Falling into the Abyss

Chapter 21: Return to Earth (II)

Chapter 21: Return to Earth (II)

Thank you so much Kofi-Supporter, VBaby and Kofi-Supporter for your support Bonus Chapter (2/2)

Derek finally hacked into the mainframe and modified their route. They would enter warp drive in about a day. After that, whether their spaceship would successfully reach the Third Empire would depend on their luck.

That night, Ethan couldnt sleep. He didnt know if it was because he had slept too much while he was in a coma or due to the tangled feelings in his heart.

He didnt think that it would be so easy for them to escape. Even if the Earth Union just considered them human trash and didnt care whether they died or escaped, they still had Tanisiel and the three Eves on board. If word got out that people from the Earth Union had kidnaped the Eves, it would get blown out of proportion. Then, even if they were just nonhumans, the Eves would not let the matter go so easily.

After all, Ethan had worked in the government for countless years. He knew that the government feared international disputes the most. They would likely send a warship after them to catch and prosecute them and simply push the blame for the other researchers disappearances and Eves soldiers onto the nonhumans. After all, given the Earth Unions history, it would be impossible for them to make the images captured on Red Earth public.

As for him, regardless of whether he was involved in their plan to flee, he would still be forced to join them and would be regarded as one of their accomplices. He didnt know what punishment he would receive once they were caught. His original moral value was already zero, so would it be reduced to a negative number that he could never atone for? In that case, why did he bother struggling so hard to survive?

What expression would his father have when he saw his name on TV among the list of fugitives?

After tossing and turning, Ethan finally sat up. He had to sleep in the same room as Samuel because of their act, and he had volunteered to sleep on the sofa for the Omegas sake. Samuel had initially planned for the two of them to sleep in the spacious bed, but after hearing the secretary insist that he did not want to take advantage of an Omega, he was too lazy to argue. He had simply waved his hand and, with an as you please expression, nestled comfortably in the bed.

Ethan got up quietly and put on his glasses and shoes. Samuel was snoring, deeply asleep. Ethan crept out of their suite that had previously belonged to a pair of researchers and walked through the winding corridor towards the entertainment hall. The Magic Flute still had its work and rest times programmed for 24-hour intervals. Currently, all of its lights were blue and purple, indicating that it was rest time. Other than some mechanical noise that the sound insulation wall couldnt absorb, it was silent.

The hall was empty. According to a humans typical schedule, it was three oclock in the morning. Ethan poured himself a glass of liquor and gulped it down. The liquid burned its way from his esophagus into his stomach, and the heat gradually spread from his abdomen to his cold limbs. He shivered before pouring himself another cup and sitting down on the sofa. He stretched out his fingers to impatiently activate the screen on the tea table in front of him, and many film posters were immediately projected for him to choose from.

He casually swiped through the posters and found that several new films had been released since he was jailed by the court of ethics, one of which he had previously wanted to watch but never had the opportunity to. After tapping on it, a beam of light immediately shone from a small box on the wall opposite him, and the scenery around him instantly disappeared. He and the sofa had suddenly crossed time and space and arrived on a planet that had been destroyed by a supernovas explosion more than ten centuries ago. Elegant bluish-green leafy plants surrounded him, overlapping with each other, and a mysterious and secluded dome was formed over him. These 3D models appeared no different from real plants. As long as one didnt try to touch them, it was impossible to tell that these were merely projections.

The film allowed the audience to witness the gradual decline of the most powerful kingdom on the planet, which had boasted a parliamentary system. Ethan was shocked by the grandiose scene of thousands of troops marching past his sofa. All of the Heavenbounders had green eyes similar to Ethans, but they generally had lighter hair and darker skin than him. Instead, they looked very similar to his mother. Ethan gazed at the once magnificent palaces and the scenes of people seeking pleasure, but his heart now yearned for the classical music always floating around his home and the food always gurgling on the stove. Even the bold sex scenes couldnt attract his interest.

Suddenly, a character made his eyes widen slightly. Why did that actor look so much like Tanisiel?

He did not turn on the function that used images from his consciousness, did he?

The man was dressed in the green robes of the Heavenbounders, the neckline, and cuffs covered with exquisite silver embroidery. His curly blond hair fluttered as he walked straight to Ethan, and his sharp ears were faintly visible. His exquisite face was tilted slightly, adorned with a somewhat innocent smile. Andhe sat down on the sofa beside him.

Although certain movies included characters that would deliberately interact with the audience, Ethan felt the sofa cushion sink under his weight, and he realized that it was indeed Tanisiel!

It was just that a set of clothing was automatically projected onto him when he approached the area where the film was being shown

Ethan sat up straight and felt inexplicably nervous. You

Why arent you sleeping in the middle of the night, and instead are alone here, seekingentertainment?

