Fantasy: My Skills Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 38: I have an idea

Chapter 38: I have an idea

This is a very likely direction, and it just ties together all the current clues.

Although these are just conjectures, I strongly agree.

Mi Wenjie's face was full of excitement. At this time, he had no intention of flattering Jiang Heng. Instead, he followed this direction and began to deduce it bit by bit.

Generally speaking, killings are either accidental, vendetta, profit, or silence.

Accidents are eliminated first.

With the status of the five miners, compared with the mysterious man who killed the garrison, it is obviously impossible to reach the level of vendetta and interest disputes.

Their death can only be silenced.

"So, it is very likely that they accidentally discovered some secret in the mine, which led to their killing."

Mi Wenjie began to think deeply and muttered to himself.

What secrets could there be in the mine? And could it be related to the deaths of several residents?

The miners discovered the secret, the goods were robbed, and the defenders were killed. Gu Chengping may know..."

Could it be that Gu Chengping had some secret dealings, such as embezzling the mine property, accidentally leaving clues in the mine, and was discovered by several miners..."

Jiang Heng shook his head.

No, if thats the case, if the other party secretly kills a few miners and covers it up a little, it wont cause much trouble at all.

And now, they have even caused robberies and killings, and even killed the residents.

Such a generous act has attracted the attention of the sect. Doesnt it bring more trouble to the mastermind behind the scenes?

"So, I think the other party has reasons to kill the defenders, even..."

This secret in the mine is directly related to the defender.

Mi Wenjie couldn't help being shocked.

Jiang Hengze continued:

Of course, all this is based on the premise that the robbery and murder incident is a conspiracy. If it is just an ordinary martial arts master robbery and murder incident, these conjectures will not be true.

Mi Wenjie shook his head solemnly.

No! Your guess is very possible.

After all, the deaths of the five people in the mine were too strange, and the timing was too coincidental.

If the two are not related, even if there is really another reason to kill five people, they must wait until the incident of robbery and murder has passed before killing them.

Next, we have to wait until tomorrow to go to the mine and have a look.

Although there are probably no clues left, we can only give it a try. After all, there is currently no conclusive evidence that can confirm Senior Brother Jiangs conjecture.

The two further put forward many conjectures and demonstrated them one by one.

There is no way, the current clues are not enough, we can only rely on logical inference, or even conjecture, and then conduct rational discussion.

After Mi Wenjie returned to his room, Jiang Heng continued to practice.

The next day.

Mi Wenjie personally went to explore the mine, and as expected, nothing was found.

While Mi Wenjie was thinking hard, Jiang Heng once again proposed an idea.

Since all the clues are broken, its better to grab the first clue and dig deeper.

The first clue?

Mi Wenjie looked at Jiang Heng in surprise, waiting for his next words.

Wu Zuo!

I always believe that there must be something abnormal about the body, otherwise there would be no need to cremate it so early.

"There is no such thing in the sect, but ordinary families have the custom of burying the deceased in the grave within seven days. These five people must have been cremated in a hurry, and they must have wanted to cover up something."

"As for the abnormality of the corpse, the person most likely to know about it is Wu Zuo."

Mi Wenjies face darkened and he said harshly:

Ill catch the widower and torture him severely. Ill ask him again and I wont believe him.

He was about to turn around and leave when Jiang Heng stopped him, shook his head and said:

If he knew, why do you think he didnt tell you before?

Mi Wenjie sneered.

"What else could be the reason? The mastermind must have threatened him. I will leave after investigating the case, but the other party is probably rooted here. If the secret is leaked, he will not escape death."

But this time, its not up to him whether he dares to say it or not.

He clenched his fists, as if he wanted to conquer the opponent by force.

"I think that since the other party has decided to conceal it, they will definitely go all the way this time and continue to conceal it. Otherwise, they will offend both you and the mastermind, and neither party will be pleased."

You might as well find a way to deceive him.

It can make Zuo fear the mastermind more than us. Im afraid the mastermind has quite a lot of power here.

Mi Wenjie calmed down a little, nodded and went out again.

When he arrived outside the writer's house, he only heard miserable cries coming from inside, and he immediately knew something was wrong.

He quickly entered the courtyard and saw a scene of people crying and screaming. Wu Zuo's body was lying on the ground with a look of horror on his face. It was obvious that he had died a long time ago.

Two police officers were surveying the scene and asking the family members about the situation.

When Mi Wenjie walked into the courtyard, he immediately attracted the attention of some people.

A middle-aged woman immediately pointed at him and shouted:

"Yesterday he came to ask my husband, and my husband has been a little uneasy since then. My husband's death must have something to do with him!"

Under the panic and sadness of the death of the mainstay of the family, her inner awe for the sect disciples had completely dissipated.

The two detectives looked confused.

Under the pressure of the Holy Land, the imperial court and the sects have generally always lived in harmony and even cooperated with each other.

Da Luo Sect is the top sect in Qingzhou, so they naturally know each other.

Just a word from the woman made it impossible for the two of them to cross-examine her like a prisoner.

Fortunately, Mi Wenjie also had information he wanted to consult, so he took the initiative to talk to the two agents.

After a brief communication, I learned that it had only been less than an hour since his death.

And before his death, he left no useful information.

Mi Wenjie had no choice but to say goodbye and leave.

Although Wu Zuo didn't leave any information, his wife at least accidentally revealed some information.

Mi Wenjie was deep in thought as he hurried on.

She said that Wu Zuo had been uneasy after yesterdays questioning. Coupled with the fact that he was silenced today, it is obvious that Wu Zuo was indeed hiding something.

This means that Brother Jiangs conjecture is generally consistent, and there are indeed clues left on the body.

Even if it is burned by fire, there are still clues that can be discovered by the gangsters..."

Unfortunately, we still cant deduce the most critical point.

What is the secret in the mine?

When he returned to the courtyard and told Jiang Heng everything, Jiang Heng thought for a moment and then said with a smile:

If thats the case, then I have a solution!

Go and call Gu Chengping over.

Jiang Heng smiled calmly, his eyes full of confidence.

Mi Wenjie left confused.

Not long after, Gu Chengping was brought over.


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