Fantasy: Force the Arrogant Heroine to Warm the Bed!

Chapter 30 Will Of Madam Yu - Xue Xiurong! Regretful & Jealous Zhang Yi!

At this time, the immortal energy in the room started to stir up, and a space crack appeared in the void. After a while, a black-clothed man with a stern face came out of the void.

When Zhang Yi saw the black-clothed man, he hurriedly bowed down and greeted him respectfully.

"Subordinate Zhang Yi has seen the Immortal Envoy."

While bowing down he was also a little bewildered, after all, the one present before him is at least a Great Divine Saint. You know, in the Zhang family, only the ancestor have such a level of strength, but in the Yu family, they're just subordinates to relay messages.

The black-clothed man nodded slightly and said with a light tone.

"I heard that your Zhang family has a close relationship with the Wenyan family of the Wuji Region?"

Hearing Wenyan family, Zhang Yi was stunned and surprised in his heart.

Wenyan family of the Wuji Region?

Why is the Immortal Envoy asking about the Wenyan family?

It's true that his Zhang family had an old relationship with the Wenyan family. When the Wenyan family was prosperous tens of thousands of years ago, there were three Divine Holy Kings presiding over.

Although the Zhang family didn't have equal status, at the least, they were close to each other. There were often many marriages arranged between the two families.

Taking benefit of this relationship, the Wenyan family started their business in the Mystic Region, and the middle-ranking Zhang family at that time had a strong ally.

However, the development of the family couldn't keep up with the changing time, and the Wenyan family gradually declined. So, the Zhang family naturally drifted away from the Wenyan family, and the relationship also faded a lot.

Zhang Yi even slapped the Wenyan family by tearing the marriage contract between his daughter and the blood son of the Wenyan family.

That's not the only thing, he, the greedy Zhang Yi did. Since a few days, the Wenyan family has been selling their assets and since today, the speed is becoming even faster.

This was enough to let many forces in different regions and the Wuji region to know that, the once Great Wenyan family is going to be removed from the inner region of the Central Profound Realm.

Wenyan family was once a great family, and they had businesses and assets in other regions too. Now that the last hope is extinguished, many small forces and greedy forces rushed to seize the Wenyan family's assets.

Among them, Zhang Yi falls into the greedy category, who despite having great wealth wants to take advantage of the Wenyan family's crisis.

Before today, he was just testing the water, and only taking little advantages. However, since today when he knew that the last hope of the Wenyan family has been extinguished, he went on a spree to seize all the business houses, properties, and mansions of the Wenyan family in the Mystic Region.

Now that the Immortal Envoy is asking about the Wenyan family, it made Zhang Yi nervous.

How did the withering Wenyan family get the luck to be noticed by the overlord Yu family?

In front of the Yu family, not to mention the withering Wenyan family, even the peak Wenyan family could only barely be noticed. After all, one is a dying ant and the other is a growing ant, but in the end, they are all ants.

However, although Zhang Yi was confused, he didn't dare to let the Immortal Envoy wait and said quickly.

"Y... Yes, my Lord! We did have a close relationship."

Hearing Zhang Yi's answer, the Immortal Envoy was satisfied. Xue Xiurong ordered him to handle this situation with consideration. So, he chooses to let the Zhang family do the job, after all, they once had a good relationship.

It'll represent the Yu family's order and the reconciliation of the subordinate force – the Zhang family and to be relative Wenyan family.

As for directly going to the Wenyan family, they didn't deserve such high respect at this moment to let the Yu family interfere directly.

Looking at the bowing Zhang Yi, the black-clothed man said slowly.

"Madam Yu has the order, let the Zhang family collect all the scattered and robbed assets of the Wenyan family from the Mystic Region, Beginning Heavens Region, Wuji Region, and some outer regions."

"With the deeds and documents of all these, go to the Wenyan family of the Wuji Realm to announce Madam Yu's will. Stating that, Wen Yun – the eldest young lady of the Wenyan family has been chosen as the side concubine of the young master of the Yu family."

When Zhang Yi heard these series of the words of Madam Yu's will, his head buzzed and he couldn't stand still for a while.

