Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 595: In the Shadow of Fear - Part 6

Chapter 595: In the Shadow of Fear - Part 6

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Reth told the members of the Security Council that were still present that the council would convene at his cave the following morning.

Under the circumstances, he'd decided he would not leave Elia alone unless the need was dire. The temptation, when he left the Security Building, was to simply run home to Elia, there and then. But he knew Lerrin needed to be prepared, and his injuries tended. If it became obviously Elia would be able to shift soon, he had to get Lerrin out of the City.

He needed to find Suhle and warn her.

The skin of the back of his neck tightened as he turned away from the trail home, and towards the Prison trees instead, but he had to find Suhle and get the information to her without anyone overhearing. And he would not leave the cave tomorrow if it could be helped.

So, with his jaw aching from clenching his teeth so tightly, he forced himself to run to the Prison Tree and, waving the guards aside, walked into Lerrin's tree to find the pair wrapped up under thin blankets on the floor.

They'd obviously heard him coming. Lerrin sat up, leaning on one hand, his other hand on Suhle's hip, as if to pull her back and away from danger. Though she was clearly the stronger of the two of them in that moment. Even in the moonlight Lerrin looked pale and shaky. They hadn't done him any favors taking him to the meeting that day.

"Suhle," Reth said quietly. There was no need to instruct her. She would come to him, he knew.

He was surprised, though, how slowly she got to her feet, urging Lerrin to rest without her.

The male eyed Reth, but didn't protest, though Reth could feel the frustration and tension in him at being left behind while she accompanied another male.

Reth was sympathetic to the feeling, but it was of no consequence. Suhle had been his eyes and ears for years. Lerrin was just going to have to get used to that.

After placing a waterskin within reach for Lerrin, Suhle trotted across the floor—she'd been fully dressed in their embrace—and he ushered her back out of the tree. The guards looked at them curiously, but Reth only glared to turn them away.

Neither of them spoke as he walked her deep into the forest, then stopped in a small clearing, listening and scenting, until he was certain they hadn't been followed.

"You need to prepare," he muttered finally, without preamble. Suhle's eyes went wide. "The decision was made tonight that we will release Lerrin—banish him—but he will have to leave the WildWood completely. I have ensured that no one outside of that room will know this decision ahead of time. His injuries… we won't risk the wolves, or anyone else learning that he's leaving and deciding to take retribution. But I also do not know exactly when this will happen. He needs a healer, and to rest. You need to help him, Suhle. Once he is released, he will not receive protection."

She nodded, her lower jaw sagging open. "Thank you," she breathed.

Reth shrugged. "It's the right decision. But don't expect any assistance, Suhle. Whatever you need, whatever is necessary, you will have to carry it with you. Including whatever he might need to help with healing. Get a wise woman to him tomorrow. I don't like how much pain he has remained in after two days."

"I will, I agree. I already insisted," she said faintly.

Reth nodded. "There are other issues that will affect when we release him and we can't know those in advance. You must make yourselves ready, and remain ready."

Suhle sucked in a breath, but nodded quickly. "I will organize everything," she said.

"Quietly," he warned, thought he knew it wasn't necessary with her. "We can't let anyone get wind of his movement."

"I understand, Reth. No one wants his safety more than I do, I assure you."

Reth let himself smile a small smile then. "I am happy for you, Suhle. And happy he has obviously pulled his head out of his ass and accepted the bond. I will be praying for a long and peaceful life for the two of you."

"Thank you, Reth," she beamed. "And I'm sorry I won't be here to continue helping you."

"Well, about that," Reth said quietly. "I do have an idea…"


They talked for half an hour, at the end of which, Suhle looked shaky, but also resolved. Reth was relieved. He hadn't wanted to tell even the elders about what he'd thought—another way to smooth lines between the tribes and potentially aid peace. But he also knew he couldn't force the wolves to accept his proposal.

"Talk to Lerrin," he said quietly. "He will have to want this. It does no good if he would reject it."

She nodded. "I will find a way. But… just know, Reth. Even though he leads reluctantly, he is Created for it. It is in every thought and every decision to step forward in rightness. He was blinded for a time about the direction of the path. But now… he is the best male you could expect for this."

Reth shrugged, though he suspected she was right. "Just… make sure he knows he gets to leave regardless. I am not forcing him to this."

"I know. I'll make sure."

They stared at each other then. Reth assumed she was remembering, as he was, all that had passed between them over the years. He saw her like a daughter—or perhaps a younger sister was more accurate. The sister he'd never had. He cherished her goodness and wanted to protect her. He also wanted her to be happy.

"You are not banished, Suhle. Remember that. No matter what, there will always be a place for you in my Kingdom."

"Thank you, Reth," she said, tears springing into her eyes. "Thank you."

They hugged, then turned away from each other. Suhle dashed the tears from her eyes as she darted back the way they'd come.

Then Reth, with a sigh of relief, shifted into his beast and ran back home to Elia.


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