Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 584: Inspire - Part 3

Chapter 584: Inspire - Part 3


He got Suhle back just in time for dinner. He almost skipped the meal himself, considering running straight to Elia with what he'd learned. But he knew she was always tired this late and likely sleeping. Plus, Reth would be home by now. He hadn't stayed away from her for more than a handful of hours since she'd returned. Perhaps he would try to see her after the meal, or get a message to her to call for him when she was awake and alone.

Then he ran into Robbe as he entered the Tree City.

"Hey, are you coming to dinner?"

It was a good time to be seen. He hoped to try the traverse soon, so he'd need to disappear the following day, then reappear before he left again. Gahrye clasped forearms with Robbe as he reached his side and nodded.


They chatted casually as they walked to the market together and were greeted by several of the other disformed.

Gahrye wanted to correct himself in his head when he thought of them that way, but he was starting to see the risk in doing so. If he kept thinking the word "Protectors," one day he would slip.

It was becoming clear to him why their ancestors had hidden this secret, even from the Anima themselves. It was far, far too easy to reveal something unintentionally. So with a reluctant sigh he gave himself permission to keep referring to the disformed as disformed.

He prayed he would see the day when everyone would know exactly what, and how valuable, they truly were.

The meal was well underway when they arrived, but their friends remained in their seats even when they'd finished eating. Everyone was abuzz with Gahrye's return, and the unification of the wolves and their allies with the rest of the Tree City. The top table where Elia and Reth would usually sit, along with himself, he supposed, and the other Cohorts, was empty. They were all at the meeting… or in bed.

Gahrye frowned. He had been so consumed with his own purpose, Elia, and his yearning to get back to Kalle, he hadn't taken the time to gather with the people. He looked around. Seeing the royal table empty was odd, yet no one was commenting on it… perhaps things had changed while he was gone? Or perhaps they just understood that this was a tense time and the leaders would be called away a great deal.

Or did they?

While his friends laughed and joked, teasing each other about their unlikelihood of finding True Mates, Gahrye turned to face the market and inhaled, praying for the Creator's insight. What he found was encouraging, as well as frightening.

The people were a tangle. Underlying the chaos within them was something he could only describe as relief. The people had been in fear and now felt that the danger was less. They rested in that. To some degree. He sniffed again. Yes, the heart was there to find peace, to unify, and to move into a new age.

But suspicions—anxiety about their fellow Anima—ran high and tensions with it.

He could feel the lines between tribes trembling, pulled close by some, and thrown wide by others.

Everyone wished for peace. Only some believed it was possible. And that made everyone nervous.

Gahrye considered walking through the market, reading different groups in greater detail, but he didn't want to create suspicion if people noticed him. So he didn't move, but scanned the tables nearby until he found a family of wolves who had been part of the rebellion. At first he scented them to read them, to find where their hearts lay. But the tiniest edge of another scent nearby tickled at the back of his neck and settled uneasily in his gut.

Those wolves at that table were self-protective, worried about attacks or retaliation from others. But they desired to be there in peace…

No, the scent that made him uneasy came from somewhere else.

Gahrye kept turning his head until it became clear it was from behind him. He even got to his feet and started around the table. The scent was so fine, so… vague, it was hard to follow.

He'd just stepped into the aisle and was headed towards the next line of tables when a deep voice said, "I'm glad you're here, come with me." And a massive hand closed on his shoulder.

To his surprise, Gahrye turned to find Reth, his formal vest on, and his eyes dark with purpose and… something that made Gahrye want to submit.

"Reth… good to see you. How is Elia?" Gahrye asked as he turned.

Reth frowned. "You haven't been with her this afternoon?"

"No. I thought you would have—"

"Shit. No. The meeting went on and on. I know Aymora sent Jayah to be with her this morning. I hope Jayah stayed. Shit," Reth muttered, his hands fisting at his sides as he tipped his head for Gahrye to follow and started down the aisle, towards the front stage.

Garhye sighed. He really, really didn't want to go to the front table. But when he looked back over his shoulder his friends were applauding and smiling, excited that he'd been singled out by the King. He nodded at them once, then turned back to follow Reth to the stairs at the side of the stage.

"Are you able to go to her as soon as the meal's done?" Reth asked him in a bare whisper, under the noise of the market.

"Of course. I could go now if—"

"No, I need you here right now," Reth said. "But I have to leave as soon as we're done because the joint council is still meeting and they're… they're deciding something. I need to be there to let them remember me and why I have advised them as I have," he said cryptically, staring out at the people from under his heavy brows as they reached the table. Reth didn't sit, so Gahrye stood alongside him, waiting.

"When we're done… can you head over there? If she's resting, leave her. But if she's not, send me a messenger if she needs me. I will leave the meeting if I have to."

"Yes. Of course."

"Thank you." Then Reth finally turned to meet his eyes and stared as if he'd only just noticed him there.

Gahrye waited, his stomach trilling as Reth cleared his throat and licked his lips like he was trying to choose his words very carefully.


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