It was only when the other party emphasized the word entertainment so heavily that Ethan noticed that at the moment, a group of half-naked men and women from the palace were embracing each other. His cheeks grew red, and he felt like he was about to emit smoke. He quickly cleared his throat and explained, Thisthis is a historical war movie!

Oh? Are you sure that its not an action movie? Ethan was stunned after hearing such teasing words come from the priests mouth.

Tanisiel looked at Ethan and noticed that he had the glass of liquor in his hand was less than half full. He lifted his eyebrows slightly.

Ethan whispered, What about you, why arent you sleeping?

I was waiting for the results of the sample analysis when I heard some noises outside, and I saw you when I came out. Have you been drinking?

Ethan sighed and asked, Dont you also think that we wont be able to flee?

His voice was suddenly drowned out by the cheers from the film. He reached out impatiently to turn the film off, but the other man suddenly grasped his hand.

Tanisiel was so close that Ethan could feel his breath gently hitting his ear. Shocked, he gave him a quick, somewhat awkward glance.

Tanisiel did not speak and simply gazed at him with an unreadable expression. He did not let go of his hand, and his warm palm provided Ethan with some sort of comfort. Ethan felt himself being sucked into his gray eyes, as though the surrounding projections had disappeared.

The priest suddenly reached out and gently took off his glasses, placing them onto the table before lightly tracing Ethans lower eyelids with his fingertips. He asked, Do you have Heavenbounder blood?

Ethan neither admitted nor denied it. Being in such close contact with Tanisiel made him want to escape, but similarly, he wanted to sink into debauchery with him. With a twist of his hand, he grabbed onto the priests wrist. His green eyes flashed, and something he had been suppressing in his heart suddenly bloomed. He didnt know why he wanted to do this, but since he had already reached his present situation and was a dirty fugitive, he no longer needed to restrain himself, right?

This rare initiative surprised the priest, and a charming smile appeared on his lips.

Do you want to forget all of your troubles and find peace within your soul? It was as though the priest was reciting classical poems, but his words sounded more like a spell. Ethan could not resist his words and nodded. The gasps of desire coming from the movie only served to escalate the steamy atmosphere.

Then, listen to me, Tanisiel whispered in his ear. His lips brushed Ethans earlobe, causing him to shudder. Do whatever I ask you to do. Otherwise, I will punish you.

His tone carried the trace of a threat, but strangely, a mass of heat rose in Ethans lower abdomen. His gaze gradually blurred, his lips parted slightly, and he quickly nodded.

The priest sat up straight and spoke in a satisfied manner, Now, take off all your clothes.

Ethan froze for a couple of seconds before forcing his saliva down his dry throat. He stood up and began to unbutton his coat. He had just taken a bath and was wearing a soft, comfortable shirt. Soon, his chest was exposed. Tanisiel had seen Ethans body before when he had cleaned up the stains on his body and treated the wound on his forehead, but it gave off a very different feeling at this time. Ethan had used to go to the gym to maintain his figure, so his body was not as thin as Tanisiel thought it would be, and his lower abdomen even had a layer of faint muscles. Ethan threw his coat aside, and the clothes and ornaments projected on him suddenly disappeared. Seeing that Tanisiel did not tell him to stop, he bent over to pull down and step out of his pants, leaving only a pair of underwear on his body. His legs were also slender, the skin covered by a layer of brown fuzz.

For a Beta, it was a delectable body.

The last time Ethan had been so exposed in front of a stranger was when he had first entered the Forbidden City. However, Tanisiel was not going to let him go. With his arms resting on the back of the sofa, he gazed languidly at Ethan, clad only in his underwear, and spoke with a majestic, Alpha-like tone, I said all.

Ethans heart thumped wildly. He pursed his dry lips before finally reaching out his shaking hands and complying.

Tanisiel picked up the remnants of Ethans wine and sipped it gently. With an appreciative gaze, he looked at the symmetric, tanned human body in front of him. The smoldering fire within him was finally awakened, and he tore open the first button of his collar to reveal a deep and beautiful collarbone.

Be prepared to be in pain when you sit down tomorrow, The priest said with a devilish smile.

The author has something to say:

Hehe, you guys know that certain things cant be written

T/N: jjwxc censors heavily on these scenes :/ so, unfortunately, we cant have a glimpse of how everything goes down.

Im back!! Chapters will resume weekly for ABYSS, and unfortunately, release schedule would only go up when I recover more. Thank you, everyone, for your good wishes, I read each and every comment, but wont be reply to all. Nevertheless, I want all of you to know I really appreciate your comments, and your comments would always make my day.


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