Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 577: Rooting Out Evil - Part 1

Chapter 577: Rooting Out Evil - Part 1


Throughout his life—and especially his rule—having Behryn challenge him had been a welcome honing of his skills and ideas. An agreement between them that they would always speak the truth to each other, keep each other accountable, and in that way, ensure that they were leading rightly.

It was one of the things he'd always loved most about his brother-of-the-heart. Behryn had never been intimidated by his strength, or enamored by his power. Behryn challenged him when he needed challenging, and had his back in the aftermath, regardless of what Reth chose to do.

But this… this was a slap in the face.

His brother didn't challenge him to sharpen the iron of his sword. His brother didn't challenge him to bring him down a peg because he'd become arrogant.

His brother was questioning him. Considering leaving him. And doing so in front of others.

Reth had to swallow a growl, then wanted to slap himself. This was Behryn!

But something had changed. The light in his brother's eyes wasn't amused, or cautioning. The light in his brother's eyes was anger.

What was coming of them?

Reth measured his words very carefully.

"That anyone, wolves or not, might determine the Anima are better off without their ruler, or those at the top of the hierarchy, is not a new risk—"

"But surely one that you see is more present than it has ever been before—at least, during your rule!" Behryn snapped.

Reth's jaw went hard and he leaned closer to his friend, the warning in his eyes as well as his tone.

"Let. Me. Finish."

Behryn's jaw rolled, but he gave a tight nod.

Reth stared at him a moment longer, his heart breaking, before he turned his head to address the rest of them. "The risk of anarchy, of rebellion, of assassination is with every leader, and every ruler, throughout time, and our measures to defend against these threats should not change. And yes, should be even more diligent during this time of such upheaval.

"But my question is specific to our situation. We have a Tribe among us whose culture and priorities lean heavily into their family groups. This darkness within them… this evil infecting them… how did it start? And how can some members of family receive it while others do not? How do we identify those who are dark, and those who are merely misguided?"

When no one else answered, Lerrin cleared his throat and give Reth a questioning look. Reth nodded for him to speak.

"Infection or not, darkness or not, all of us are dangerous under the circumstances. The right pressures. A gentle mother will become a snapping beast when her child is under threat. The wolves that stepped around the mindmeld this time weren't infected, they were convinced that what they were doing was right. In many ways, those are the more dangerous of the people.

"When an Anima believes their cause is right, their heart is true. They scent true. They act with valor. Until they take these steps that are violent, there is no warning, because what they hide, they hide for reasons that allow their conscience to be clear."

Reth rubbed his chin, scratching at the growth that he needed to trim but had been distracted from by Elia's return.

Then he sighed. "You're right, of course. Any of us can do wrong when we are deceived, or misguided in our understanding. Believing we're right can make us blind." Then he caught Behryn's eyes. "Or even when those we love believe it. It can… sway our hearts so that we don't see the damage we're doing."

Behryn blinked, then his jaw hardened.

"I am the perfect example of this," Lerrin said quietly. The room went very still as every member present stared at the former Wolf Alpha. "I regret it now, but it is important for this council to understand that when we, the wolves, embarked on this journey, there was no talk of mutiny or power for the sake of it. The wolves were hurting, and as Alpha, my father worked to strengthen them.

"That took him down a path that, sadly, corrupted his heart. But I didn't know that when it was occurring. I'd been shown the vision of the future—wolves with pride and strength, not hamstrung by tribal lines, or contending powers. I believed in that vision. And when my family died in the pursuit of it, my grief… it was impossible in those early days to see anything but that they were martyrs to a valuable cause. That I would lead the wolves to victory, to strength.

"I regret it now, of course. When I see where it took us. But that is the danger of walking into conflict with ideals… When you face an enemy, or when the circumstances bear down, fighting those you have identified as the problem seem like the solution. If you cannot see the darkness that drives your mind, or the minds of those around you… it blinds you.

"Now… months later, with calm and humility, I can see where I turned wrongly. Where I was blind. Where I was arrogant—or choosing victory over truth. But in the moment? I could not see that. Had you spoken with me in those days… I believed myself working with honor and justice, to rectify wrongs. This is the true danger.

"The wolves that are dark and infected, they are insidious. They will pursue their ends—but their means will reveal them. And they are weakened by the loss of their brothers and sisters. However, the wolves that see themselves as being right and true… those are the ones who might erupt—declare a vision for others and bring them along. That is where the truest danger lies. And I say that because, knowing how I thought and what I believed at the time, I cannot see how I would have made a different decision. Even now, wishing I had. Even as I see the deceit, I know what I believed and what was in my head. My motives were not bad, only my conclusions. How do you fight a war with an Anima's mind? That's what you have to ask yourselves. That's where the true battlefield now lays."

*** THE END IS NEAR - Got Questions? ***

I'm putting together a reader Q & A for the end of BEAST. If you have any burning questions about the characters, my writing, the process of telling the story, or me as an author, please ask them in the comments and I will add them to my list!


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