Fate in Bleach: Unlimited Blade Works [Isekai]

Chapter 11 – Marenoshin Ōmaeda’s Advance

Chapter 11 – Marenoshin Ōmaeda’s Advance

"I call this invention of mine the Tenshintai (Turn Soul Body)," said Kisuke Urahara as he rapped his knuckles against the human-shaped target on the ground, unable to hold back an upward quirk of his lips.

Being able to create something like this was certainly enough to make Kisuke Urahara feel proud.

"This thing can take the place of a Shinigami and manifest their Zanpakutō spirits physically," explained Urahara.

After listening to Urahara's words, Yoruichi stroked her chin and nodded in agreement. "Indeed. In actuality, many vice-captains possess considerable strength, but their Reiatsu isn't sufficient enough to manifest their own Zanpakutō spirits, thus they've never been able to attain Bankai."

"If this Tenshintai can replace Shinigami by completing the manifestation of their Zanpakutō spirits, the number of people in Soul Society capable of undergoing Bankai training should increase by at least half," analyzed Yoruichi.

"No, not that many," Urahara shook his head, "Although most Shinigami are stuck at manifesting their Zanpakutō spirits, subjugating those manifested Zanpakutō isn't any easier than materializing them."

"Even if those people successfully materialize their Zanpakutō spirits using the Tenshintai, at most two or three out of ten would manage to subjugate their spirits to attain Bankai. That would already be considered impressive."

"Also..." At this point, Urahara ran his fingers through his hair and grinned foolishly. "For my Tenshintai here, since it didn't utilize the Shinigami's own Reiatsu to manifest their Zanpakutō spirits, it'd be best if they can successfully subjugate the materialized spirit within three days."

"After three days, the manifested Zanpakutō spirit will go berserk from the Reiatsu incompatibility. By then..."

Hearing Urahara's last words made Yoruichi cross her arms with a frown. "The Zanpakutō going berserk? Kisuke, could your invention still be flawed?"

For Shinigami, a berserk manifested Zanpakutō spirit was nothing short of a full-blown disaster. The strength of most Shinigami relied upon their Zanpakutō by at least eighty percent, if not more.

Shinigami could invoke their Zanpakutō spirits by calling out their names for Shikai, the first release, which would boost their Reiatsu by three to fivefold while granting access to various abilities.

Those captains who had attained Bankai were fine since their synchronization with their Zanpakutō spirits had reached tremendously high levels, allowing them to initiate Shikai without needing to vocalize their swords' names.

However, for those still lacking Bankai, if their manifested Zanpakutō spirits went berserk and refused to acknowledge them, they wouldn't even be capable of releasing Shikai.

In other words, those who trained Bankai using the Tenshintai would permanently lose access to even basic Shikai if they couldn't subjugate their spirits within three days.

Yoruichi was puzzled why Kisuke Urahara with his capabilities would create something so flawed.

A Tenshintai without any side effects would have a hundred percent efficacy. Yet this version contained such crippling drawbacks that its usefulness didn't even register at one.

Not everyone possessed the courage to gamble everything on a final leap of growth either. Moreover, even for those daring few souls brimming with gutsiness, it wasn't guaranteed they would have the requisite strength to overwhelm their Zanpakutō spirits in a mere three days either. As such, this resulted in a "paradox".

Those powerful enough to subjugate their manifested Zanpakutō spirits within three days wouldn't need the Tenshintai at all since they could manifest their spirits unaided while slowly enhancing themselves to eventually attain Bankai.

On the other hand, those lacking the capacity to overwhelm their swords in three days would only cripple themselves by utilizing the Tenshintai, even losing access to basic Shikai.

In other words, the sole beneficiaries of this risky invention were prodigies overflowing with potential yet unwilling to waste further time on the arduous path towards Bankai.

"Oh my, you saw right through me Yoruichi!" After making a silly face at Yoruichi, Urahara's expression grew serious as he nodded. "I did it intentionally."

As a researcher at heart, Kisuke Urahara was innately driven to pursue the unknown. Yet paradoxically, the more Urahara understood, the more lost he felt instead.

At present, he was going through one of his most bewildered phases ever. Influenced by such a mindset, the items Kisuke Urahara  recently invented like the Tenshintai were very useful in theory but rather useless in practical application.

As Urahara’s childhood friend, Yoruichi Shihōin naturally comprehended his current state of affairs without needing any elaboration. Thus, she simply remained by his side silently without voicing her thoughts aloud.

"Let's get going Yoruichi. If my memory hasn't faded, that vice-captain's challenge match should be happening today right?"

"Mm, let's head over to see whether this brat truly possesses fighting capabilities matching his overflowing guts..."


Within Second Division's training grounds, over a hundred souls had gathered at present.

After three days of publicity, everyone was cognizant that Ailin - the recently rising star of Second Division - had issued a contention for the vice-captain seat against the incumbent Marenoshin Ōmaeda today.

Seated officer challenges occurred once every few years. Yet for the vice-captain position, no attempts had taken place over the past two centuries.

This wasn't merely indicative of the absolute trust the Shihōin placed towards the Ōmaeda. At the same time, it also displayed Marenoshin Ōmaeda own formidable might capable of suppressing most Shinigami aside from Yoruichi Shihōin and Kisuke Urahara within Second Division.

Standing at the training ground's center, Ailin's eyes were shut as he focused his mind. If Second Division's vice-captain was Kisuke Urahara instead, Ailin wouldn't have even entertained the notion of challenging him.

After all, likely no one understood that man's true depths better than himself in this entire world. However, against someone like Marenoshin Ōmaeda, Ailin didn't believe his odds of victory were slim.

"Oi oi, so you're the little pipsqueak who wants to challenge me?"

Just as Ailin was nourishing his psyche, a sonorous voice sounded out from behind all of a sudden.

Opening his eyes, Ailin discovered his entire form enveloped within a gigantic shadow. Glancing up slightly, Ailin spotted the male figure standing a few body lengths taller than himself.

Brown flattop haircut, close to three meters in height, paired with an even more massive and obese body compared to regular people that exuded a potent sense of pressure.

Second Division's incumbent Vice-Captain - Marenoshin Ōmaeda!

"Ah, yes I am. Please offer me your guidance later Vice-Captain Ōmaeda," Ailin cupped his fists respectfully.

"Hahahaha, what a bold and gutsy little fella you are!" Contrary to Ailin's expectations, instead of berating him for his arrogance at challenging the vice-captain seat, Marenoshin Ōmaeda laughed loudly and patted Ailin's shoulder amiably instead.

"As your seniors, nothing delights us more than witnessing our juniors surpassing us eventually."

"Kid, I like your moxie!"

"No matter the outcome after our match, drinks are on me!" After speaking, Marenoshin Ōmaeda guffawed and strode past Ailin towards the opposing side of the grounds.

However, after brushing past Ailin, Marenoshin Ōmaeda’s previously mirthful expression swiftly morphed into utmost gravity instead.

This little brat isn't so simple!

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