Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 626: Don’t Stop Praying

Chapter 626: Don’t Stop Praying


Reth raced back to the cave, leaving the messenger in his dirt, his heart slamming against his ribs even in his beast as he ran home, terrified and raging. He shifted back into human form as he raced past the guards in the meadow and entered the cave, almost running smack into Jayah rushing out.

She caught him as he apologized and stepped to go around her, but she called him back, "No! Reth! Stop! Listen! I have to warn you."

He stopped dead, the urgency in the wolf's voice making his heart stutter again.

He turned, panting. "What? What is it?"

Jayah swallowed, but met his gaze evenly. "She can't shift."

He blinked. "But—is she—"

"No, no, She isn't dying, no, I meant because she took the tonic this morning. She hasn't been able to shift since the labor started. For a while the baby was human, but it has shifted recently and it's causing her a lot of pain."

"So, what can we do?!"

Jayah looked at him, her eyes full and round with sympathy.

Reth reared back. "No."

"Reth, we can't force the shift with another tonic—the two will act against each other and it could cause danger for both of them. We have to pray that the cub shifts back in time and can... can stay human long enough for delivery. "

Reth stood there, stunned. She wasn't saying... she couldn't be saying... "What happens if... if she doesn't?"

Jayah's grip on his arm tightened. "The cub won't fit," she said. She smiled, but she had tears in her eyes. "Your daughter is strong, Reth. Very strong. You should be proud. She has grown so quickly, and her mother has carried her so well. All that is left for us to do now is pray—pray for the baby to shift, and for the mother to not lose heart. But they are both strong. I just… you needed to know."

Reth gaped at her and couldn't speak. His mind was stuck, the images she'd put there playing, and replaying. He kept denying them, refusing them, because they could not be right.

He knew… he had seen… he knew what happened to a mother who couldn't deliver. And what happened to their child.

Both were lost.



Reth shoved away from the wolf, growling. "No. You can't… You don't… that's not right. That isn't—"

"Reth, I'm not saying we're there. I'm saying it's something we need to be praying about because there's nothing more Aymora or I can do."

"No. Shut up. Stop saying that. Elia is going to be fine. Elreth will be fine! They just… I have to go to them!" His heart pounded in his ears as he turned, sucking at the air. There wasn't enough air—

"Reth, please!" The wolf's voice rang with alarm and yanked him to a stop after he'd turned to run from her. "You cannot cause Elia stress, Reth. You have to see her and love her and be calm. Do you understand? She needs to be as calm as she can be, so Elreth will be calm, and will shift back into her human form. That's… that's the best chance we have."

"Okay," he croaked. "Okay. I'll… okay."

But as he turned to walk shakily into the cave, to find his mate and take her hand and do anything he could to help her through this, something inside him broke open and Reth almost fell into the cave wall as his heart shuddered with fear… and grief.



"Elia, no," Aymora said, her chin trembling, shaking her head. "You cannot ask that of me. You're my daughter!"

"You know I can't live through this if she doesn't shift back. I can't."

"We aren't there yet, Elia. I refuse to—"

"Listen to me!" she hissed through her teeth. "Reth will never forgive himself if something happens to me. And he'll never make the call. You have to do this, Aymora. You have to promise me. We do this in my world every day—it is commonplace! Have you ever cut a baby out before? Do you know how to reach them safely?"

"Only when the mother has died and… and only… Elia—"

"Good, good, then you know. You know where to cut and how… Aymora, if there's a choice to be made, you will make it for her. Do you hear me? You will not let her die because I am still living. We both know how this ends if we don't get her out."

"The choice of who lives and who dies is not mine to make!" Aymora gasped.

Elia gripped her hands. She could feel another contraction coming. She needed to get her mother's promise before she was unable to speak again.

"The choice is mine. And I choose her!"

"But this is not your world! We cannot heal you quickly enough, you will die before—and the pain, Elia!"

"I don't care. If Elreth is at risk and can't fit through, even if I'm still alive, you get her out, Aymora. You don't let him lose both of us, do you hear me?! If he loses both of us it will kill him and then we're all gone!"


"AYMORA, PLEASE!" Elia shrieked. Then the muscles in her stomach caught and she was struggling again. Another contraction coming. "Please," she gasped. "He'll never make the decision. I am making it. You have to promise me, please."

Aymora's face crumpled and she dropped her head back. But as Elia continued to beg, she nodded and leaned forward, resting her temple on the crown of Elia's head, holding her hands.

"You are a strong, beautiful lioness, my daughter," she whispered. "If the day has come for you to meet your Creator, He will look on you with delight for the love you give." Her breath caught and she hugged Elia to her chest.

"Promise me," Elia hissed, through clenched teeth.

"I promise," Aymora said. "I promise you, Elia. I will save Elreth."

Elia sighed with relief as Aymora curled her arms around her and they held each other for a moment, both of them in tears.

Then Aymora leaned down, wiping Elia's tears from her cheeks. "Ready yourself," she whispered, her eyes shining with pride and fear. "One way or another, you're about to have a daughter. And I can tell you, beyond the love of your mate there is nothing better in the world."

Elia's joy lasted only a second before she screamed as another contraction hit and she was buried in pain.


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