me to this conclusion.

“I’m going to make the Blue Devil go berserk once.”

Well then…

Let’s take a look at Riru in her purest form.

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