Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 43: What He Was Looking For

Chapter 43:What He Was Looking For


Her hands were everywhere, following the lines of his shoulders, his arms, his chest. She was panting, her shoulders rising and falling too fast as she clung and stroked and pulled him closer.

Thanking the Creator he'd undressed before this conversation started, he leaned down then, putting one hand behind her knees, the other at her back, and lifted her effortlessly. She squeaked as he did it, but he just chuckled and kissed her again. By the time he'd climbed the platforms to lay her down on his furs, she was liquid in his arms.

He kissed her a breath longer, before he would let her go. She arched into him, her breasts pressing into his chest as she clung to him and he breathed her name again.

How had he been so blind? He, the King, whose senses were so sharp. How had he missed it?

This… This was what he'd been looking for all this time.


And praise the Creator… as he laid her down on the plush furs of his bed it was very, very apparent that she wanted him back just as badly. He tried to speak, but had to clear his throat when nothing came out. "Elia, are you sure?"

"Reth, please," she gasped, but her hands were over her face. He'd laid her down and then knelt between her thighs, taking a moment just to look at her. She was smiling, but feeling self-conscious. "Please," she whispered, reaching for him, pulling him down. And he went willingly, purring as he stroked her, covered her with his body, arched over her to kiss her again and prepare her for the joining.

This was going to hurt her, which he regretted. He had to make sure she was ready. So he kissed her a great deal, letting his lips and tongue trace trails along her jaw, her neck, her collarbones. Letting his fingers stroke her breasts, her sides, the backs of her thighs.

She panted, and gasped, and began to roll under him, clearly searching for something, though perhaps unaware of what it was.

Then, as he slid his hand down to her softest, warmest places, and began to stroke and nudge, finding the rhythm that soon made her gasp and cry out, his breath began to tear from his own throat, his kisses lost their finesse.

Pulling back just far enough to get his hand between them, he took himself in hand and slid along her once, then twice, not entering her, but letting her get used to the feel of him. "Reth! Oh!" she gasped.

And then she rolled her hips to meet him.

A cry that was half-groan, half-roar broke from his throat. The Beast inside him snarling to be unleashed. He was terrified he'd scare her, but she just clung to him harder and gasped his name again.

Beating back the Lion inside, he forced himself to focus. "Elia," he croaked, "it's time." He swallowed convulsively. "This will hurt, I'm so sorry—"

"Don't be," she cried. "Oh, please, Reth, I want you. Please."

He buried his nose in the space where her neck met her shoulder and used his hand between them to make sure he was positioned correctly. "I love you, Elia," he whispered, nipping her neck. "I've loved you since I was a cub. Are you ready to belong to me?"


He took a deep breath—

—just as the door behind them burst open and Behryn shouted, "Reth, you have to—oh, shit!"

He whirled in a flash, putting himself on all fours, blocking the view of Elia with his body, snarling at the intruders, his body jolted with the shock and the thwarted release. A roar tore out of him, and Behryn and the four men with him all dropped to one knee, faces to the floor, hands up in surrender.

Reth shuddered, his body in a turmoil of conflicting desires—the urge to plunge into Elia, the battle to protect her, the rage at these males for the shock of their arrival, and a bloodlust to bite out each of their throats for being so close to his female when she was so vulnerable.

Elia made little noise, but she scrabbled behind him to find furs to cover herself as he shook with rage at the men.

"Get OUT!" he roared.

"I'm sorry, Reth," Behryn said in a tone that plainly wished he could do anything but be there, speaking. "But you're needed. Now."


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