Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 670 - The Beauty Of You - Part 6

Chapter 670 - The Beauty Of You - Part 6


The wickedness of Reth's smile, the sheer pleasure in his gaze, and the edge of tension in his voice as he fought not to crest the wave because he wanted more too… it all conspired to slacken her jaw and make her whimper as Reth thrust—still slowly, but his fingers digging into the backs of her hips, pulling her hard against him with each roll.

And she loved it.

Her pleasure was building again, banking, making promises. And with it, the coil of something wild—that prowled forward in the wake of her release of all the fear that had held her back these recent weeks.

Had she just growled?

Pulling his head back by his hair, Elia let her teeth scrape along the stubble of his jaw as she ground into him.

"Move… away… from the wall… just a little," she gasped without letting his head go.

Reth moaned, but did as she asked, scooting himself out from the wall. With a sigh of pleasure, Elia opened her legs and wrapped them around his waist, pulling him harder against her with her heels, and huffing the mating call so that it echoed off the cavern walls.

"Oh, fuck, Elia," Reth growled, and picked up the pace so that the water began to ripple around them.

For some time she got lost in sheer sensation of it all—his head back and throat bared to her, her hands gripping his hair, her mouth on his neck, and always, always, that delicious rolling between them. But soon, her own pleasure grew again—from the languid, tingling pleasure after her orgasm, to the new, sparkling promise of another.

She leaned back to watch him and Reth called to her, his mouth open and teeth bared, his fingers clutching at her, digging into her sides as she rode him, the fight for his restraint raising the tendons in his neck, the veins on his shoulders and arms, and the sight of him like that—abandoned and desperate, raising her need.

The urge was within her to take him—to dominate him. But there was also the yearning heart to submit, to be taken, and her body swung wildly between forcing herself onto him, and yielding to him.

"Reth… what is… happening to me?"

"It's your beast," he growled with a smile. "She wants to play."

With a tortured moan, Elia let go of his hair and wrapped her arms around his neck again as Reth raised his head, smiling, panting. She was uncertain if the bead of moisture that rolled down from his temple was water or sweat, but it was a joy to watch it slide down his cheek to his jaw, then roll down his neck to disappear into the slices of pooled water that rose and fell in time with their joining, collecting where her chest was flattened against his.

"I don't want to be the beast," she said hurriedly, her eyes beginning to close. "I want to be your mate… I want to love you… To show you… how I feel."

With a hum of approval, Reth brought a hand up to hold her head against, taking her in a soft, but daring kiss, the tip of his tongue dancing under her lip as he pulled away.

"I want that too," he growled. "Because… shit, Elia… you feel amazing."

"I love you, Reth. With everything I have."

"I love you to my soul, Elia. You have no idea."

But she did… she did. She understood. Because that was the beauty of their love—they both gave all their hearts. And that, she realized, was neither of them was ever left adrift. Because while her heart cradled his, his cradled hers.

Neither of them snatched their hearts back. Neither of them built fences around themselves.

Something in Elia's heart that had been tense, tired, and afraid for so many months, suddenly sighed and let go. She felt it release, felt her soul sing with it.

No matter what happened, no matter where they ended up, Reth would always love her.


And she would always love him. Because they both chose to make that true.

Tears of joy threatening, Elia leaned her forehead on his, kissed his lips, then opened her eyes. "Take me, Reth, please," she whispered. "Take me and hold me and have me. Because I'm never more alive than when I'm with you."

With a roar of pleasure and heat, he took her mouth, his thick arms wrapping around her and pulling her into him as he thrust again, and again, and again. And as they both lost themselves in the sheer thrill of their bodies, she couldn't kiss him anymore, needed her mouth open to breathe.

But instead, his lips hovering over hers, tingling, brushing, his tongue flickering to find hers, to taste her lips, they shared everything.

Their bodies.

Their hearts.

Their breath.

As when Reth roared his climax and his massive body tensed, Elia pulled him as tightly to her as she was able, leaving no space between their skins, allowing no cold to slide its blade between them.

She clung to him in his moment of utter vulnerability as his body shook and his mind was consumed, and thanked the Creator for making him for her.

And she prayed that somehow, some impossible way, the Creator would never take him from her. That she would never have to walk a day in a world that didn't include him.

And as they both recovered from their release, as Reth's eyes found hers, and his hands traced her jaw, as they both sank into the perfect moment they had just shared, Elia silently lifted up her daughter too. Praying that, one day, Elreth would find herself in the arms and heart of a man who would love her with similar abandon.

Elia smiled, and Reth tilted his head.

"What is it?" he asked, still panting.

"Nothing," she said quickly. "I just can't wait to see what the future brings."

Reth's eyes narrowed, but he smiled. "As long as it has you in it, neither can I," he said softly.

Elia sighed happily. "I love you, Reth."

"I love you too, Elia."


Reth smiled as only he could, his eyes crinkling and jaw so strong. Then he stroked her cheek with his thumb and rumbled, "Even in eternity, Love."

*** THE END (for now) ***

BUT DON'T SAY GOODBYE YET! This isn't the only story from Anima! Elreth exists, and there are already hundreds of chapters in her love story available! (And maybe some rather prominent appearances of her parents...) Come check it out in "Taming the Queen of Beasts" NOW! (Also... keep this book in your library in the event of spontaneous author treats later... just sayin'....)

To find me on social media, or direct links to my other books, go to linktr.ee/aimeelynn !


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