Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 82: The Feast

Chapter 82: The Feast

READER SHOUT OUT: Thank you, to my OG-Readers (you know who you are!) for all the fun this week, and your support and encouragement. BEAST wouldn't be here without you!



They found her a dress—an actual dress—made from a shimmering white linen and embroidered in golds and browns in a starburst around her shoulders, falling like a cloud against her skin to sweep her ankles.

She felt pretty for the first time since she'd arrived in Anima.

The females from the council wove flowers and leaves into her hair, and gave her necklaces—bone, teeth, and colored beads. When she was ready, they all walked with her, and as they approached the market, other females from all of the tribes began to gather around them, some singing, some stomping their feet, others clapping. By the time they made it to the Market, they were a crowd and Elia was overwhelmed. She couldn't understand the words they sang and wondered what they said.

"What are they doing?" She leaned into Aymora's ear.

The older woman walked alongside her, a small smile on her face. "They're calling your mate to tell him you're on your way, and they're reminding him of all the reasons he chose you."

Elia frowned. "What reasons do they know?" she said, confused.

Aymora smiled and winked. "They may not know you, Elia, but they know your mate," she said, mysteriously. "Just relax and enjoy yourself. They're celebrating you tonight." Then she started to clap in time with the others, and raised her voice in the strange song, too.

Elia could feel her cheeks heating, but she was surprised to find she was enjoying herself. The women kept smiling at her, and stroking her hair, calling like they were excited. Then, as they entered the market and began to weave between the tables, Elia saw the men on the other side, also stomping and singing, but in a song that seemed to sit counter-point to the women's.

When the males hit low notes and stomped their feet, the female voices soared, and they clapped. And as the women sang hearty, throaty calls that made Elia wonder exactly what they were saying, the males huffed, and shuffled, clapping a beat at the end.

It was an amazing show of unity and Elia found herself moved, though she couldn't say why.

Then the men parted, and she could see Reth clearly, walking up from the back in that long vest again, with the fur collar, but this time with necklaces like the ones the women had given her, only chunkier and more masculine.

The people sang, stomped, called, and clapped them to the center of the market, then Aymora took Elia's hand and passed her to Reth, who winked and, without saying a word, turned her toward the podium. They walked up slowly together, her hand in his, until they reached the stage level and he ushered her to her seat next to his, at the center of the large table.

Then he stood, his chin high and shoulders, back, holding her hand, and watching his people with a wide smile on his face. Elia did her best to look dignified and pleased, like Reth did, but inside she was just overwhelmed.

The people below took one more circle of the market, still singing, then the song ended on the what had to be lowest note she'd ever heard people sing. Everyone turned, then to face them and Aymora called, "A cry for King and Queen, a cry for Anima!"

And the market erupted with the calls, coughs, screeches, and roars of the people below. Elia covered her mouth with one hand and Reth squeezed her fingers as he leaned into her ear.

"They're celebrating you, you know," he said, his voice low. His tongue teased her ear for a breath before he pulled away.

"I just can't figure out why?" she turned to him and said honestly.

"Well, frankly, they're just grateful someone took me off their hands," he laughed, then he threw back his head and roared in response to his people, who all began to clap and cheer.

When the noise began to settle, he addressed them. "Feast, my friends. Tonight we celebrate the union of King and Queen. We celebrate the future of Anima! Feast, and remember all that we have to be grateful for!"

They cheered again, then Reth urged Elia to take a seat. "I hope you have an appetite," he grinned, eyes twinkling. "Because tonight we feast!"


He hadn't been joking when he told her they were feasting. Platter after platter of rich meats, juicy fruits, and odd-but-delicious vegetables passed the table and Elia tried all of them. By the time things were slowing down, she wondered if she'd even be able to walk back to the cave she was so stuffed. But the food was all so delicious, so fresh and tasty, she hadn't been able to stop.

It was fun to have Reth smiling and feeding her grapes. Fun to have the women from the council at a table in front of them, all winking and laughing together, throwing teasing jabs at the couple. Fun to have Candace next to her, and her sister, both of them gushing over her dress. And Reth's eyes…

His eyes rarely left her for more than a few seconds. His name would be called, or someone would visit the table and he'd turn. But every time Elia would look at him, he'd be looking back. Or she'd feel his gaze like a finger touch on her skin and turn, and he'd be staring, his eyes dark and alight at the same time. It stole her breath.

Then his hand snuck to her knee under the table. She pretended to ignore it, but as Candace to turned and asked her where she got the dress, Reth was sliding the skirt of it up, up, up her leg, until he found the skin of her knee and thigh, and his fingers slid to the inside of her thigh. And stayed there.

Her breath picked up. She got flustered, trying to explain to Candace which merchant they'd visited to find the dress.

Then Reth leaned into her ear again and whispered, "Are you ready? First we do speeches, then we leave. And I'm locking the door of the cave behind us this time."

Elia snorted the water she was drinking and had to cough. When she spluttered her way back to dignity, Reth was still staring, his eyes ablaze and locked on hers.

"Let's get this done," she whispered back, and his fingers tightened on her leg.


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