Fantasy: Force the Arrogant Heroine to Warm the Bed!

Chapter 25 The Declining Wenyan Family! The Once Great Family May Be Removed Soon!

[Update Schedule: 1 Chapter / Day -> 00:05 HK Time | Increase in Special Cases]

In the Immortal Realm, there are seven major forces who rule over the vast land of hundreds of millions of miles. The territory is infinite and the resources are unlimited comparable to hundreds of small worlds. So, these parts are recognized as a realm in itself within the Immortal Realm.

Among all the seven major forces, the Yu family is the overlord of the largest and the richest land filled with the immortal energy – the Central Profound Realm.

As its name suggests, the Yu family is centered in the most profound place where the dragon veins for the production of the immortal energy is the richest.

The land of the Central Profound Realm is full of outstanding people and spirits. In addition to the many holy places and dynasties that existed in ancient times, there are also many aristocratic families that had served the Yu family from their founding period.

There are even creatures from ancient times in the major sacred mountains, all of whom have powerful cultivation bases and sit in one side.

In addition to the human race, there are many creatures of other races in the Central Profound Realm who were born a long time ago and settle when the founding Great Emperor Yu established this realm.

All in all, there are many mysteries and hidden dragons comparable to old antiques, but there is only one overlord of all these forces – the Yu Clan. It's not the superficial strength that the Yu family is representing but the power that has been on the dark side since ancient times – Yu Clan.

At this time, in the Wenyan Mansion…

Wenyan family was also a well-known family in the Central Profound realm, and it could even be recognized as a top force with three Divine Holy King realm powerhouses in its heyday.

You know, it's the Divine Holy King, the top power in even the Yu family, and that is even three. So, the Wenyan family was a great family in this realm.

Therefore, the Wenyan mansion also occupies a certain place in the inner area of the Central Profound Realm.

It was not like the Yue family, a small family of only one Divine Saint which is placed in the outer region. However, the current Wenyan mansion is declining rapidly, and it's not even comparable to the small Yue family.

It has been tens of thousands of years and not even a Divine Saint Realm powerhouse has appeared. Now, the great family of three Divine Holy Kings is reduced to only a Quasi Divine Realm small family.

And this ancestor of the Quasi Divine Realm is also nearing to finish his lifespan.

In the depths of Wenyan Mansion, in front of a majestic Great Hall, there are countless clansmen of the Wenyan family standing densely.

These clansmen are all direct descendants of the Wenyan family and they were all looking nervously at the Great Hall in front of them.

The sky above this Great Hall exudes an extremely powerful and unstable atmosphere, and the sky is surging. All the clansmen saw that the sky turned into a vortex to connect between heaven and earth, and thunder wandered into the void.

This is the sign of someone trying to break through a Great Realm above the realm of Immortality.

At this time, a girl stood at the head of the many clansmen, with a worried and stubborn expression on her face, bit her lip slightly, and looked at the Great Hall.

The ancestor of the Wenyan family is currently refining the Drop of Life Pill, and is trying to break through to the realm of Divine Saints!

She was extremely nervous, for fear that something would happen! Although it is said that the effect of the Drop of Life Pill can have a greater chance of letting a Quasi Divine become a Divine Saint.

However, it is not necessarily a guaranteed case. There is also a chance of failure! What's more, the ancestor of the Wenyan family is really too old. His blood is decayed, and his life is approaching its end.

Now that he has obtained this Drop of Life Pill, he can only fight against the heavens to break through the realm of saints, but it's not 100% sure that he can get sanctified.

Beside Wen Yu, there was a rough young man staring blankly at her. Seeing the nervous and worried expression on the girl's face, his heart almost melted.

At this moment, Lin Lang had an impulse. He wanted to hold the girl in his arms and comfort her, but this is just a thought. Wen Yun is the eldest young lady of the Wenyan clan, with a distinguished status, and he is just a low-status person who isn't even from the Wenyan family.

Although Lin Lang's talent is extraordinary and he is valued, but after all, he is from an ordinary family and can't be together with Wen Yun of a high status.

Even if the Wenyan family is declining there are still Immortals sitting around, and the families from the outer region don't have such a number of Immortals.

Lin Lang had a terrifying thought in his heart that is, it would be great if the Wenyan ancestor doesn't survive!

If the Wenyan ancestor becomes a saint and gains divinity, the Wenyan family would rise again! With the many Immortals sitting around, sooner or later, it would be comparable to forces with Divine Holy King sitting as their trump cards.

At that time, Wen Yun's status will also rise, and she will become a noble lady in the Central Profound Realm, and even have a little status in the Immortal Realm.

And, how can he have the chance of approaching such a noble lady?

But if the Wenyan ancestor fails to break through to the Divine Saint Realm, although it is said that the defeat of the Wenyan family is inevitable, the more the Wenyan family was defeated, the more important he, Lin Lang, will become!

When he reveals his talent fully and increases his cultivation more and more quickly, then the Wenyan family can only rely on him more and more.

At that time, the distance between him and Wen Yun will become shorter and shorter. However, such thoughts even startled Lin Lang himself, because that means the slaughter of more than half of the clansmen.

A family which had Divine Holy King is now in such a state, and the last hope of becoming a saint is also gone. Then, the end is inevitable.

As the Wenyan family has many Immortals, there are a few Quasi Divine in other families which can suppress them, and the Divine Saint ancestor of their family will also take action.

Then, there is bound to be a flowing of blood and the humiliation of the once-Great Wenyan family. After all, it was still once the great family of three Divine Holy Kings and occupies a place in the inner region.

So, not to mention the families of the inner region, but even the forces from the outer region might come to beat the Wenyan family.

Thinking like this while being in the Wenyan family was a great sin. So, he hurriedly pressed the terrifying thought, but in his heart, he can't help but think about it.

Beside him, Wen Yun looked at the Great Hall with an expression of anticipation and fear.

Can the Wenyan ancestor survive this calamity and successfully become a Divine Saint gaining the blessing of divinity?

This is an important thing to the Wenyan family today!

Over the years, the Wenyan family has gradually become a small powerhouse comparable to those small forces, and their power assets have been eroded step by step by the rest of the family.

It's a world of difference from when they were regarded as a great family and were even appreciated by the Yu family for their strength.

And in order to get this Drop of Life Pill, the Wenyan family spent too much of their family assets, and millions of the top quality spirit stones have been emptied.

Now there are only the empty spiritual veins that can be said to be the foundation for the survival of the Wenyan family today!

It can be said that in order to allow the Wenyan ancestor to get this chance to obtain divinity and ascend to become a saint, the Wenyan family is now bankrupt!

Even after all these efforts of the family, if the Wenyan ancestor still fails to become a saint or falls on the road of ascension, the girl doesn't even want to think about such a possibility anymore.

In short, it will be a real disaster for the Wenyan family, and they might even get removed from their existence.

The atmosphere in the Great Hall is getting stronger and more unstable, and the vision in the sky is also becoming more unpredictable and turbulent.

Just like the mood of the clansmen of the Wenyan family, it suddenly went up and down.

Suddenly, the vision of heaven and earth disappeared, and the terrifying aura in the Great Hall also subsided.

Everything is at peace.

The clansmen looked at each other in dismay, thinking about whether this was a success or not. However, only some people who got to see the person break through to the saint can know that the heavens will bless the person with divinity to honor him as a saint.

The Wenyan family has not produced a Divine Saint for tens of thousands of years, so the clansmen also do not know what kind of vision will the birth of a Divine Saint cause.

After a while, an old voice came from inside the deepest core of the Great Hall.

"Yun'er, come in. Others can disperse!"


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