Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 78: The Love of a Best Friend

Chapter 78: The Love of a Best Friend


As the men relaxed and began to socialize now that their traditions were done, Reth thanked each of them. But the hair on the back of his neck stayed at attention because his Second, his best friend, continued to stare at him with dark eyes.

When Reth had finally made it through the others, Behryn approached and asked him to go for a walk. They said farewell to the others, Reth weathered a couple more jokes about how long it had taken him to convince his wife to mate, then he and Behryn stepped out into the daylight scattered under the trees of the forest.

Reth didn't speak, waited for his friend to find the words he was searching for.

Finally, Behryn snorted and asked, "Were you honest back there? Did you choose her for the sacrifice—or lead someone to it?"

"No. I had no idea until I stepped into the clearing and recognized her."

Behryn's nose wrinkled, but Reth knew he'd scent how steady he was. There was no deception in him. "Then how did the wolves know to choose her? How did they know about her—I didn't even know about her!"

"I don't know, that's what I'm struggling with. They knew enough to understand that her death would be painful for me—even this many years on. But I haven't spoken to anyone about her in ten years. And the last person I did talk to was my mother… it just doesn't make sense." Reth rolled his head on his shoulders trying to loosen the tension in his neck. "But, short of finding a wolf that's willing to reveal tribal secrets, I don't know how to find out, either." They both snorted at that idea. The wolves—even the good ones—were first and foremost loyal to their family packs and clans. Their heart for Anima and its people ranked a very poor second.

"Why…" Behryn began, then chewed his lip for a moment, thinking… "Why didn't you tell me about her?"

Reth sighed. "Brother, we became close after I'd left the human world. I thought… At first I thought my care for her would grow cold. Once I accepted I wouldn't see her again, that she couldn't come to Anima… when I started to pursue other female company… there didn't seem much point talking to anyone about her. She was a fever-dream."

Behryn's eyebrows rose. "So, that's what changed!"


"When we were, what, fifteen? Sixteen? Until then you'd had all those grand ideas about saving yourself for your mate, remember? Then one day it was like a flip just switched and you were suddenly game. I poked you about it for months, but you just said you changed your mind."

"I did," Reth sighed. It had been his seventeenth birthday, actually. He remembered it well. For a variety of reasons.

"Why didn't you tell me after you chose her?" Behryn said.

"Because it all happened so quickly, I was… I didn't have time to think. When I saw her, we were already there. The Rite had to begin. I thought she was dead. I grieved. But when she survived… then I realized she didn't recognize me."

"How could she not?" Behryn demanded. "Your scent alone—"

"She doesn't scent, Behryn. Not in that way. She's very different to us. She relies on her eyes, and I've changed quite a bit since I was ten," he chuckled, but the laughter didn't last long. "And she was terrified. She didn't ask me until the next day whether we'd met before—she says now she had some inkling, but even in that it was only recognition. She couldn't place it. I dodged the question at the time."

"Does she know now?" Behryn asked.

"Yes, I spoke to her at length before that mess with the Silent One. I didn't want word getting out from the wolves and then she'd hear it from someone else…"

"This smacks of a plot far deeper than just trying to set you off-balance, Reth. They really expected this to achieve something."

Reth growled. "They expected that I would watch Lucine slay her, then mate Lucine, cementing her power over me—over even my past. It was a sinister move. Genius, if it had worked."

"The question is, how did they know that it would be powerful for you? How did they know you hadn't given up on her?"

"I don't know," Reth growled. "But it means I have to watch for anything else they may have learned that I'd thought was private. I don't mind telling you, friend, that I don't believe they're going to stop. I don't think things will settle down now that Elia is established. I need you to keep a close eye on them. Did we ever hear from the elders about the youth attack?"

"They're making all the right noises about kids running off on their own, and how they'll discipline them within the packs when they return from the camps, but I don't buy it, Reth. Those weren't hot-headed adolescents. Luerst is the son of Lucan's sister. You can't tell me that boy doesn't understand the political threads he pulled."

"More likely was assigned to pull," Reth muttered. Behryn nodded his agreement.

Behryn kept walking, his face set like stone. "Did you choose her for any reason beyond compassion, Reth?" he finally asked, quietly, but firmly.

"Yes," Reth said, his voice steel. "I've known since our childhood that her heart is… valuable. A heart like hers is needed by the Anima, Behryn. I don't know if it was the wars, or our isolation, but, I feel like we're becoming more of our Animal selves, not less. We need some humanity in our world. I'm certain of it."

"If it had been another human woman, would you have chosen her?"

"I can't know. That's the plain truth. I can't know. I do know that I felt a fierce sense of relief that it wasn't Lucine. But that I walked into that clearing convinced that it would be. So… I can only thank the Creator that he found another way."

"Lucine," Behryn huffed. "That was poorly done, Reth. Very poorly done."

Reth hung his head and clawed his hands through his hair. "I know. I regret it. Deeply."

Behryn sighed. "We need to stop scrambling, and start planning. The wolves aren't done."

Reth agreed. But he feared it was worse than that. He feared they were only getting started.


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