Fatal Shot

Chapter 47 - Biochip

Chapter 47: Biochip

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Currently, the pet system in War was not open yet. There was also no official information about how to acquire a pet at all. All that existed so far was the mere mention of their existence.

Following the sci-fi setting of the game, one could be assured that players would not be able to employ mystical methods such as summoning or committing blood contracts. Then how could the players get their own pets?

Feng Luo had read many theories on the forum, some of which did not seem reliable, and others were just completely out of this world. Some claimed cloning, data implanting, or even genetic combination and memory editing would be the means of acquiring pets. But who would have thought that it was through the use of biochips!

Biochips were a rather commonly used technological item in War. Through a specialized injector, a liquified nanochip—installed with super memory functionality—could be injected into the body. Through blood circulation, a “biochip” with special functions would be created.

A biochip gave the human body an extra terminal that regulated human metabolism while strengthening some functions and qualities of the human body. Why only the “human” body? Because biochips were not foreign to the players of War.

When players first chose their occupations in War, it was done by inserting biochips provided by the Federation to give them the specializations associated with their chosen occupations, thus boosting some of their Attributes.

According to the Federation, all the skills, experience point amounts, and Attribute boosts were actually effects from different functions of the biochips boosting the player’s body. Thus, this established the scientific theory behind leveling up and learning skills, amongst other things.

A thought suddenly shot through Feng Luo’s mind. “Wait. So you’re saying that biochips can control mutant lifeforms? So you can control humans with it?”

Feng Luo was shocked. The idea blew his mind. Artificial Life, Skynet, Red Queen... The conspiracy of the game mastermind to control the entire human population... Many other fictional plotlines from novels appeared in his head.

“You’ve got quite the imagination, kid,” said Master Roland. He seemed to have guessed what was on Feng Luo’s Mind. He put down the silver chip in his hand and shook his head with a smile. “The chips the Federation makes can only activate the potential of the human body. The human mind is complex. Even the highest-grade third-gen biochip, like this one, can only control some low-intelligence lifeforms like mutated tigers and jaguars. And even then, you can’t exercise precise control but merely direct their consciousness. This technical threshold is simply too vast to achieve human brain control. The mystery of the human body is far deeper than you can imagine. Hmm... But, given the current speed of this technological renaissance, these mysteries should be revealed soon.”

Master Roland sighed. A lot of information was contained in his words, clearly referring to future updates for the game. Sadly, Feng Luo did not think carefully about these words. He just thought that his reaction was odd.

War was operated by Star Gaming and was distributed by the Star Federation federal government to the selected elites from the more than 100 billion citizens of the Federation. How could they let such an absurd thing happen?

“Right,” said Feng Luo. His thoughts returned to the chips, and he continued, “Master Roland, you said this chip is the highest-grade third-generation chip. So there are different grades of biochips? ”

“Of course there’s a difference! Biochips were the greatest invention back in the times of the Galaxy Empire. It is the key to humanity’s entrance into a spacefaring civilization. Only with the help of the chips’ regulation and strengthening could humans adapt to the complexities of the universe, survive in various ever-changing environments, and fend off all sorts of viruses, bacteria, and other dangerous lifeforms.”

Roland seemed very interested in these questions, through which he could fully display the extent of his technical knowledge. In no time, his answer transformed into a lecture.

“The greatest human biologist, one of the seven pioneers of the Galaxy Empire, Sir Wude, created the first biochip, PG-1, in Year 23 of the Empire Calendar. The first-gen chips used the ZH-I architecture technology, which could connect 30 billion human cells. They improved the condition of a human body by more than three times. Because of his great invention, the council agreed to recognize him with the highest badge of honor, which would not be awarded for another hundred years or more. You know, this kind of medal, at that time...”

Master Roland’s lecture had touched upon the background of War. As previously mentioned, the timeline of War took place after the humans had experienced a great calamity. Civilization and technology were being restored within a period of 100 years later, yet they were stuck on this small planet.

But before the great destruction, human civilization had already stepped into the era of space. Humans had already occupied several thousand administrative planets during the development of the Galaxy Empire. The numbers continued to increase by more than 100 per year.

The Galaxy Empire was not exactly a real empire because there are no royals. At its core, it hadn’t been much different from the Federation that was currently controlling this planet through military-based, authoritarian rule. The power was entirely in the hands of the assembly of a council—without any dictator or representative king.

The reason it had been called the Galaxy Empire was because, on the night before humans first stepped into the universe, the 10.3 billion citizens had decided to amend the constitution to bear the name “Empire,” thus showing humanity’s determination to conquer the universe. That same day was declared the first year of the Empire!

At the same time, the vote also restored an ancient system to use an honorary knightship system to recognize and reward people who contributed greatly to the advancement of the human civilization throughout space.

This information was recorded on the official website and could be checked by any player. But when Feng Luo heard that Roland was going into game lore, he quickly stopped him and switched the topic back to the chips.

“Well... Master Roland,” he said, “I’m sorry to interrupt, but I really want to know. What’s the market price for one of these third-gen chips after fixing it? Then at least I’ll know if it’s worth fixing or not.”

Feng Luo was helpless. He couldn’t keep listening to an NPC yammering on about some virtual history of a game. Thankfully, Master Roland didn’t mind and still had a smile on his face. He knew that an adventurer like Feng Luo wanted his items to be appraised mainly to know their price.

After some thought, he replied, “I can’t tell you the actual price, but after repairs, it won’t cost anything below a Type ZC-7 Bulletproof Combat Vehicle.”

Type ZC-7, thought Feng Luo. Also known as “Moving Forts.” Currently the priciest mass-produced land vehicle! Even the ones with the lowest specs cost more than three million credits!

The data whizzed through Feng Luo’s mind—especially the value of three million. He immediately revealed a fierce smile, and said, full of determination, “All right, Master Roland. I will get what you need, no matter the odds!”


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