Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 97: The Mark

Chapter 97: The Mark


He caught her around the middle right before she reached the opening of the cave, and the sunshine beyond. She shrieked when he growled and pulled her into his chest, kissing her again—and stopping her again.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay here and have dessert instead of breakfast?" he murmured, sliding a hand down to her ass and pulling her against him. Then he kissed her, and for a minute, the way she leaned into him, he thought maybe she had changed her mind after all.

But in the end, she pulled back and sighed, but shook her head. "I really am excited to get started," she said softly, stroking his hair. "And I'm excited to come home with you tonight," she added, waggling her eyebrows.

Reth huffed, but let her go. "Meet me for lunch then?" he said quietly, praying that breakfast would be uneventful.

"Of course! Oh, and do you think now that the people have accepted me, we can lose the Guards here?" she said, tipping her head towards the nearest man standing halfway across the clearing.

Reth's heart sank. She said she knew she had a fight on her hands, but this… she didn't understand what she was going to face. He'd speak to her at lunch. "I, uh… I don't know, Elia…"

"Wouldn't it be nice to be outside at night… with some privacy?" she added, dropping her voice and giving him a heated look.

Reth swallowed and willed his body not to tighten at the thought. "I'll talk to Behryn about the guards. Maybe. But regardless, add it to the list." Then he winked at her.

She laughed and leaned up to kiss him one more time. "I really am going now, are you coming?" she said.

"I'll talk to the guards first, see if there's been any issues the last couple days. You go. Have fun. I'll see you at lunch."

"Okay, I will." And she trotted off towards the trail—which just happened to take her past the nearest guard.

Reth's teeth set as the man turned to look at her, waving a greeting as she passed. Reth wondered if he'd notice—but his question was answered when the man's mouth dropped open, then he looked back at Reth.

Hot rage shot through Reth's chest in a bolt so pure he almost shifted.

The guard immediately dropped to one knee, his eyes to the ground, his weapon held out, away from his body—and away from Reth.

"I'm sorry, Sire. I didn't realize—"

"What's wrong?" Elia said, her voice shaky. She'd stopped on the trail just past the man and was standing there, looking between him and Reth.

Teeth gritted, Reth shook his head to clear it.

The man was no threat. He'd smiled at her to greet her. That was all, he reminded himself as his breath began to heave—and not with desire.

The next nearest guard had turned when this one called out to Reth, but the man put a hand out towards him, "She's claimed," he called hurriedly. The other guard's eyes went wide, then he, too, dropped to one knee.

Reth swore as Elia frowned, watching each of the guards now in a semi-circle around the clearing, all kneeling. To Reth.

"Reth, what's going on?" she asked, her voice troubled.

Reth groaned in his throat.



It was just like when they'd been interrupted by Behryn that night they'd almost… but nothing was happening now. She was just walking ahead of him. He'd seemed fine. So why did the men all act like the wrong look was going to send him flying into a rage?

Then the nearest one called to the others about her being claimed.

"Reth?" she asked. "What's going on?" She put a hand to her shoulder, to the marks on her skin there. He'd said they would notice. That they'd know what had happened. Beyond the soreness when she woke, she hadn't thought about it. He'd said it had nothing to do with the Kingdom, or her being Queen. It was only for them.

So why did the men seem shocked.

"Reth?" she called again.

"It's nothing, Elia. Go to breakfast. I'll… speak with the men."

She frowned at him, but he gave her a look that was as tired as it was troubled, and she could see that he really didn't want to speak to her about it just then. So she sighed and waved, then turned to walk away again. As she disappeared under the trees, she passed Behryn on his way towards the cave. He smiled and greeted her, then his eyes went a little wide, but he covered quickly.

Elia gave him a wry smile—obviously this claiming thing was a bigger deal than she'd realized—and kept walking.

But she made a mental note to pin Reth down about it that afternoon.



He kept his stance as relaxed as he could until she was gone under the trees, then he turned towards the guard, who still knelt, one fist to his chest, the other pointing the spear as far from Reth as he was capable.

"At ease. Slowly," Reth growled.

The man came to his feet, but kept his eyes down.

"You can relax, man. I'm not going to unleash on you."

The guard raised his eyes slowly, checking as they met Reth's. Reth did feel the surge of dominance rise in him when the man looked at him, but he swallowed it back. He was going to get used to this. He was. It was just because they'd mated and he'd claimed her so close together. He hadn't recovered from one completely before he had to deal with the other.

He forced himself to meet the man's gaze, keeping his hands clenched at his sides. "You tell no one of this," he snarled.

"Yes, yes, of course."

"I don't want the males avoiding me. Where's Behryn this morning?"

"He's, uh, on his way, Sire. I think."

Reth swore under his breath. "I'm going back into the cave. As soon as he gets here, you tell him to come find—" Then Reth heard his name on the morning breeze.

He turned to find his best friend, stalking towards him, his face a thunder cloud.

Reth sighed.


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