Side concubine of the young master of the Yu family?

How could the withering Wenyan family have such a stroke of great luck?

You know, although the side concubine is the lowest among the companion category, it's the side concubine of the young master of the overlord force – the Yu family.

Now that Yu Tian doesn't have a concubine, a noble concubine, or a formal wife, the side concubine could be said to be the main authority holder of the harem.

She won't have anyone to keep a check on her, and she can fully enjoy the blessing of the Yu family.

The Wenyan family's only Quasi Divine is about to perish, and the family can be said to be removed from the inner region of the Central Profound Realm.

Unexpectedly, at this juncture, the fate took a U-turn and the eldest young lady of the Wenyan family got the fortune of becoming the side concubine of the young master of the Yu family.

After Wen Yun becomes the side concubine of the young master of the Yu family, the Wenyan family will soar high above the sky like a Pheonix, and it will become even more prosperous than before.

At that time, the worst Wuji Realm might get to the height of surpassing the Mystic Region.

Zhang Yi felt both the regret of having a feud with the Wenyan family and the jealousy of giving birth to such a lucky daughter in the family.

Looks like, now he has to find a way to resolve the feud, after all, when Wen Yun becomes the side concubine, her status will be higher than the elder of the Zhang family who is working as the protector.

Then, the Zhang family will always have to be on edge of the Wenyan family, and it might be their turn to decline.

After conveying the will of Xue Xiurong, the Immortal Envoy tore through the space and vanished from the Zhang family hall.

Soon, a few hours passed in the blink of an eye.

The recent time of the Wenyan family has been bleak, and since this morning, the looting process has been in full swing. From these clues, even the youngsters of the family knew that the ancestor failed to breakthrough into Divine Saint.

Although the Wenyan family made every effort to block the news from leaking, it didn't even take an hour for the rumors to spread in the three regions of, Wuji, Beginning Heavens, and Mystic Region.

The properties that the Wenyan family was trying to sell were also seized forcibly. As for the properties in other regions, they couldn't even get the chance to try to sell them.

All in all, the Wenyan family didn't gain but lost heavily.

The family members of the Wenyan family also looked sad. The Wuji Region, even though couldn't compare to the higher region, is extremely prosperous, and could be said to be a spiritual land in the moral world.

Compared with the ancestral home in the small Zhou dynasty, here the spiritual and immortal energy is extremely right, and the cultivation speed is much faster than in lower regions.

So, many members don't want to leave this place for a barren land where even the birds wouldn't wander to poop.

But, it's inevitable. They have to leave the inner region soon, otherwise, even life wouldn't be guaranteed.

Due to this, they were all panicking and preparing to leave in a full swing. However, at this moment, they had to stop all this and welcome a distinguished guest!

And, this guest is none other than Zhang Yi!

In the Great Hall of the Wenyan Mansion, Zhang Yi was sitting on the main seat with an arrogant expression.

In front of the Immortal Envoy, he appeared to be submissive, but outside, he had the majesty belonging to the head of the first-class force in the Mystic Region.

Although Zhang Yi was thinking hard about the reconciliation, he was exuding the majestic aura of a superior overwhelming all the Wenyan family members.

Looking at the majestic Zhang Yi, the Wenyan family members gritted their teeth but soon calmed down with fear.

They hate Zhang Yi from the bottom of their hearts, after all, he slapped the Wenyan family in the face and even robbed their properties in the Mystic Region.

At this moment, an old voice resounded in the Great Hall.

"Sorry to make you wait, Lord Zhang."

The figure of the Wenyan ancestor appeared in the Great Hall, followed by many high-level members of the Wenyan family, as well as Wen Yun, Lin Lang, and other talents.

Although the Wenyan ancestor knew Zhang Yi's deeds against them, he still greeted him with a smile. After all, the Zhang family is the first-class force of the Mystic Region, which is higher than the Wuji Region.

He's not someone, the current Wenyan family can offend.

Zhang Yi took a closer look at the Wenyan ancestor, and after confirming the decayed blood and flesh, he said slowly.

"Old Ancestor, I'm here today to discuss two things, and convey another thing that is very important."


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