Farmer's Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 653: Fenglin Wharf

Chapter 653: Fenglin Wharf

Translator: Henyee Translations | Editor: Henyee Translations

With Da Bai’s assistance, the group smoothly located Xu Youchang’s head, interestingly buried on the opposite riverbank amidst aquatic plants, symmetrically placed in relation to the first head found.

With both victims and murder weapons discovered, the challenge now was the absence of any clues pointing directly to the perpetrator.

In the mortuary, Chu Qingzhi carefully reattached the victims’ heads to their bodies, then asked Chu Xujin to examine them for any new clues that might have been overlooked. Sometimes, a fresh pair of eyes could bring new insights.


Chu Qingzhi stepped aside, examining the murder weapons in detail.

The rope retrieved from the river was indeed hemp, matching the marks found on the victims’ necks. Even if these specific ropes weren’t the murder weapons, the actual weapon was of the same material.

After inspecting the rope, she turned her attention to the saw. It was new, with remnants of flesh on the blade, clearly used in dismembering the bodies.

Identifying the blacksmith shop where the saw was purchased could potentially lead to new leads.

Upon closer inspection of the saw, she found the name “Mo’s Blacksmith

Shop” etched into the wooden handle.

Chu Qingzhi inquired with an officer nearby if he knew of “Mo’s Blacksmith


The officer nodded in affirmation.

Chu Qingzhi then proposed to Chu Xujin, “Third Brother, I plan to visit ‘Mo’s Blacksmith Shop’. Do you want to come along?”

“Let’s go. We’ll return to check on the bodies later.”

“Let’s go.”

Mo’s Blacksmith Shop was a large establishment located on a bustling street, enjoying good business.

As a customer left the shop with a satisfied look, Chu Qingzhi, accompanied by Chu Xujin, Ge Lihua, and two officers, making a total of five, entered the shop.

The shop assistant, noticing the presence of officials, quickly informed the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper approached them with a welcoming smile, “What brings the esteemed officials to our humble store?”

Chu Qingzhi picked up a saw similar to the one used by the murderer, “Have you sold many of these saws recently?”

The shopkeeper glanced at the saw, “Not many, just three. It’s typically purchased by those working on large woodworking projects.”

Chu Qingzhi asked, “Does your shop keep records of transactions, even for customers buying items like this saw?”

The shopkeeper nodded, “Yes, the regulations on metal goods are strict. We record every sale, even for something as mundane as a kitchen knife.

“Could we see the records for these saw sales?” Chu Qingzhi requested.

“Sure, I’ll get the ledger for you.”

The shopkeeper returned with the ledger, but as they reviewed it, they discovered the page with the three transactions had been torn out.

Frowning, the shopkeeper expressed his confusion, “This was intact when I recorded it yesterday.”

Chu Qingzhi personally flipped through the ledger, confirming the page was indeed missing, “Someone knew we would trace the lead here and preemptively destroyed the clue.”

Chu Xujin suggested, “Since the lead here is dead, let’s return to the bodies for more clues.”

“Alright.” Chu Qingzhi instructed the accompanying officers, “Investigate people known to both victims.”

The officers acknowledged her command, “Yes, Miss Chu.

The group then headed back to the Ministry of Justice.

In the mortuary, with its chilling atmosphere and numerous bodies, Chu

Qingzhi and Chu Xujin equipped themselves with gloves and masks to re-examine the corpses.

Chu Qingzhi tasked Chu Xujin, “Third Brother, can you determine the cause of death now that we’ve found their heads?” Previously, without the heads, it was challenging to pinpoint exactly how they died, but now they had a better


ChuXujin said, “Okay.”

He began his inspection, focusing on the victims’ heads, then their internal organs and skin.

He concluded, “The hyoid bone is displaced, there are no injuries to the internal organs, and there are no signs of poisoning on the skin. The silver needle inserted into the organs hasn’t discolored. Based on what I’ve found, they died of asphyxiation.”

Chu Qingzhi nodded in agreement, “My conclusion is also asphyxiation.”

Chu Xujin was pleased, “That means I didn’t misjudge.

Suddenly, Chu Qingzhi detected a faint fishy smell and went back to examine the bodies more closely. She discovered bamboo splinters under the victims’ fingernails.

Using tweezers, she extracted the splinters, pondering, “Where would you typically find such bamboo splinters?”

Chu Xujin quickly realized, “Boats. Only boats would use this kind of material.” They recalled the Fenglin Wharf, a bustling port on the Ruan River, frequented by hundreds of boats daily. The prosperity of the area was largely attributed to this wharf.

At the wharf, faced with the daunting task of inspecting countless boats, Chu Qingzhi said, “Third Brother, get some help.”


Chu Qingzhi distributed small bottles to Ge Lihua and the officers accompanying her, “Once we board the ships, sprinkle this liquid. If it changes color, notify me immediately.”

The liquid was designed to reveal blood traces up to three days old, a crucial tool in identifying the scene of the decapitation, even if the blood had been washed away.


The wharf manager approached the officials, “Ladies, sir, what’s the matter? Chu Qingzhi preemptively stated, “We suspect that your wharf may be connected to a headless corpse case we’re investigating. Please cooperate with our inquiry.”

The manager immediately denied any wrongdoing, “Impossible. Our wharf has never engaged in illegal activities that would link us to a murder case.” “We’ll see after our investigation,” Chu Qingzhi firmly stated. “Don’t worry, our inquiry will be quick and shouldn’t disrupt your business. However, if you don’t cooperate, we may have to take more severe measures, which could indeed affect your operations significantly.”

Quickly changing his tune, the manager offered his full cooperation, “I didn’t mean to obstruct your work. Please, feel free to conduct your search.”

Chu Qingzhi turned around and said to the others, “Do as I say.


“Thank you for your cooperation,” Chu Qingzhi politely thanked the manager, who could only offer a forced smile in return.

Chu Qingzhi then made her way to the farthest boat, a larger vessel with enough space to accommodate four to five people comfortably, meeting the requirements for a struggle or dismemberment.

She carefully dispersed the liquid across the boat, ensuring it covered the area evenly.


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