Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 628: Banished

Chapter 628 - Banished


With a guttural snarl, Reth was off the sleeping platform and landing on the stone floor of the cave in front of Behryn in a single leap.

"Reth!" Aymora growled, exasperated.

Behryn immediately submitted, dropping his chin and taking a knee as Reth stood over him, chest and shoulders heaving, his roar of dominance echoing through the bedchamber.

"Get. OUT!"

"Yes," Behryn breathed, then turned, his eyes still down and darted out of the room.

"You too, Reth!"

"I—what?!" he snarled, whirling—to find Aymora storming the few steps towards him, her eyes flashing and hair flying, like some avenging angel.

"Out! Out!"

"I will not leave my mate!" he growled.

"You will, and you must. Get out there, burn off some steam and don't come back here until you can be a calm and soothing influence."


"Now, Reth!" Aymora barked, shoving at his chest so he stumbled back in shock. His rage surged again then, and he braced so she couldn't push him off his step again. But she only stopped, with her fists on her hips and hissed at him. "We need to examine her anyway, so it's better if you leave for a short time. This whole day is going to be long and frightening. For both of you. Get out there and get rid of your desperation. Then return to her when you can be a servant."

His instinct was to fight, to roar, to throw Aymora aside and return to his mate—which was exactly why he forced himself to turn and follow Behryn out the door of the bedchamber and into the tunnel.

He couldn't do it to her, he realized. He couldn't make this about himself or his fears. He had to… he had to do something.

"Reth," Aymora said, her voice tight. He turned to look at her. Her face was serious and worried. "You can't protect her from this."

Every fiber within him fought that statement—and wanted to swipe the look of empathy and fear from Aymora's face.

"Come back when you're calm," she said softly, then closed the door.

Reth wasn't sure how long he stood there, staring at it, but at some point he blinked, then turned on his heel and stumbled down the tunnel towards the main cave.

There were quiet, rumbling male voices in the Great Room. He could hear them the moment he paid attention. And sure enough, when he reached the dining area, three of them turned—Behryn, Brant, and one of the young males that had been appointed for training as Elia's personal guard before he sent her back to the human world. His name was… his name was Tarkyn, Reth thought. What was he doing here?

"I'm sorry, Reth," Behryn said quietly as he approached. "I'd forgotten about her desire for… modesty."

Reth held his best friend's gaze for a long moment, then shook his head. "What's going on?" he asked, without responding to Behryn's apology.

Behryn frowned, but glanced at Tarkyn. "Everyone heard your alarm, Reth. There's disruption in the City because people are feeling insecure and wondering what's happened. I sent word with Huncer and they'll be informed. But in the meantime, I'm placing guards all the way across the meadow, and sending patrols through the City to make sure we don't have any dissidents trying to take advantage of your distraction."

Reth nodded. That was a good idea. He hadn't thought about it when he'd raised the alarm. All he'd been able to think about at all was getting help to Elia.

His mind flashed images of her back there, writhing in pain and unable even to scream—the pale gauntness of her face, her sweaty, graying skin and protruding stomach.

Creator's Light, he couldn't lose her. He wouldn't!

"What's going on, Reth?" Brant asked, his voice thin and husky.

"Elia can't shift," he blurted, without looking up. "The babe is a cub and… it's causing her great pain."

"Oh, Reth… I'm so sorry."

Reth shook his head. Normally, he would have found the older male's presence a comfort. But when their eyes met, Reth saw understanding there, the light of empathy, and he remembered Brant's story, and everything within him recoiled.

Shuddering with the renewed urge to bite something, he snarled, "Don't," and started through the cave towards the door.

"Reth, you need to—"

"That's not what is happening, Brant. I'm not listening," he growled back, throwing the cave door open and storming out into the meadow.

He didn't miss the thud of the males feet behind him, Behryn and Tarkyn speaking hushed and low, but not pushing into the conversation as they all followed Reth outside into the sunlight where he staggered to a halt.

The day was beautiful—bright and nearly cloudless, the last of the bright red autumn leaves hanging onto the trees, while the evergreens glittered in the chill, golden sun.

The world had no business being beautiful today when Elia was in danger. None!

Reth turned left and started across the meadow, along the mountain's curve. He needed to run, or fight, or something. But he didn't want to run into anyone. Couldn't think about someone else in that moment, or help them.

Fuck. Elia.

He shook his head and picked up his pace. But Brant was right on his heels.

"Reth, let me talk to you."


"I can help you. I've been where you are—"

"No! NO!" He roared and whirled, shoving Brant in the chest. The older man staggered back a step. "You have not been here—I am not there! That is not what's happening here!"

Brant's hands were up, palms facing him. "Reth, I'm not saying Elia will definitely die, but let me—"

"NO!" Reth shoved him again with a snarl, and a dark, deep growl began in Brant's chest as the older man, the leader of the Elders and Security council, and the male that Reth admired more than any other, save his own deceased father, stood his ground.

"Do not push me, Reth. Find your control."

"No! No, I won't! You can't say that, you aren't right. I am not living your story—that was your story! This is mine!" Reth bellowed and shoved the male again.

But Brant didn't give. Their eyes locked and even though Reth could see the light of love in Brant's gaze, it was the fire of strength that flared as he stood up to his King.

"This is the story the Creator has chosen for you—no matter where it ends—"



"I said LEAVE ME!" Reth roared and launched himself at Brant.


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