Farming and Reclaiming Wasteland, I Pampered Hou Ye In Ancient Times

Chapter 10: high fever coma

Chapter 10: high fever coma

Chapter 10 High fever and coma

Jiang Xinyan had no reason, and her heart tightened for a while, and the pace seemed to be stepping on her heart, making her uneasy!

She instinctively stretched out her small hand and grabbed Chu Lixuan's big hand. The calluses in his palm gave her a little peace of mind.

Chu Lixuan thought it was the cold aura around him that scared her, but the little man shivered and stretched out his hand to grab him.

He forcibly put away his anger and showed an expression that was even uglier than crying!

Wants to appease the little wife beside him, doesn't he know that this is more scary?

The four people in front of the bed haven't felt it yet, and the old grandmother is still pitying her grandson.

The old lady of Houfu was mourning the spring and autumn, and was stunned by her daughter's words.

Chu Ye'er was angry, pouted and said:

"For a fool, my grandmother and mother who love me the most scolded me several times, and my elder brother also murdered me!"

"Shut up, how many times have I said it, she is my wife, your sister-in-law."

Chu Lixuan's whole body was covered with coldness, with a bloodthirsty coldness that made it impossible to approach him.

Jiang Xinyan complained: I will go! Death is imminent, this little girl is still arguing with herself?

Is there anything wrong? Doesn't it mean that ancient people matured prematurely? She is also ten years old!

In ancient times, didnt we get engaged at the age of twelve?

Little girl, you were born in ancient times! Still so naive? Have you never been hurt?

Jiang Xinyan opened her eyes wide to look at Chu Lixuan, and asked with her eyes, "Why didn't you beat her yesterday?"

The man miraculously understood the meaning of his little wife's eyes.

"Yesterday was just against me, you are my wife, so it's yours!"

The grandmother of the eldest princess, hearing her grandson's words, went on to explain: "The sage is only afraid of Xuan'er, and no one else in our palace has been tortured!"

Jiang Xinyan understood that it was the wretched third uncle and his son who colluded with the officials to beat them both.

Doesn't that wretched son like his big sister? He was wearing a hijab yesterday, and he didn't know that the bride wasn't Jiang Bilian!

Hemp eggs! It wouldn't be the wicked and wretched son who wanted to beat Jiang Bilian and injured her, and no one would take care of her on the way to exile.

The wretched son wants to take advantage of the danger... Want Jiang Bilian to commit himself to him?

That wretched son is still very scheming! Unfortunately, he was destined to be disappointed!

The footsteps were getting closer and closer, Chu Lixuan was very restless when he saw his little wife.

opened his mouth wide with a stunned expression of disbelief, he mistakenly thought that Jiang Xinyan was surprised and just beat the couple on the board.

Chu Lixuan's irritability is a little better, and there is nothing he can do to get angry at this point!

He was injured, and he was shocked, and finally fainted.

"Bang." Chu Lixuan fainted on the bed.


The grandmother of the eldest princess and the old lady of the Houfu exclaimed at the same time.

They walked into the bed together and saw Chu Lixuan with his eyes closed, his pale face full of sweat.

"Xuan'er has a high fever." The princess' grandmother touched it with her hand.

"How should this be?"

Jiang Xinyan complained: This is the only thing the old lady in the mansion can say!

Chu Ye'er also stepped forward. She saw that Jiang Xinyan was actually wearing clothes. She had obviously wrapped her with a cloth yesterday.

Could it be the clothes that Big Brother helped her wear? She walked in and took a look, and couldn't help exclaiming:

"Stupid... Sister-in-law doesn't even know how to wear clothes! It's wearing it the other way around."

No one pays attention to her at the moment, the eldest princess' grandmother and the old lady of Hou's residence are all worried about Chu Lixuan.


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