Fantastic Beasts of Records: Lecherous Prince Of The Sea

Chapter 217 Unexpected Trap

After thoroughly scanning the entire ship with my magical energy to ensure that no one else was left, I swiftly made my way towards the ship's edge. Conjuring up a tornado of flames, I launched it towards the next ship, repeating the cycle of carnage once more. A grin of satisfaction spread across my face as I caught sight of several ships quickly retreating from the battle, realizing they were no match for the ascendant that they were up against.

Too late!

No matter how much they ran -

With a swift launch towards the next ship, my legs landed upon a poor man who served as my cushion.


... they couldn't escape my wrath.


Surrounded once again by sharp blades aimed for my demise, my body moved with a deadly grace, tearing, crushing, and ripping apart anything that dared to stand in my way.

The cycle continued relentlessly, until finally, all that remained.....

Was a ghost ship, painted in the ominous hues of black ash and crimson blood.


What…. was going on?

That was the only question Jerry think of.

As he bore witness to the horrifying carnage unfolding before his very eyes, there was only one thought that passed through his mind. A tornado of flames raged atop the seas, striking down ships at will, while a man consumed by a savage bloodlust left a trail of slaughter in his wake.

With the power and the will to carry out his goals, it was no wonder that the spectacle left him utterly astounded, sending shivers down his spine. And above all --

Jerry turned his head and spotted several ships turning tail, sailing away from the area of carnage. It was unclear whether they were fleeing out of fear, having witnessed the savage violence firsthand, or if they were making a wise strategic decision in retreating from an enemy too powerful to handle.

Despite the uncertainty, Jerry was convinced that the former was the more likely reason for their retreat. After all, what pirate in their right mind would choose to stay after witnessing such brutality?

Gritting his teeth in frustration and anger, he made a conscious effort to calm down and organize his thoughts.

With no other options in sight, Jerry turned his head to relay orders to his crewmates.

"TURN THIS SHIP AROUND!" He commanded.

At this moment, there was only one thing left for him to do.


He knew that if they wanted to survive this battle, retreating and seeking help from their captain was their only option. Though it stung his pride to admit it, there was no shame in crawling back to safety like a lost dog when the situation demanded it.

As they sailed amidst the chaos of the battle, Jerry couldn't help but notice that Captain Crimson Eye's ship was one of the few that remained. Unlike the other ships, which fought with all their might, this ship sailed quietly and enigmatically, almost as if it were immune to the war and flames raging around them.

it seemed as though the captain was merely a spectator to the violence, unfazed by the danger and destruction that surrounded him.

And the very thought of that, for some reason, irked him.


"Anchor the ship to it!" Jerry barked out orders, watching intently as the hooks were thrown and securely fastened onto Captain Crimson Eye's ship, holding the two vessels tightly together.


He had expected his former crewmen to surround him, making it difficult for him to board the other ship. But instead, they paid him no attention, instead focusing solely on tending to their own duties aboard the ship.

Although, he couldn't help but wonder what their motives were, but he knew that he had no choice but to proceed.

But, as his suspicion lingered, a familiar voice shattered his thoughts. "Sir Jerry..." The voice called out, beckoning his attention. With a tilt of his head, Jerry scanned the direction of the voice, searching for the source.

A man in his late twenties, whom Jerry recognized as one of his direct subordinates, stood before him. "You know, the Captain said that you would return" The man informed him.

Jerry's mind, however, remained preoccupied with a more pressing matter. "Where is the Captain?" He inquired, despite the subordinate's attempts to divert his attention. Jerry strained his eyes, searching for any sign of his captain, but to no avail.


For a man who relished the thrill of battle, Jerry found it odd that his captain was not present to witness the action firsthand. After all, he knew the kind of man his captain was and expected nothing less than a front-row seat to the carnage.

What there something going on that he didn't know about?

Jerry nodded his head internally. Of course, there is!

pαпdα-ňᴏνê|·сóМ There has to be, because that was the only explanation that made scene.

The man's smile in response to his question contained a subtle hint of hesitation, which Jerry immediately picked up on. It was clear to him that the man lacked experience in masking his emotions, and this only further solidified the notion that he was walking into something..

A trap? Punishment for his actions?

Well, he wasn't sure.

Regardless, his body involuntarily tensed up, and his senses were heightened to their fullest potential, just in case.

The man finally answered, "The captain has been waiting for your arrival". He then pointed a finger in the direction of the banished first prince, who was currently setting another ship ablaze and tearing it apart piece by piece. "And for his arrival as well".

Jerry's frown deepened. "That doesn't answer my question".

The man merely shook his head with a sly grin on his lips. "Come on, the captain is waiting. I hope you haven't forgotten where his office is located" He said as he gestured for him to let the way.

Despite the unease gnawing at him, Jerry pushed the thoughts to the back of his mind and walked forward, with his fellow crewman trailing behind him.

After a few minutes, they arrived at the door to the captain's office. Jerry took a moment to steady his breathing. Despite the chaos outside, he knew he needed to compose himself before facing Captain Crimson Eye.

With a calm smile slowly spreading across his lips, he raised his hand and knocked on the door.

Suddenly, the man behind interjected, "It's open. You can go in," causing Jerry's eyebrows to rise in surprise for a moment. He then nodded and stretched his hands towards the handle, giving it a satisfying "click!" sound as the door was pulled wide open.

Silence filled the air as the man behind spoke up again, "What are you waiting for? Go in! The captain wants to see you." Jerry's brow furrowed in confusion.

"Sir je…"

"SHUT UP!" he screamed in anger. He swiftly turned around, grabbed his fellow crewman by the collar, and stared deep into his eyes. "Where is the Captain?" he shouted again, seeing the man shake his head in disappointment. "WHERE IN HEAVEN'S NAME IS THE CAPTAIN?".

But his words were quickly cut short. "Sir Jerry, what you are looking for is on the captain's desk," the man exhaled a tired sigh. "Since he wasn't sure that you would be coming, he decided to write two letters".

Jerry repeated, "Two letters".

"Yes," The man nodded. "One for you, and one for the banished first prince of Endossa, Prince Wyatt".

Jerry swallowed back whatever words he wanted to utter. He spoke with hesistation in his voice "The captain isnt here".

"Yes, he isn't. He left with only one of his ships a few days ago after ordering all of his remaining fleets to follow you and stand by."


I don't know," the man shook his head. "All I know is that the captain also wrote a letter to Captain Silver Tongue after he was done writing yours." Hesitation soon clouded his voice as he continued, "However, if I were to guess, I would say that this whole thing is not a trap for you, Sir Jerry, but for Prince Wyatt."

Jerry released his hands and stumbled backwards in a stupor. "How?"

What does mean by'a trap set for Prince Wyatt'?

The man pointed at the table "I hope the captain can answer that for you".

In that instant, Jerry's attention snapped toward the table with two peoces of paper.


He appeared beside the table in the blink of an eye and picked up on of the papers without hesistation.

He pulled it open and read its contents.

As his eyes trailed down the letter, his heart burst with emotions as fear and trepadition took over his whole being.

He had said it before, that in this world, in his eyes, there was no greater man than his captain.

"Bammm!!" The table shattered into pieces as Jerry ran his fist right through.

There was no greater captain than his own, and this did nothing else than to prove it.

Jerry grabbed the other letter that floated in the air and stuffed it into his pocket together with the one he had just read, not even feeling bothered to take a look at it.


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