Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 635: Alpha of All

Chapter 635: Alpha of All

BEAST IS SAYING GOODBYE (Sob) and because of that, Reth doesn't need your powerstone or Golden Ticket votes anymore! If you'd like to support me as an author, please consider transferring your votes/GT to my new book "Rise of the Dark Alpha." But if not, then use them on a different author/book because they're FAR more valuable to a book that is ongoing! Thank you for ALL your support this year. I am humbled and amazed!



The world went utterly silent to Reth's ears. He heard nothing but his own breath, his heart slamming, throbbing in his head as his mate, his beautiful, magnificent mate, snapped the neck of the wolf and did not let go, closing its windpipe with her jaws, bearing him to the ground then crouching over him, growling as he wriggled and whined but couldn't get free.

Around her a wave of wolves appeared, howling and slavering, the bloodlust upon them as they leaped towards her in defense of their brother—and Reth couldn't reach her in time. He was too far behind, and there were too many. Everything within him screamed against the death descending on her and their cub, lights sparked behind his eyes as terror lit his veins.

He threw himself forward, despairing, knowing he would never reach her before they did.

Her jaws still on the wolf—and the light in his eyes dying as he shifted back to human form—Elia's beast crouched over him, snarling, her ears flat back against her skull, belly to the dirt and tail lashing. She flinched instinctively as the wolves leaped for her—but didn't move. She would not release her kill to meet their attacks… and there were too many of them for her take victory, anyway.

A cry of sheer pain tore from Reth's throat as his entire world looked set to crash into darkness.

In a split-second he saw her blood, her death, in a million ways and everything within him resisted—demanded—that she not be taken.

He heard nothing, though he knew he shouted for her, knew the wolves howled, knew the prey Anima fled screaming… he saw nothing but the wolves flashing teeth and great leaps through the air towards her.

And he knew nothing but fear that incinerated in an instant, flashing to white-hot fury and the certainty that his mate and cub would not die this day. He would not allow it.

The roar that bellowed from his throat shook the market as he shoved forward.


His alpha power exploded from him in a rippling wave that hit every Anima present and sent them to their knees.

The market echoed with thuds and thumps as Anima knelt in submission in the same moment the wave of wolves yelped and dropped to the floor of the market—on her, around her, near her—but to a man they flinched, snarling, licking their lips and hunching, eyes squeezed shut and head down.

Not one broke her skin with teeth or claws.

Shuddering with the force of the alpha strength vibrating in his bones, Reth did nothing for a moment, standing there in the silence of his own heartbeat, defying any of them to resist him.

None did.

Heart still pounding—stuttering with fury and fear—he walked forward, eyeing the wolves that circled her. They all leaned away from him as he passed, still licking their lips, or returning to human form, bowed and panting, their bodies shaking with the force of his strength.

"Your Queen shows herself," he said, his voice low and thick with the force required to keep his own beast in check. "Stand, Anima, and see her! See the truth of her and her newfound strength—Elia is Anima! And you will not defy her. You will not touch her, or our cub. She is your Queen in heart, and in body. Bow to her!"

Everyone in the market who did not already have their face to the floor, obeyed.

Relief threatened to make Reth's knees give.



Deep within her beast, aware and not aware, feeling and not, hearing and in silence, Elia saw her mate, strong and proud. Felt the strength of him—his presence, his sheer will—flatten the people to the floor, and her heart sang.

This was true strength. She yearned for him, weeping with gratitude for his power, his willingness to give himself to danger on her behalf—and his ability to call the people to heel with him.

Within the beast she wanted to speak, to tell him how she admired him… how she wished to be like him. But she couldn't make the words. Instead, through the beast's eyes, she watched him scan his people, stand over her to share his power with her… and then she finally understood.

This was his greatest power. Not the strength of his body, though it was formidable. Not the charisma he carried, though it drew his people closer.

He was not King because of his beauty. He was King, because of his heart. They submitted, all of them, even those in rage, even those in grief.

They knew… they knew that he was true. And that whatever he might believe, he would not sway from it. And he would take down any that sought to defy him.

This was dominance. It was his conviction. His willingness to step always into what was right, and to stand in it alone, in the face of any attack, any enemy.

And she finally understood. This was her freedom. This was her release from fear. She did not need to batter at her beast. She did not need to plead. She didn't need to scream, or fly into a rage.

She understood, and let herself settle into what she knew.

She knew that her mate was true. That her body was hers. And that no matter what was to come, she wanted to meet it at Reth's side. That she could allow the beast to carry her through this, but that the truth, the life, would always be hers.

She was Queen. She was Anima. And she was the proud and willing mate of this incredible male.

Heart singing with love for her mate, her husband, her Pair, Elia made the beast drop the infected wolf's body. Like all the Anima, she would follow her husband.

Aching and groaning, she forced the beast to submit—to bow head and shoulders to Reth. Her heart swelled when his eyes widened when he caught sight of her.

But as she pushed the beast back to her feet, intending to follow him back to the cave, something within the beast's body just… gave.

In a blinding flash, Elia came back to herself—and her body exploded in pain that tore a shriek from her throat.

Everything went black.


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