Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 73: Song & Dance

Chapter 73: Song & Dance


The crowd of watchers went silent as Behryn grinned and bowed with a flourish, his voice raised so everyone near the market could hear. "Our brother has found his mate!"

Everyone cheered again.

Reth smiled past gritted teeth. Elia tried to smile, but she was still staring at him with a question.

"The brotherhood requests your presence, O Majesty, Sire of our Nation, the Highest Name in all the Land—"

"Yes, yes, Behryn. An audience is granted," he muttered.

There were titters and boos that he'd stopped Behryn making a show. But his friend wasn't finished.

"Thank you, O Mighty, King Gareth Orstas Hyrehyn, the seventh in the Royal Line to take and hold the throne. As today marks the beginning of your kinship and the great reign of your Queen Elia Thorpe, we ask for a gift that can come only from your hand!"

Reth sighed. He'd known his brothers would take full advantage of this day, but this was just making a spectacle! They would pay for this.

"Do you have a gift for your people, O Mighty King?" Behryn was enjoying this too much.

"I will declare today a holiday," Reth ground out. "No trade, no training. Let the people feast and play."

The crowd cheered again, and the children's squeals were so loud, Elia winced, but she smiled and clapped with the littlest ones that rushed to her in their excitement.

For a split second, Reth saw her, heavy with cub, and pulling another youngster by the hand, her cheeks full and red, her skin glowing as she came to greet him.

He blinked and the mental picture faded, but the feeling it left jolted him to his toes and he gaped at her.

She frowned and stepped up close. "Reth, are you—"

"Thank you, fair Sire!" Behryn called with yet another ridiculous bow. "And now the brotherhood would take their audience with you, Mighty King, and leave your fair bride to the hands of the females for safe keeping."

"Just a moment," Reth said, then pulled Elia into his chest and bent her backwards over his arm, kissing her soundly.

He pulled her back up quickly, grinning at the befuddled look on her face, whispered, "Sorry, I thought we'd have more time," then passed her into the hands of Candace, who was smirking behind her.

"Pray us success and good tidings for the heart of Anima!"

"Pray thee well!" the people shouted in response. Then the men circled Reth and led him away, Elia staring, wide-eyed at his back. He waved to her from behind his brothers and begged the Creator not to let her be harassed too much without him there to settle things down.



As the men stomped and sang Reth away, Elia just shook her head. What the hell was going on? And why hadn't he told her he'd be leaving her to deal with facing all these people alone while they talked about her losing her virginity?

Candace tugged at her elbow as the men disappeared out of the market. She had a broad, warm smile and put her arm around Elia's shoulders which she'd never done before.

"Well done," she said quietly, then let Elia greet more of the children who wanted to bring her flowers, or touch her hand.

When they ran off, Elia turned to her. "I'm so confused. What's going on?"

Candace led her through the tables before they were interrupted again and waited until they were on the podium and seated before she answered. "The people are acknowledging your mating—and reign as Queen."

Elia shook her head. "Just because we had sex?"

Candace winked. "Normally," she said, "these celebrations would have happened the day after the mating ceremony. But since things have been delayed… well, let's just be grateful everything is finally as it should be," she said, and took a mouthful of fruit.

But Elia was still confused. "Where have they taken Reth? What are they going to do with him?"

Candace flapped a hand, the wide sleeve of her cloak floating in the breeze. "Oh, that's just some Alpha male bullshit," she said, wrinkling her nose. "Those males have some kind of secret code, or something. Every time one of them mates, the others make a big song and dance about it."

"Literally," Elia said dryly.

Candace laughed.

As Elia picked at her food and waved at more greetings Candace leaned into her ear. "So…. How was it?"

Elia felt her cheeks go hot again.

Candace squawked a laugh and slapped her thigh. "I knew he'd make us proud. I got a little worried when we hadn't heard the roar last night. You certainly left us all hanging."

"Heard the—you guys were waiting for that?"

Candace snorted. "We've been waiting for it every night for a week."

"That's just gross."

"In what way?"

"Who sits around waiting to hear that other people have had sex?"

"A people whose lives depend on their ancestry, the strength of their bloodlines, and the protection of their history," the bird-woman said frankly. "Elia, I know this is very different to your world, but at some point you must try to see things from our point of view. We have not travelled to your world, you have travelled to ours."

"Against my will," she muttered.

Candace frowned. "You would choose otherwise, if you could?" Her voice held an edge of warning.

"No, not now. I mean… Reth… No, I don't want to leave. I just meant, it's a little rough expecting me to roll over and become Anima when I wasn't given a choice in the matter."

"Were you given a choice about the color of your skin?"

"No, but that's—"

"The color of your eyes, or the heritage of your parents?"

"No, that's not what I meant!"

"How about the time that you were born into—could you choose that?"

Elia folded her arms. "Those things are completely different!"

"Did you ever think to question them?"

"No, they—I just grew up that way. It never even occurred to me to…" she trailed off as Candace nodded and raised an eyebrow.

"You live, now, in a people whose lives have looked like this for millennium. You rule, now, over a people who have never seen your world, and would never hope to. Take your place, Queen Elia, without complaint. Or those of us who have been here all along may start to question why the honor was given to you."

Elia finished the meal in sheepish silence.


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