Fantasy System

Chapter 4: The Family and The city

Chapter 4: The Family and The city

Ed could hear his new family's footsteps getting closer and he was getting nervous. Then Becky entered his room after knocking to announce that his family is here.

"Let them in"

As the four people walked in he could see that they were indeed worthy of being royalty, his 30 something-year-old father was tall almost 190 cm and looked strong with blond hair and blue eyes he also had a saber hanging down from his waist. His mother was a beautiful woman who was a bit short but that added even more to her charm she also had blond hair and blue eyes, she looked like she was in her twenties.

He could also see his little brother and sister walk in as well. They could only be described as handsome and beautiful; he knew they were both 16 and 8 years old respectively.

"Edward how are you feeling, "His father Arthur asked him with a stern attitude, Ed could feel the disappointment of his father for the state he was in.

"I'm okay now father thank you for your concern "Ed tried to emulate the previous prince's attitude the best he could, It was lucky that they had similar personalities.

"How can you be okay when you're so beat up?! Do you know what would have happened to me if you had died!!"His mother Elizabeth had tears falling down from her eyes.

"I really am okay mother" Ed felt touched by the worry his mother showed.

Although he didn't have a bad relationship with his parents in the world before, they were still separated most of the time due to work, school and even TV and internet.

"Humph if you had been stronger this wouldn't have happened" His brother Eric showed a cold attitude but Ed knew from his memories that this was the way his brother acted; he wanted to be tough all time.

"Are you really okay brother? You won't die will you?!"His sister Bella had tears in her eyes.

"I'm okay Bella don't worry hahaha"

Suddenly his father spoke "Here are a few pills I bought they should help you heal up in less than 3 days"

Just after he put the pills down he instructed Becky to feed the pills to Ed thinking that his hands were still unusable, and then left the room. After talking a bit more with Ed his family also left his room.

Becky came twice that day to feed him the pills and change his bandages; the embarrassment he felt was indescribable.

After he made sure no one would bother him for the rest of the day he got up and started to do some basic workout such as pushups, squats etc...

After he finished his workout he heard a notification from his system

Str+1, Sta+1.

"System how come I gained these stats without leveling up?"

[Reminder that host now lives like a game character, Continuous actions should help you gain stats. However, leveling up is still the best way possible to get stronger]

Ed nodded and got back to bed, it was already late at night so he wanted to sleep and review all that had happened that day since it was no normal day at all.

Ed passed his 3 days while training his body and enduring the embarrassment brought upon him by having a maid. In these 3 days, he was able to increase in Str and Sta stats by 3 more each and even got used to the feeling of dizziness when using the Sharingan, even he can't use it for more than 10 minutes at a times.

On the fourth day's morning, Ed woke up early, took off his bandages and wore his clothes that were, even more, embarrassing especially the coat he had to wear. He then left to meet his father after informing his maid Becky. He was planning to leave for the city market to but things so he could practice his swordsmanship.

After meeting up with his father he immediately said "Father I would like to leave for the city market"

His father showed slight concern since he knew his son was weak and didn't usually leave the house.

"Are you going to be okay?"

"Yes father"

"Then ask Becky to go with in case something happens"

'So I even need a woman to accompany me ... how did you survive up till now you poor prince'

Ed then immediately headed towards the city market with 100 gold coins; with his attire, everyone knew he had a noble position so no dared to scam him.

He then went inside a blacksmith shop while asking Becky to wait for him. He was looking for a chance to bring out the Murata-tou Katana he had in the Inventory.

As he was strolling around the shop the system suddenly spoke after a while.

[Requesting for host to buy the sword in the corner as it is a rare grade sword]

"What do you mean rare grade? Weapons have grades?"

[All items have grades and they are divided into common, uncommon, rare, epic, legendary, mythical and supreme grade]

"Then why do I have to buy only a rare grade sword shouldn't there be better ones?"

[This sword is the best in the country right now that you can buy, all higher graded swords are part of people's property so you can't buy them, only steal them]

'I see that makes sense, although I wonder how the system knew who has what sword...'

Ed then picked up the sword and went to the counter to buy it.

The shopkeeper then spoke, "that sword is useless so you can have it for only 1 gold coin".

Ed was surprised since the system asked him to buy this sword specifically yet the shopkeeper told him it was useless. He then understood that the shopkeeper's skill was very inferior to what they should be.

Ed paid and immediately left while informing Becky to tell the family to watch out for weapons they buy from this shop.

After strolling around a bit more, Ed bought some herbs used for pill concoction and headed back to his home; he had ended up using only 20 gold coins.

Author's Thoughts


If there are any mistakes please point them out to me so i can fix them, otherwise enjoy :)


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